Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Poor Wayfaring Stranger (Kamar)

The Force was mysterious and worked in odd ways. It led him places, often for reasons he didn’t know or couldn’t find out. This was one of them. Tiland had followed his instincts, picking ships as his gut suggested, and picking directions with the wind.

Now here he was. A small village on the edge of the Kamar Badlands, just outside the edge of the Sith Empire. Sun and heat baked his old skin and his hair was even whiter than usual.

Even by Anzati standards, he was getting old, certainly for having never consumed another being’s life force. And it was beginning to wear on him. He felt old. Every part of the roughly thousand years he lived now weighed on his shoulders.

Around him, the Kamarian Badlanders went about their daily business, pausing to stare at the old man wandering in from the desert. Tiland’s water gourd was empty and he paused to fill it at the well, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. Not far away, a ramshackle table sat underneath an awning, and Tiland took a seat, pouring the lukewarm water into his canteen.

This was where the Force had sent him, but why? Around him there was nothing but empty desert surrounding this town. And only a landing pad counted for the local shipyard. Was here to meet someone? Find something? Witness something?
Wild Space this had become her refuge to hide out wait for something new and then go where told, and look for what was supposed. Today of all days it was Kamar a step up from Narconis. What was she doing here.

A desert world that offered no comfort and threatened to take your life if you didn't tow the line.

Kamarians weren't always friendly either. Their society wasn't like anything Rekha was use to. So walking up to one and asking for help was daunting so she opted to look around on her own and try her best to avoid them. Their four arms and tail were formidable weapons and she wasn't ready to tangle with them.

The Badlands offered some intrigue Rekha however right now preferred to watch and see what was happening. There had been another ship but her ambition didn't make her go looking for it yet.
Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde

Tiland looked up from his seat, and wiped the sweat that was beading on his forehead away with the back of his sleeve. He could sense someone familiar. But who? And where? If they were humanoid, they'd be easy enough to spot, given their rarity. With one gnarled hand, he shaded his eyes and peered around the area. There was one. And it matched the presence he felt in the Force.

"Captain Kaarde?" Tiland called across the open plaza. "Is that you? What a coincidence that our paths crossed here. What brings you to Kamar?"
She thought she heard her name, she laughed nah i'm haring things. But she couldn't shake that feeling. It was that nagging feeling that crawled all over and made her turn and look.

Wow....she gave a genuine smile to him, " Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun you far from home." She walked towards him, "Do you need a ride home?" She wasn't sure what he was doing this far out. Could be anything Jedi were odd creatures pulled in all directions by sensations and whispers. She had to admit though some of them were really good at figuring out what was happening.

She stopped just a bit from him she wondered had he made any friends here among that Kamarians.
Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde

"Far from home?" Tiland chuckled softly and poured a cup of tea, holding it out to her. "I carry my home within me, wherever I go. It has many advantages. But I appreciate the offer, nonetheless." He gestured to a nearby seat that he snagged with his fingertips and pulled closer. "Come, join me. It is a pleasure to run across a friendly face."

He turned and swept his gaze across the town. "Something important is here, although I know not what it is yet. And what brings you here? So coincidentally at the same time?" He quirked an eyebrow at the idea of there being even the faintest concept of a coincidence.
Rekha was not one to refuse hospitality, "Nomad then. Nomad for a reason?" She was curious, "And yes it is good to run across someone I know in a place where I think folks are real tense." She smiled and hoped that those few remarks did not draw them the ire of someone listening.

"Me...Oh..." She couldn't tell him it was forbidden really. "I'm here scoping out new resources." It was as a good a response as she could come up with and it be close to the truth. She was here seeking intel, always and to feed it back to anyone who could use it.

"So you think there's something here that requires a look see?" She'd tag along what the feth besides she wouldn't want anything to happen to Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

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