Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A personal order

Daniel stood in the middle of the main office of Cerberus Enterprise, where he'd been told to meet the owner of the company. Not too long prior, he had ordered a custom firearm from them; one that fit his specifications for what he would be using in the future. Because of the weapon's look, and his powers as they were, he figured "Icebreaker" was a good name for it. Where he got the idea of naming weapons, he had no idea, but it was a nice thing. As he looked around, Daniel began to wonder why he'd been called here, and the gun wasn't just shipped to his previous location. What was so imperative that the owner of Cerberus Enterprise meet him? What exactly was going on that he didn't know about? Shaking his head, he sat in a nearby chair and lounged for a bit, thinking.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Main offices were actually rather small. Just a four story building that had been shaped up to allow others to come and see stock. It was here that I sat at one of the desks. Looking over a file for a weapon dubbed "Icebreaker" However, the name and address that was sent confused me. [member="Daniel Imura"]. I never heard of a Daniel that was part of my family. And there was only one place where an Imura could come from. And that was Kro Var. So either this was a lost sibling or relative of mine, or somebody was playing a cruel joke.

I was waiting when a secretary came up to the office saying that he was here. I simply nodded my head to indicate to bring him up to the office. Sitting here, I had a rather heavy and bulky slugthrower. White and black, rather comfortable. It was his, this Daniel's. However, he wouldn't know that till I gave it to him.

Sitting down in the chair, the gun in my hands, looking at it over and over as the secretary knocked on my door,

"Come in."

[member="Daniel Imura"]
When the secretary finally came to get him, Daniel sighed with relief. Finally, after sitting there for who knew how long. Getting up from the chair, he followed the woman into the next room, and waited patiently while she knocked on the door, and a muffled voice said to come in. When she opened the door, he nearly stopped in his tracks when he saw the man behind the desk with the gun. He knew him. No, wait. No he didn't... Something was playing with his head, no doubt. Walking into the office, he sat down across from the man. A name popped into his head then. Nickolas. Shaking it off, he tried not to show the conflicting emotion in his eyes. There was no way he knew the guy. Could it be... No. Maybe? Too soon to be sure. 'Just talk, dammit!', he chided himself. Only now did he realize he'd probably been staring into space again. "Oh, sorry. I'm Daniel. I take it you're the boss around here?" He eyed the gun in the man's hands. Either it was his own, just waiting to be delivered into his hands, or he was in serious trouble for something. What it could be, he didn't know.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Looking to the young man when he walked in, I could see a range of emotions rushing through his eyes and his form. And well, while he may not be a good person to hide a surprise, I was. He looked like a spitting image between myself, and Morna. He looked a lot like me when I was younger. He was still standing there as he saw the gun in my hand. With my left hand I indicated for him to take a seat.

"Ah you must be the young man who wanted to get a special weapon from me. Am I correct?"

I smiled a little. Standing up, I flipped the gun around my finger while still in the trigger guard as I walked over to him. it was when I stopped that I flipped the gun around for him to grab with the handle. It was unloaded to prevent him from firing at me. But still heavy due to the frame.

"This is yours. Icebreaker."

[member="Daniel Imura"],
As Daniel sat down in the chair, he watched the man across from him began twirling the weapon in his hand. Reaching over to grab it from his grip when it was finished, he hefted it in his own hand. The weight surprised him at first, until he remembered it was exactly as he'd ordered it. Icebreaker was its name. A fine weapon. As he began fiddling with it, he answered the question, his eyes never leaving the gun. "Yes, I ordered it. You've done an excellent job with it..." He trailed off as his eyes continued to run it over. The sight was great for distance, and what was that button there? He pressed it, and it broke in half to reveal the wheel inside, where eight rounds could be stored. "What's the estimated range, mister...?" He was clearly searching for a name, but not for the reason the older Imura would have thought. Daniel simply wanted to see if he was right about knowing him. He did recall a memory that had come to him a few times during his training; of Morna's younger brother. Could this be him? His senses told Daniel it was very likely. Closing the weapon with a very audible click, he allowed a small smirk. He'd enjoy every second of it.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Looking the young man over, I notice that he was not expecting the weight. I nodded as he asked what the range was. Asking for my name as well. If he really was an Imura, then he would know my name. Offering him my hand, I spoke,

"Imura. Nickolas Imura."

I waited for his reaction to my name. Knowing full well that he probably already did.

[member="Daniel Imura"]
Daniel reached over to shake the man's hand, though he could no longer suppress his thoughts. When he sat back down, he took a deep breath and started messing with the weapon again. "You're probably not gonna believe me when I tell you this." He stopped fidgeting with the gun and looked Nickolas straight into the eye. "I'm Morna. Partially, anyway." He let a few seconds pass for that to sink in before continuing. "I was created with his blood, as a partial clone of him. The Fringe wanted another Morna, so they created me. I guess that makes us brothers, huh?"

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Looking to him as he accepted my hand, I nodded my head and simply waited as he spoke. Saying that he was related to be by blood. Morna's cloned blood. I nodded my head and knew that it was already done. I didn't look down on him. If he was alive, and if he had feelings, then I would accept him as my family.

"Well then Daniel, Looks like the fringe are up to more than I bargain for."

After letting his hand go, I moved back over to my desk. I didn't sit down though. Still standing, my hands on the desk as I shook my head.

"So you are a clone of my older brother eh? Well then since you are younger than me, I guess that means you are my younger brother."

I looked up at him and smiled. Sitting down and propping my feet up onto the desk. The two solid thunks of my combat boots hitting the top were followed by a question.

"Do you retain Morna's fire shaping abilities?"

[member="Daniel Imura"]
Daniel was rather surprised when he was accepted so readily. He didn't complain about technically being the younger brother, either. Actually, it suited him. He was less experienced, and Nick could help him with that in the future. "The Fringe are... very interesting. That we can agree on. In response to your question..." He held his hand up in front of him, watching it for a second. Nothing happened at first, or at least it seemed that way. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, water trickled upward against his skin, and quickly turned into a thick sheet of ice, which clung to him. A light smirk covered his face. "Come on, Icebreaker? What did you expect?" It was rather fun, to be honest. Being technically Morna, yet being his polar opposite in terms of abilities. He was more into ranged weapons, while as far as he knew, Morna clung to his magmasaber as much as he could. Morna was fire, just as Daniel preferred water, or ice, to be more specific.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Oh well it looks like he retained shaping, but instead it was water, as well as a sub form of ice shaping. I smiled and nodded my head. Of course. Having Morna with them would have been fire. But to make them stronger, and to teach together, they needed his opposite. Ice and water. I nodded my head at the name he had chosen for the gun as well. Icebreaker. Good enough for me.

"Very well. Good to know that you have some of his abilities."

As well as being a little bit on the snarky side. Which I liked.

"Well now you know who I am. Tell me about you and what you have done since your creation."

[member="Daniel Imura"]
"As a matter of fact, a lot's happened. It's been five years, give or take, since my creation." Daniel had no knowledge of the galaxy-wide event that had spread not too long prior, where billions had disappeared. He'd been too busy discovering who Morna was, and who he could be as a new person. "I followed Morna for a while, tracking where he went through his life. He was a pretty badass dude. Went to Kro Var for the first time, had some interesting encounters. Coruscant, where he spent his time every now and then. Even went to Mustafar. Apparently he'd had some help in making a special lightsaber there. Oh by the way, please. I don't need a lightsaber. I don't want training, or any of that. I'm good." He held up his hands in a kind of 'hell no' gesture. "I may be taking it a bit far, but I want to be my own man. Not Morna. Besides, I've got a blastsword. Well, a slugsword."

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Five years now? Well god almighty. He followed Morna around from where he went and decided that in order to be somewhat like him, yet not him in any form, he needed to see who he came from. Where he came from. I knew that both Morna and my lives were hard. He had to live alone. I was stuck in a lab. Looking him over I nodded.

"Well then, All I can say is welcome to the family."

[member="Daniel Imura"],
Nodding with a small smile, Daniel got up and spun the weapon around his finger. Hefting it in his left hand, he looked around the office. "Thanks, it's good to be here. Maybe we could hang out sometime. I'm always around. I actually have a place on Ilum you could visit, though with my current standing, I may not be there as often. I've joined up with this small crew, and they seem like a cool bunch. There is something I need from you though." He held up his right arm, where a small square bulge was just barely visible. "The Fringe out this tracker in me when I set out. While I don't see them as enemies, I'm not exactly very keen on people keeping tabs on me any longer. Think you could get it out?"

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I looked over the young man. The clone of my brother. He kept talking about where he was staying and how we could hang out. He acted much like how Morna did before our parents were killed. It was good to see that, yet it hurt me to know that my brother was still dead. Daniel would never replace him. And he knew it too. But he would try his best to.

Now he started to talk about a chip in his arm. He wanted it out. Reaching over into my desk, I pulled out a Knife, some tweezers, and a gauze pad. I already had a bottle of whiskey on my table, Motioning him to come over, I spoke easily.

"Doing this will hurt. But the Imuras are not prone to feeling too much pain. Aren't they?"

I motioned for his arm so I could literally cut it right out of him.

[member="Daniel Imura"],
Daniel could see the sadness in his brother's eyes, and he knew why. No matter how hard he tried, Daniel still had Morna's blood. He would always be like him in some way, shape, fashion or form. Okay, not fashion. Daniel liked to think he dressed a bit more stylish than in his previous life. No, wait. Morna's life. He had to remind himself not to think like he would if he were Morna. Perhaps over time, that would change. As his older brother started pulling the tools out, he chuckled softly and walked over. "No, you're right. Pain isn't a big problem for us. Now get this damn thing out of me." Extending his arm, he took the bottle and chugged down a good mouthful beforehand, then nodded.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Nodding to him as he chugged down a portion of the Whiskey, I grabbed his wrist with my left hand. Now he would see how my left hand had claws. The black and red hide of a skin griping rather tightly on his arm. In my right, I had the knife. I dipped it into the drink I had. Just a glass of Whiskey, and spoke.

"Move, and it will hurt worse."

After that, I stuck the knife in his arm. cutting open his skin right next to the little rectangle. I had cut deep enough into the muscle tissue so I could push it out. Using my right hand, with the knife now on the desk, dripping a little bit of blood, I pushed out the little pill looking object that had been injected into him. It popped out enough for me to take my tweezers and yank it out the rest of the way. Setting it down back onto the table, I then grabbed the glass with my drink, and poured it over the wound. Cleaning it.

I decided that now was my time to seal up the wound. I stuck my fingers into the opening. Knowing that pain would be shooting up his arm. And began to heat my fingers to such a degree that it cauterized the wound at the base, and all the way up to his final layers of skin. Taking a few minutes to do this heating process, it would heal, and the dead skin cells would replace the burnt portion, however, what would be left was a painless spot on his arm, as well as a scar in the same place.

I let go of him. And spoke two words only.

"All done."

[member="Daniel Imura"],
When he finally got a better look at Nick's arm, he stared in wonder at it. What had caused it, and why did it reek so much with the dark side? He'd have to ask about that later. He'd seen it a few times in his dreams, but never retained any information on it. As soon as the knife pierced his skin, Daniel let loose a horrible yell. Once he got himself under control, he simply watched as Nickolas began carving into his arm, applying the alcohol as he did so. When he finally pulled the chip out, he heated up his fingers and began to use his fire shaping to cauterize the wound. However, at that point, he didn't feel any pain, and instead wondered at how fire shaping was closer to water shaping than he'd ever thought. 'Just the opposite...' If he could reverse the way he created ice with water, he could probably use it to make steam. That would be the pathway to air shaping. So by learning one art, you learned them all. Interesting. When Nick was finally done, Daniel retracted his arm and stared at the burn scar for a few seconds, then the chip. Taking it in his hand, he dropped it on the ground and crushed it under his foot.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]

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