Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Weapon (Krest)

Ession, the center of the Reformation which took it's name. This had become one of Minna's homes now, as she had moved away from the Grey in recent times. Such a move was not out of haste, and instead was the result of many events which would be too many to name. However, she still had the most important part of her old home with her; [member="Krest"]. He too had joined the Ession, and although neither of them had fully cut their ties with the Grey, they served a new power now. One that Minna surprisingly agreed with. A major part of their move was of course to establish The Seven Swords, with Minna as the Ataru-user. But you can't be the Fourth Sword when you don't have a sword, and so Minna was awaiting the arrival of her master in order to create one for herself. She had a slight idea of what she wanted it to be like; small, light and precise enough to be utilized in her chosen form, however she had a feeling that The Force would guide it's creation to whatever was most suitable. Staring at the landscape of Ession, the Yodaling waited...
[member="Minna"] wouldn't have to wait long for her master. Krest would move over the nearby hill, stepping into view rather suddenly. As usual, he had his leather armor strapped to his form, and his sword on his hip. The Ession was lead by none other then his own brother, Graxin, which was a major reason he had chosen to join the Reformation. But today was a day of crafting. He would move to his apprentice, offering a slight nod to her. "Hello again my apprentice. How are you?" A slight grin formed over his face as he watched the Yodaling.

Upon seeing her master, Minna's face lit up. "Better, I am. Keeping away from the darkside has helped..." She replied, but quickly changed the subject to avoid remembering the incident a while back. "Let us waste no time, hmm? Having a blade such as yours, I look forward to." The Yodaling retained a smile, trying not to sound too dismissive of the subject of darkness or past events, and stay positive with the present. There was no need for her to worry, since the dark side was not today's focus, and with Krest around she was 100% positive she was safe.
Krest nodded to [member="Minna"] quickly, grinning wide. Yes, today was a day to build a sword, one she would use to mark herself as a Seven. "Right, then we shall begin. First, two, one, short, long? What would you prefer as your sword?" He would be making the blade itself before he would alter it, but he needed to know what it was before he could make the weapon. "Then we shall go to the forge, make the weapon, and I will show you how to alter it."
Minna placed her hand up to her chin, pacing side to side in what could seem like an exaggerated period of thinking. However it was sincere, and in the end she managed to make her decision. "Two... short..." She nodded, confident in her choice. "For fast strikes with Ataru, two will be helpful. And best for my size, short swords would be." A slight smirk came from the last part, her size being slightly comical compared to Krest, and in fact most of the people she knew. Her hands rested on her waist after her deciding was over, and one could notice she didn't bring her lightsabers. This was due to a combination of having a new weapon, and also having complete trust in her master. Nevertheless, it could be seen as weird for her, since she used to always have them on her.

"Two short swords it shall be then." Krest smiled at his Yodaling friend before turning. Thankfully, the metal forge was close by, and the two wouldn't have long to walk to get there. Stepping off, he'd already begin to formulate the idea of the blade within his mind, but he needed a bit more information. "One edge or two? Hilt below or part of the blade?" Swords could litterally be anything the mind came up with. Not that anything could be piratically used, but if you knew what you were doing.. Well. The skies the limit. His blue eyes would glance over his shoulder to [member="Minna"] , waiting for the answer.
Minna followed her master, looking up at him along the way. "Hmm, two edges. Easier to perform multiple strikes that way, it would be. And... Whatever you feel is best for the hilt." She was no expert on swords, and she knew Krest was. Surely he would know the best position for the hilt in terms of the kind of sword she wanted. Her mind also began to formulate an idea of the blade, but it was loosely designed so far, as she didn't want to restrict herself too much.

A two edged short sword. Krest should actually have a couple of those laying about now that he thought about it. Good, it will make it that much faster to do so. Upon reaching the forge, Krest pulled off his sword and set it to rest at the doorway. Heat poured forth as soon as he opened the door, along with a faint glow of red. The metal forge was alive and well, much hotter then one would of expected. "Take a look around the ones already made. Let me know if one calls out to you. Though, they're not the best metal. But.. We'll be changing that soon enough aye?"

Minna gave a nod, beginning her slow walk around the forge. With her hands linked behind her back, she examined every single sword closely, not forsaking any of them despite some of their sizes. After a few moments, she found one that matched the general idea of the sword they were looking to make. It was a rather plain two edged short sword, and because of it's size it had a counterpart almost exactly the same. The Yodaling picked the swords up in her small hands, giving one a spin before turning to Krest and raising them slightly for him to see. "These ones." She said confidently, before taking them towards the forge itself and handing them out to the Zabrak. With keen eyes she hoped to learn from her master so that in the future if she needed any more swords, she would know what to do.

"Aahh. A good choice indeed!" Krest smiled wide at [member="Minna"] , she had picked her weapon. Which meant they didn't actually need to be in the forge any longer. Taking one of the swords, he would step outside, beckoning the Yodaling to follow. "What I will show you, you will need to open your mind for. I will be showing you things through my eyes, to teach you how to do what I am about to. Art of the Small allows one to shrink their presence to an atomic level, and even change things at that level. Once upon a time it was used to make my blade, and now it shall be used to do the same for you."
Following her master outside, Minna looked up at him with some sense of blankness. Not the stupid-kind; more the ready-to-learn kind. She had heard of the Art of the Small, but had never really seen it action, so the fact that she was to learn it made her excited slightly. The feeling she got from when she was a Padawan returned, the feeling of discovering something new. Despite these feelings, she nodded firmly, then opened her mind to Krest, allowing to do whatever was needed in order to perform this. She concentrated heavily throughout...

It was now, through a sharing of eyes, that Krest would get to work with the first blade. "First things first. We must change the metal to something.. Stronger. The basic metal in this will not resist a saber, but we can tweak that." Then his gaze suddenly zoomed. No longer was he looking at a sword, but at each part of it, the clusters of the atoms themselves. Staring and watching, he would look throughout, speaking all the while. "You can see it, yes? The bonds here look strong, but you can see something is missing. Something that keeps it from becoming a tight net." The force would be felt as he began to change the atoms, changing the bonds to something far more tight nit then the loose it was. "With this, the metal will be much harder, yet lighter. If you understand, I want you to do the same on your own blade yes?" He had done this countless times before, and changing each bond was a quick task for him. But he already knew that this would not be the same for his apprentice. They had a long night ahead of them.

The zooming gave her a slight shock, but she continued to watch through his eyes. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, surely amazing. After his instructions she gave a confident reply. "Yes, get to work, I shall." With which she brought her blade infront of her. With immense concentration yet again, she felt herself zooming in, just like Krest did yet slower. Once she reached the atomic level she required, her work began. It was definately much harder for her. Each changing atom felt like moving a boulder, but the Yodaling pressed on. The force guided her, powered her, she felt nothing but pure determination and clarity on her goal. No matter how long it took, she would make this a sword worth wielding. And so she sat there for hours on end, shifting, changing and binding the atoms.

It was only when she felt the sun rising behind her that she realised she had fallen asleep. Slumped over on her knees, Minna looked at the sword infront of her. It's appearance had changed, and immediately she could tell that her work had paid off. She must have spent many hours on it, at the end of which she had no energy left to stay awake. But that was no problem, she had managed to finally create her new weapons. With a proud smile she looked up, seeing if Krest was still around...

Krest smirked when she woke up. He sat there, idly sipping at his tea. "Good, you finished step one. Now we must move onto step two." While she was out, he had decided to make himself some tea, and wrap her up in a cloak. The sword was strong, and able to resist a saber while being light, but it could not reflect a blaster bolt. "So.. Get up now. This one will be a much harder step to learn, but easier to do."

Step one. Minna almost gave a sigh of exhaustion, but kept it in for the sake of showing some effort. Instead, she nodded. "Very well." She said, getting up as instructed and regaining her concentration. Alteast she had got some sleep before the next part, hopefully that would help. "Ready, I am."


"Very good. Now, what you have to do is find the magnetic aura that it has. Is not a simple feat, and very hard to explain." So I'll show you. His mind once more opened to hers, and through his eyes differing fields could be seen throughout the blade. There was one in particular, which seemed to be a pale purple, that krest focused in on. It was just inside the metal itself, running through like veins. Until it was pulled outwards. The once pale color turned into a vibrant violet, hovering just above the steel.

"And now you, aye?"

Minna watched the technique carefully, then did her best to replicate it. Through her own eyes she concentrated heavily on the sword until she too saw the auras. Although her vision was not as clear as Krest's in this sense, she managed to located the magnetic, purple, colour and focus on it intensely. Through this focus she managed to make it expand, running through the swords just like Krest's. The process was slower than the master, but nonetheless it glowed bright purple by the time she was done with it. "There." She said simply, weighing the sword in her hand as she examined it once again. "Is that it?" The Yodaling asked, eager to officially join the Seven Swords.

"Close, but bow you must meditate with the blades. Similar to how you channel the force into your lightsaber crystals yes? Once you do that, your aura will take shape. Mine was a purple flame, who knows what yours will be." Krest smiled lightly before turning away, beginning to walk off. "Welcome to the Seven."

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