The Forgotten
Ession, the center of the Reformation which took it's name. This had become one of Minna's homes now, as she had moved away from the Grey in recent times. Such a move was not out of haste, and instead was the result of many events which would be too many to name. However, she still had the most important part of her old home with her; [member="Krest"]. He too had joined the Ession, and although neither of them had fully cut their ties with the Grey, they served a new power now. One that Minna surprisingly agreed with. A major part of their move was of course to establish The Seven Swords, with Minna as the Ataru-user. But you can't be the Fourth Sword when you don't have a sword, and so Minna was awaiting the arrival of her master in order to create one for herself. She had a slight idea of what she wanted it to be like; small, light and precise enough to be utilized in her chosen form, however she had a feeling that The Force would guide it's creation to whatever was most suitable. Staring at the landscape of Ession, the Yodaling waited...