Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Pact


Worshipper Of Halrormalenth
Tyro'din stepped out of the speeder and stared up at the building that housed Bane Innovations, scratching under his empty, left eye socket as he did so. Sighing he ran a par through his hair and limped his way up the steps leading to the double doors of the building, his cane making a constant tapping noise a he did so.

He was currently there to talk to [member="Cryax Bane"] about his position as a Liaison Officer between the Red Ravens crime organisation and the Host, known to many as the Primeval. The young Bothan was hoping that the rumours he had heard about the Chiss's behaviour and conduct was incorrect and were exaggerations as he did not want to deal with someone without their minimum focus, an emotion formed by Tyro'din's arrogance.

The Bothan was currently wearing his usual outfit of a leather tunic and trousers with a shell spider silk lining as well as his usual belt that had an unusual amount of unusually large pouches attached. The only thing that was new to the outfit that he had been wearing for years was the Brylark cane, which was a family heirloom. Currently Tyro'din was without his weapons, leaving his: knives, poisons, explosives, guns and more at his residence on Nar Shaddaa. The only thing that he had to fight with outside of hand to hand combat was his cane. The cane had a hidden, wooden blade inside of it which was attached to the handle, which could detached, and was coated in a paralytic poison.

Stepping into the building, Tyro'din cast his lone eye around, assessing points of exit, areas of cover and areas that an enemy could observe or hide and catalogued them inside his mind. Placing a benign and cheerful mask over his emotions, Tyro'din approached the Receptionist, smiling gentle. As he came to a stop his leant on his cane and bowed his head slightly, playing his role. He did not know how much the female twi'lek knew so he would play the role.

"Hello, my dear." He made sure to keep his usually deep and gruff voice as gentle as possible. "I believe I have a meeting with Mr. Cryax Bane. My name's Skelk Tef'din." He stood waiting while the Receptionist made some checks before she nodded and gestured for him to wait off to the side, mumbling about a droid escort as she did so. Tyro'din followed the gesture to sit at one of the couches spotted around the room.

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