Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A new home or on the run? (Dromund Kaas)

Riku rested in a hanger inside Kass city hiding behind some cargo crates with her arms crossed across her chest her dreams where files with nightmares of sith lords fighting Jedi dying beasts murdering apprentices that failed. Her eyes shot open as she heard the hanger open to let a ship land.


Standing up she looked to the vent she had used to sneak in with and scaled the wall to it slipping into the vent just as the ship came into view in the hanger. Making her way through the vent system she stopped at the vent that would drop her off outside the hanger seeing to military officers outside she watched them "Just move along you two please" She was rubbing her knees against each other she really needed to find a bathroom.

The tow guards moved into the hanger and she quickly dropped out of the vent landing on her feet and lifted herself up pulling her hood down further as she looked at the ground walking down the street to a nearby cantina and used the facilities and made her way through the floor as the two guards that had headed into the hanger looked about and pointed at her. "You are under arrest"

She stood there staring at them for a moment and her eyes quickly darted about the room checking exit points and risk to the civilians within the cantina "Well Bantha shit" she said and opened her hand the snake slithered down her arm stopping letting its head sitting just on top of her hand and she closed her eyes. "Look you have the wrong person I just came in to use the bathroom." Riku was ready to run she had already analyzed and made a plan to get out she just hoped it wouldn't come to that.
Iash'arha's ship had just landed on Dromund Kaas, and the Sith Acolyte was none to pleased with how her mission had turned out.

Repair droids were still working to contain the sporadic shower of sparks where her ship had appeared to burst at the seams. She hadn't hit the asteroid that hard, and it had gotten those missiles off her back. One of the droids screamed as a new gout of blue electricity burst from the side of the ship and sent it flying. The other two droids quaked as they looked to their scorched friend and the new, bright blue gout of flame licking the outside of the ship. The twi'lek left the hangar behind as she pulled a second layer of black wool over her shoulders.

Dromund Kaas could get cold this time of year, especially Kaas city.

Once, snow would have been a rarity here, but after the Mandalorian attack it had become a common occurrence.

"You are under arrest"- the words caught Iasha's attention.

Two legionnaires stood near a near-human female. Stop and frisks were not uncommon near starports in the Empire. There were plenty of terrorists and dissidents seeking to undermine the righful rule of the Sith here on their capital. Some times, the subject resisted, other times they came along meekly. Every time, it was worth her vigilance. The blue-haired girl was refusing to comply, making excuses. It did not appear the legionnaires were having it. Iasha closed in casually, placing a hand on her sabre as she came up behind the two soldiers.

"Is there a problem here?"

Riku Anima Riku Anima
She had been unaware of the mouse droid that had found her asleep during the evening. the mouse droid had been nice enough to let her sleep before reporting her having broken into the hanger. Her eyes flicked to the woman that had just walked in and the silver snake-like creature that was on her arm had moved its head into Riku's palm. She was quickly re-assessing her options to get out she had concluded that her options on leaving without a conflict had dropped substantially. Riku stayed silent when one of the legionnaires turned around.

"Yes M'Lord this woman Broke into your private hanger and was there all night when we came to detain her before you arrived she fled"

Rikku listened and this had not been the first time she had been caught trying to have a quiet place to sleep out of the elements. She spoke up but her voice was meek and a little more than a whisper.

"That is not entirely true"

She left it at that if they had even heard her either time she had spoken. She was concerned that her friend her only friend and her weapon was about to drop her chance of leaving without fighting to 0. Her hand closed around the head of the snake instinctively and her head moved ever so slightly that even her heir wouldn't seem to move.

Iasha Rha Iasha Rha
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Riku Anima Riku Anima

Reported for breaking and entering, and squatting in a spaceport. Those were serious charges. Spaceports had special protection due to their vitality to the Empire's infrastructure. Elsewhere, there wouldn't be legionnaires handling this business, but local public servants and security forces.

Iasha came closer, forcing the two soldiers aside by her mere presence and the status evident by her attire: An inner layer of snug grey fabric hugging her red skin, over which she wore a layer of the traditional black robes of the Sith, as well as the short cape over that again that kept out the cold with its black wool. Her headgear proudly displayed the symbol of the Sith Eternal, and at her hip hung a dark metal sylinder. Her face had not yet taken on the characteristic traits of corruption, staying smooth and vibrant, though caught in a stern expression.

"It isn't? Then what is the truth?"

She watched Riku quite intensely, as if trying to bore into her head with an unblinking stare.

The twi'lek did not dismiss the two legionnaires, but they knew better than to disrupt the interrogation of a Sith. One kept an eye on Riku, the other kept watch of their surroundings.

"The truth may just set you free."
Iasha Rha Iasha Rha

Her eyes continued to watch the Twe'lik and her movements as she nearly moved the two men out of her way without any effort yet here she was having had to barter her way off one planet to another with whatever was available remembering what had happened to get her to this planet left a feeling of disgust for herself rolling off her. she quickly was brought back to the woman before her.

"Freedom is a lie."

She spoke in that meek voice of hers but the language she spoke was that of the Twe'liks themselves she hadn't even noticed the shift in how she spoke. Letting her eyes dance about though the hooded robe she had stolen so many years ago from the first man who had ever tried to lay a hand on her still hung off her body and hid her eyes from view. her mind raced with how to explain then went to speaking again this time speaking in the sith tongue

"It is true I did enter the hanger and it is also true I was there for some time." Taking a breath she continues to explain. "I watched several maintenance droids ignore a loose vent leading to the hanger so I went to inspect the issue and repaired it finding inside several mynock and a womprat so I exterminated the pest problem. I finished investigating to make sure there were no other threats and come out the other side of the damaged vent grates I guess I was tired from the ordeal so I feel asleep I then left and walked in here you can ask anyone I walked in and went to the bathroom. If you would like you and the two men can escort me back and I can show you exactly what I did. If you would like to inspect the work."

Her stance shifted ever so slightly to a posture of being ready to defend herself to an untrained eye it would appear she just shifted her legs
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Iasha's eyes narrowed when the girl spoke Ryl. Not many humans spoke it. Instead, they expected the twi'leks to adapt to them. This linguistic hegemony was something Iasha had simply accepted as a side-effect of past Empires. She had been taught to speak Imperial Basic just as well as she spoke Ryl.

But Sith?

Not many spoke the ancient language of the Sith- Not many who called themselves Sith spoke that language.

Force, Iasha only knew some Ur'Kittat herself. She knew enough to get the gist of what the girl told them, and only by way of contextual clues. It was an extraordinarily difficult language to learn, even to a practiced linguist. But this girl, she did not feel like a Sith, nor did she look like a scholar. Something was awry, and Iasha couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Show me."

She kept her eyes on the girl, unblinking, suspicious.

With her left hand, she made three symbols, causing the legionnaire who was following the conversation to nod.

Riku Anima Riku Anima
Eldoc woke up and belched loudly. Where was he again? He couldn't remember, the night before he had found a new hard liquor that seemed to have removed anything after that discovery from the banks of his memory. Oh well he supposed. Either way the reason he was in a crate, must of been a good idea at the time. He kicked the crate open, not caring for what he might be disrupting with his loud departure from his bed. Once light appeared, he used his a shove with his arms and the force to launch himself out of the crate and on his feet in a feat of acrobatics that did not match the gruff, dirty appearance of a drunkard of a middle aged man. "I need to find some more of that stuff, don't even remember what happened after I took a drink.. Where the blazes am I anyways. No matter." He mumbled to himself as he noticed he was in a hanger of sorts with two women. Yes maybe he woke up in heaven. This was definitely better than some places he ended up. "Scuse me either of you know where this is?" He would approach them, the stank of an unwashed drunk approaching with him.

Riku Anima Riku Anima Iasha Rha Iasha Rha
Iasha Rha Iasha Rha Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat

Rikku shifting again that silver snake on her arm retracting back up it and disappearing under her sleeve. With that, her head lowered a bit more and she walked with a stance that was guarded but would lend her to having been raised on the planet. "Then follow me you may bring the guards along as well if you like." she had made an assumption about this as the download for what she knew about each planet and faction had not completed she only got part of each one.

She then took them across the way to the space port in Kass City and made her way along a path that not a lot of people should be taking. Stopping at the vent she had dropped out of her left arm lifted and the sleeve dropped down exposing her white flesh. there where some burnt patches on her arms that once could tell where healing but she wasn't in any pain it seemed.

"Well I went in there if you look you will see the scoring from it having been loose and shifting. I then heard the sounds of what I assumed would be rats so once I took it off and got in there to try and clear them out I put the grate back in place and tightened it down."

Her language had gone back to galactic basic. and she lowered her arm again and turned to the woman.

"If you would Follow me inside I can show you where I was before I left this morning and your guards that seemed to think I was squatting missed me."

She had made it a point to make sure that she pointed out every flaw in what the two Legionaries where accusing her of. Once inside she made her way over to the spot she had been sleeping and the make shift tools she had used which where not standard issue but apparently did a better job where there as well as the corpses of the mynock's and womprat's she had killed.

The Smell of the man approaching offended her nose but she stayed still and kept a cautious eye on the man that had bound from the crate and was on his way over. This was not her place to interfere as she was very clearly showing the half truth of her story. There where some mouse droids working on cleaning up the area and recording the goings on's which she knew those droids where the reason she was now in this mess.
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