Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Guy

Would you believe this place kinda came to me in a dream last night?

Yeah, I guess I'm in a huge Star Wars mood, because I had a dream about Googling for Star Wars RP sites last night, and just curious about it, found this place after I woke up. I wasn't gonna go any further, but a friend from a tabletop IRC had coincidentally also registered for this site, so I decided to bite the bullet.

Haven't done freeform forum stuff for a long while, but I have been doing on-forum tabletop games for the past two years. I'm a bit of a concise writer, but I don't think I'm too shabby, plus I've been wanting to practice my writing anyway.
I'm gonna try to have my character up tomorrow. I've got a good bit written up, but I wanna sleep on her backstory and I'm seeing Episode VII tomorrow, which might inspire me.
You can change it by hovering towards the bottom of your post, click edit and then click "Use Full Editor" and you should be able to change your title!

I saw you decided to join the GR, but if you ever feel like you want to join a neutral faction (Even be in both!) Try out The Shadow Dynasty!

If you have any questions or want to RP with a Bounty Hunter, hit me up~!

[member="Dia Torr"]

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