Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Face in a New Place (Open)

So this was the Order of the Silver Jedi. Yura was surprised to finally find herself here where she would be trained by those like her, some apparently far stronger. A docking bay may not have seemed like much to anyone else, but given Yura's almost child-like nature she found the entire thing a wonder. Not because of the place or anything like that but because it was something that belonged to the Silver Jedi. Apparently to her it just added more of a majestic feel to it. Something she couldn't put into exact words but just a grander feeling.​
Yura herself was sure to stand out. A young girl dressed in an elaborate maid costume while gawking at everything and everyone she saw would obviously gain attention. But she didn't care. She was just glad to finally be here where she would learn to be a proper Jedi; especially since she'd never heard of them until someone told her only a week ago.​
“Hello there. What’ll it be,” the large Houk bartender said to the newcomer. [member="Yura Fontaine"] . A very tall man by all accounts, bending to lean on the bar, it brought him to a head height with most. He’d often stay that way as new people entered, so to fit in and not feel out of place.

It was rare you’d see him get up to his full height for long, preferring to stay bent or even kneeling often on his foot stool behind the bar. Gorto, or lutty as others called him, had a friendly, cheerful expression, like he did for most newcomers here, huge arms and equally huge hands, though for his actual race he was quite stocky and short.

Polishing up a glass with a cloth, he put it to the light but was far from happy with how shiny it looked. To be honest the entire bar he stood behind was spotless, and there was not a glass, a spec of dust or flint of anything out of place.

“You look new.” Gorto saw everyone come and go from behind his bar at some stage, listening to their problems, their troubles, giving a quiet word, or just being there for a drink, that was his job, and he loved it.

[member="Yura Fontaine"]​
After finding her way into the bar where [member="Gorto Lutt"] had asked what she wanted Yura gave a curious response of "Oh...I don't know." she looked at everything behind him and commented "It all looks very good." After that she asked "You wouldn't happen to have any soda would you? I like the fizzy taste on my tongue." After awaiting a drink Yura heard him comment how she looked new, making her say "Oh thank you. I've only done my makeup this morning, but it's good to know I still look fresh and...Oh! You mean new around here." She giggled at herself before saying "Sorry. Yes, I am new. I'm Yura. Yura Fontaine. It's nice to meet you." Her gleeful if somewhat ditzy tone showed how she was a very perky and upbeat sort of person.​
“Thank’ing you,” complimenting Gorto’s bar made him grin, he took a lot of care over its appearance. “Ah let’s see, four kinds of Soda in stock, Zwil vanilla, single-celery savory, scry-mint frosting, and sweeter Juna berry, all out of sour.” Gorto waited happily while she chose, jovial but calm as he always was for a new face in the bar. Taking a moment to wipe his bar down studiously as he often did to maintain its gleam, “pleased to meet you Yura, I’m Gorto Lutt, lutty for short. Welcome to the docking bay.” To him everyone who walked through that door deserved a place to unwind, be they a new face or a Jedi Master, they often came here to just be people, and he did his best to make everyone feel at home.

“Settling in okay?” He said as he prepared a napkin for her choice, glass, “ice?”, putting it in her glass if she wanted it ready. A bowl of Jandarra fruits, tubular purple and green shapes, considered a delicacy was placed on top of the bar, with a complimentary bowl of crack-nuts next to it.

[member="Yura Fontaine"]​
Hearing all the options made Yura slide her tongue across her lips before answering "I'll have the Juna Berry, please. With ice." As she watched [member="Gorto Lutt"] at work she answered his next question with "Oh yes. Although I've only just arrived, I have a good feeling about it all. I think...I know I'll settle in just find." A more jovial smile was on her face before her drink arrived. After one sip she declared "This is fantastic." And then began to slurp the rest down.​
Long pour drink of the drink, breaking the red soda over the ice, the big Houk scooped up the jug in one hand placing it behind him, settling a wooden umbrella in her glass, not always going for umbrellas, but today he thought she’d like it. The orange man leaned forward again, bobbing his head in agreement. “I'm sure you will too,” the bartender added with an expression that people sometimes felt comforting or understanding.

“Everyone here had that first day.” He finished polishing up the bar, taking his time on the edge where he found a small spec of dirt that wouldn’t shift. “Thank’ing you miss, it's a favorite of mine.” More praise for his drink and bar, he liked her, Gorto liked most people. “Are you from Voss?” He was almost certain she wasn’t but it led in nicely to break the ice.

[member="Yura Fontaine"]​
By the time [member="Gorto Lutt"] asked Yura already gulped down her drink and was now fiddling with the littler umbrella in the glass. "Voss? Oh no. I've never been anywhere else but Alderaan. That's where I'm from." She laughed a little before asking "Why? Are there people like me from Voss too?"
“Alderaan, the Shining star nice place, lovely skies.” Gorto agreed, “have two children who live at Aldera, pretty lakes.” serving someone else who came in his regular cocktail, three squirts of an optic lining the bar, and he was mixing up three different kinds of liquid, which were spun around in a mixer and came out smelling like minted orange juice.

The Houk shared in her chuckle, “don’t let on but I ask everyone that. Helps break the ice. It’s a running joke.” The other running joke of the bar, the invisible chef made himself known. You only ever saw his arm appearing from the kitchen doorway, like now behind Gorto, holding a plate for a polite waitress to take. She was smiling to Yura as she did so, and calling out. “We're done on table two, table three want another Corobb.” A grumpy chefs voice began grumbling again about not having enough fresh manak leaves. Gorto seemed to pay him no mind, nobody actually ever saw the chef, just his arm and his lovely food.

“Don’t mind him, he loves his work.” The chef did but the sudden clang of pots from the kitchen showed he didn’t much like making Corobb salad without fresh Manak leaves!

“Have you started your training yet?”

[member="Yura Fontaine"]​
The mention of having children Yura had commented how nice that was to know. From there she giggled at the fact she didn't realize [member="Gorto Lutt"] had made a joke before hearing the chef in the back. Despite his tone she gave a little smile, seeing how enthralled he was with his work.​
"Very passionate about cooking, isn't he?" she both stated and asked while pointing back to the kitchen. After that she answered his next question with "Oh no. Not yet. I only just arrived. But I'm sure I'll be starting soon."
Gorto listened happily, large palms resting atop the bar. Not a flinch as the chef behind went about his emotive business, obviously left to his own devices in the kitchen, that’s how the magic happened! That and needing new pans every once in a while.

“Oh sorry for the din miss, he certainly loves his work. Nobody makes a better deep fried slider, or cavaellin cream cake” or anything for that matter, but Gorto’s rose tinted view of the place perhaps was biased! "All free for Jedi, or soon to be Jedi miss." Nonetheless the chefs food smelt wonderful, minus the occasional tantrum of clanging pots, it was probably why Gorto was as round around the belly as he was, not that he was fat but he enjoyed his food!

“I’m sure you will,” the Houk added pouring another customer a simple mug of ale, and sharing a few pleasantries, “and like my grandfather used to say, find a something you like doing, and you add five days to every week.” the houk added to Yura.

[member="Yura Fontaine"]​

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