Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Meeting

Iella E'ron ( or whoever the Silver Jedi want talking to me)

Alli Wren sent out a communication ahead of her as she planned with meeting with Matsu if nothing else.
" To who it may concern,
I am visiting in hopes to clear the air of any concerns you might have with me or Baktoid. We hope to continue to supply you through Baktoid Fleet Ordnance and Sasori Research. I also would love to discuss other ways I can help the Silver Jedi Since I co run a non profit that supplies the Jedi of the republic, I have felt it time I help out the Silver Jedi as well. I hope you will arrange for a meeting with me an any relevant leaders so that we can ensure that any worries and concerns are out of the way and perhaps we can expand our relationship. "
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Alli Wren"]

It was a sad day when Matsu had heard the news but arriving in one of the ships she looked on speaking while she bowed her head on the screen. "Alli it is good to see you." She ran Sasori and the Republic didn't want her which meant her research group had left the Republic didn't help that all the research and artifacts were gone hidden away somewhere. Another thing that makes being researchers hard... So Matsu was here to see her friend because friends were more important then simply disliking a person for what they did. She had learned that and was more then willing to support her. "You look healthy at least regardless of what has happened I am glad to see you safe."
Alli smiled over the screen. " Good to see you friend, I still have your junk you know.. and that giant ship you insisted I work on. " She laughed and was obviously in a better mood seeing a friend. That was when she broke down." Well, I didn't do anything, I tried hard.. but there was nothing I could do to stop the damn rings from falling. I tried everything Matsu, and then to top it all off someone started hacking my systems. I was just trying to survive at that point. It is horrible to know that something you built and tried to stop killed billions despite your best efforts. I. I just want to move on but no one will let me. I am the war criminal that killed billions to everyone and I am about ready to snap" She was angry and sad and well Alli wanted to ring Ayden Cater's neck.
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Alli Wren"]

Matsu knew that feeling all to well as she sat there and looked at Alli. The poor girl was many things but she wasn't one to break down... even when she had arrived drunk in her room at the temple she hadn't been breaking down. Matsu spoke. "Well I am here and there are worse people to have hold onto things. We will need to meet in person I miss my friend and I have gone through what you are remember? Well not exactly but I know what it is like for people to keep pushing the past into the present for their own goals." Matsu was looking at her and nodded her head. "Set a place and lets meet up, there are been several new things made from my researchers."
Alli gave a location, her quarters on Wren'goa Station to be exact. She turned off the screen and burried her self in work, as she had been doing. After all it kept her mind off of the things she couldn't do anything about like what happened at Druckenwell. She didn't want to even think about it. She burried it again focusing on numbers and plans and new designs that she and other teams were working on, she would offer what she could but left the bulk to the teams. Though in times like this she took over projects. Just recently she had burned through the average development process and finsihed the Naga Battle Tank in record time. She was set to come out with another new toy soon. She had to keep busy, it was just too much to think about otherwise.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Alli Wren"]

Matsu gave a nod and got the location as she set course. Using a small amount of her time to start working on the leg pieces of her armor, the boots and the leggings were important as she slowly worked on shaping them to fit her and the excess songsteel lost in the process had Matsu a little disappointed but she wondered what could be done with it. The while she stood there fastening them to the shell spider silk, Matsu arrived taking them off to be fashioned and molded more by her crew. Asami and Harmony working hard putting their progress into her datapad while Matsu docked.

The jedi entered and stood in a kimono while she walked in and moved about the ship going towards Alli's room while she waited to be let in and entered. Taking in the sight of the red head and running over while the curtain of her black hair bounced with her movements to come and embrace Alli Wren. Wrapping her arms around her before standing on her tip toes and kissing her cheek. Matsu breathed in the scent for a moment and then exhaled as much calm and patience as she could to soothe her friend. "It is wonderful to see you." She loved Hanna but Alli was someone she had been intimate with which made Matsu treat her as a friend. She held there for a moment longer before coming down and looking into her eyes. "You look well."
Alli hugged Matsu back with a tightness that showed Alli was not well. " I don't feel it. It is all my fault or so they all say. " Alli felt the tears begin to fall. She hadn't cried since she had lost circe and spent a while at see on Corellia. Oh god what was Corynth going to think of her. "I killed all those people. I tried so hard.. I hacked confederate radios to order the opposite... I tried to blow them to pieces. I was hacked in the middle of it and my first response is to defend my systems, which I were still using to hack into every anti air gun and it wasn't enough. They fell and Billions... Matsu Billions died. Nothing I can say or do can change that or make up for that. I worked so hard and I tried everything I could think of to save them all. I failed..." She was sobbing into Matsu's shoulder as she ended her words unable to make coherent sentences due to her sobs. She let out the first sign of sadness in a long time. "Why!!!" She sobbed and broke down holding her friend tight.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Alli Wren"]

Matsu didn't pull away or yield to much, she moved them both going over to sit and take it all in. she had been in a situation like this and knew the dangers of it both from the sides. One wanting her head the other looking at the future and loss of life. She could have been driven mad if she had listened and yielded to just holding Alli while her head touched on hers. Her hands on her face stroking her while she finally spoke. "Alli of all the people in the galaxy I know what this is like well there is a difference. Yours was an accident, me when I chose to end life, chose to kill the many to save my soldiers on Metalorn I was cursed by others but my men loved me."

"I had a chose while others called for my head, called for me to die and regret was gripping me. I had a choice the same one you have my dear. Infinite rage at the ones who have done this to you, the ones who caused you to act or infinite sadness at the loss of life. Both are dangerous choices it is why i chose the third something few ever have. I chose life, I chose to live and work to make sure my actions honored the dead and those lost forever because I was alive and able to do it. Will it absolve you? No but it will show to the few who matter that you didn't give in and found a way back."

Matsu just remained there and now pushed the force at her, into her while she shared as much warmth as she could. She was pushing confidence and love for her friend with what she had. She needed that strength and Matsu had it to enjoy while she stayed there. "You know I am here for you and you know that people are fallible. No one is perfect regardless of what some love to believe. It is not their place to judge you when from the press release and reports there was little chance and dangerous things there to deal with." Matsu held her smile on her face now. "So come on sweetie give me a smile and no more tears. We are going to go somewhere you can have peace."

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