Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Mando's pride

Shawn Michaels

Live each day like the last

"Okay okay. So, I spy something..... large."

"A mountain?"

"Woah! How'd you guess, there's like.... tons of mountains around here."

A very audible sigh escaped the older man's lips, while the younger one was standing back, grinning like an idiot. "Why must you always play these games, Shane?" The twenty four year old shrugged, then picked up a small rock and began tossing it between his hands. "Look Cy, i'm just trying to bring a little fun into your life. I mean, I know about the Mandalorian culture and all that, and it's cool. But you can't tell me that you guys don't have any fun. Hell, every night, you hear Farnell talking up a storm in the bar!" "Mandalorians do have fun, but your insatiable need for pleasure is what throws it all off! You can't have a life full of nothing but drinking and bar games." Shawn rolled his eyes at that. Clearly, this wasn't the first time they'd had this conversation. "Just give me the benefit of the doubt. When do I get my armor again?" "your what?" A sigh. "When do I get my beskar'gam?" A small smirk appeared on the old man's face. "When you grow up." "Aggh!" "Exactly."

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore

"You know, Kad, you could really learn to relax. Cmon, take a sip, just one sip! I paid sixty credits for this bottle of wine!" Esker whined, holding the bottle out to his younger, more attractive friend. She scoffed in response.

"I must stay vigilant for-" She started to say, only to be interrupted.

"Your great Goddess Hotchicknian, the one true love of your life, blah blah blah!"

"Hachinian. Her name is Hachinian. And I should punch you for that. We all have our own beliefs and you should respect mine. I do not wish to drink on this day." Kadala said, frowning. Next to her the old Mando was rolling his eyes. Silly girl, he thought. Why shouldn't she be able to chill out for once? It's not like she'd be unable to do anything after one sip!

"I'll stop bugging you if you drink some."


It tasted surprisingly good.
[member="Shawn Michaels"]​

Shawn Michaels

Live each day like the last
"When the day comes that you are... mentally ready for it, you can create your own beskar'gam." Cyrodan chose his words carefully. "The thing is, you simply do not have the capacity to respect and take care of something so sacred. A Mandalorian's armor is more than a hunk of metal. It is a part of them, in more ways than one. I made mine when I was twenty, and still have it to this day. You... No. I doubt you could manage such a responsibility. You'd probably plaster it with logos and such." It surprised the old man that not a word had come out of his son at this point. "Shane?"

The thing was, Shawn had taken a bad step, and fallen down the cliff to his left. At the last second, he noticed two people talking below him, and tried to call out a warning. "Incomingggg!" Too late. Smashing into the woman, he landed on top of her, making her a cushion. Once he realized his predicament, he simply smiled at her. "Well, hello there."

[member="Kadala Skirata"]

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
"See! I told you that you'd like it!"

"Actually, you didn't. You only- hey, do you hear something?"

Esker had no time to respond. One second the two Mandalorians were simply talking, the next Kadala found a 'youngster' squishing her. The girl had been lucky enough to not get crushed by him- seeing as he was a bit taller, more muscular, and generally just bigger, than her. Instead he ended up practically in her lap. It wasn't a feeling she was used to. Nor one she liked!

By the Goddess! I'm getting to old for this! She thought, even though she was really only four years older then the guy who had just fallen on her.

"Well, hello there."

"Get off me! Ugh, men..." Kadala grumbled, trying to push the Man Child off of her.
[member="Shawn Michaels"]​

Shawn Michaels

Live each day like the last
Shawn laughed at that, and did as he was told. "Let it never be said that i'm not a gentleman." Reaching down, he offered her a hand to pull her up. As he did so, Cy's voice could be heard from around the corner. "Shane!" Once he set his eyes on the man, he sighed and walked over to the group. "Ah, I see you've made friends. How nice." Smiling at his mentor, he jabbed a finger in his direction. "Oh yeah! This is Cy. I'm Shawn. And you are?" He raised an eyebrow at the guy behind his new acquaintance, but otherwise paid him no mind, other than to pluck the wine from his hands and take a small swig. Nodding in approval, he would give the drink back, then set his sights back on the woman he'd just nearly crushed.

[member="Kadala Skirata"]

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
Oh boy. This Man-Child certainly had manners. Didn't mean they were good ones, simply some spinklings of politeness. How terribly wondrous. First he falls upon a lady, then he takes her wine? Er- Esker's wine? At least he appeared to be under supervision. Perhaps now that the other man had arrived things would be under control once more.

"Oh yeah! This is Cy. I'm Shawn. And you are?"

Well... she figured she ought to answer him. It was what a polite person would do! And while she wasn't exactly that, she was, in fact, semi-civilized. Especially for someone who happened to worship a demanding Blood Goddess from the Outer Rim... Shawn had picked a helluva person to fall on.

"Kadala Skirata, daughter of the former Mandalora, Gilamar Skirata. This here is Field Marshal Esker Tor'Dello, a good friend of mine."
Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that Kad had a big important father. Even if he was (supposedly) dead.
[member="Shawn Michaels"]​

Shawn Michaels

Live each day like the last
"Think i'll just call you Kad." Shawn smiled a little at that. When he heard that the man he'd stolen wine from was a Field Marshall, he feigned an apology. "Oh, i'm sorry about that. Field Marshal. Sweeeet. Um, nice to ha ya around!" As if his sarcasm wasn't enough, he even went as far as stepping back and giving the man an exaggerated salute, earning him a smack in the back of the head from his companion. "Enough of that, Shane! You treat your superiors with respect!" Looking at the Marshal, the old man shook his head sadly. "He's... not originally Mandalorian. I apologize for any outbursts."

[member="Kadala Skirata"]

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
Esker spoke before Kad even had a chance to.

"Oh, it's alright! He's still a youngster, right? And don't worry, just give him a few more years. Kad here spent most of her childhood away from her Vod too. Look how she ended up! Those, er, what did you call them? Trials? They sure-" A quick kick to his ankle got him to shut up. Talking about the woman's past was generally the easiest way to get her into a fighting mood. Even her best bud couldn't do much to change that. "Oi! Sorry, it's sort of a-"

"It's a personal matter. More importantly it appears your companion's behavior has been forgiven. Though if we ever end up in a bar together, Shawn, I expect you to buy me a drink. One for Esker here too." The Field Marshall behind her nodded happily. Alcohol was something the warrior loved. Almost as much as he loved fighting!
[member="Shawn Michaels"]​

Shawn Michaels

Live each day like the last
Shawn looked back and forth between the two others and his mentor, taking in as much as he could. When the woman mentioned drinks, he threw a crooked grin at the old man. "See? I told you." Turning back to the others, he nodded with a friendly smile. "Of course, i'd love to buy you two some drinks. That's what friends do, right?" He ignored the heavy sigh coming from Cyrodan. "I wish you wouldn't encourage him. He needs to learn discipline."

[member="Kadala Skirata"]

The planet of a culture born from a race long ago in a time when the Zhell were considered the primary species. Now it was only humans. Disgusting humans and their apatite for substances that hindered the brain's and body's functions. Looking to all of them, Each one of them had armor thicker than the hide of a dragon. The culture was all about war. Killing others so that their own might live. In a sense, I respected them. They fought hard for their lives. And so did I.

Below me from the cliff that the man-child had fallen from, I looked at the four gathered there. Just silently watching. Learning of their kind. The more information I had, the better off I was. Kneeling down, My right hand grabbed some of the dirt that was residing there. Rubbing it between my finger servos. The crunching of metal on rock sounded natural. Unlike me.

I looked back down as the older woman was talking to the brat. She had a level head. A clear head not because she chose to, but because of her past. Last name? Skirata. Meaning she was of the clan of the former Mandalore. And from the information I had just gathered, she was the daughter of the now deceased man. He had died because he was weak. However, she survived. Maybe she would prove to be more stronger willed than her father? Scooting back a little, I wanted to make myself not be seen for now.

I wanted information for the coming Chaos of the Galaxy.

Information that might bring who and what I am, into the light.

[member="Shawn Michaels"], [member="Kadala Skirata"],

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