Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Major Sponsor and A Second Chance

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
It had been a long, long time since she'd been here. In the years manaan hhe rebuild well. Still there where a few scars but that's history that will hopefully not be repeated. It was the first battle she'd ever been in and the place she found those first lightsabers just sat on the ground. The very sabers she lost on taris. It was strange thinking about it. Those saberes served there purpose and someone new by now would have them. A new adventure for the start of someones new life, maybe. As for new adventures Sanya had begun her own. Queen, wife, master of the force. Inventor, CEO and mercenary. She held many titles now, many she wasn't know for in the republic. Connections had been severed along time ago. But not all of them luckily.

Using her remaining contacts she'd managed to arrange a meeting with [member="Mantic Dorn"] to discuss sponsorships for the mercs leagion that she represented and about having some standing with the Jedi again. She knew she'd never be let back into the order officially but that could be a good thing. As for the mercs legion they needed backing from the government and the aid to fund the Libita- class command ship that would aid the republic in it's endeavors if an agreement is reached. She was stood in a small courtyard leaning over the railing and staring out to the ocean. Although she was precise in the location in the message. Small courtyard on the left side of the city that had the open bar called kolber.
The shuttle had been rather empty as Mantic had taken it to travel to the location. It had given him some time to collect his thoughts on what was going on. The Black Rose had been a mysterious group on the edges of the galaxy. Group was perhaps the wrong word ofr it, they had been one of the super powers but just as quickly as it had risen they had diminshed and now their leader [member="Sanya Val Swift"] had reached out.

Mantic had been in their space before, to help his former padawan [member="Rafeesh"] find his first crystal for a lightsaber. That visit had given no insight on the Black Rose though and he did not know what to think of it. Rumors were that they had sith affiliations, if that was the case this visit could very well be a trap but before leaving Republic intelligence had approved the meeting giving few actual reasons toward that this was a trap.
To Mantic, that left perhaps redemption. One of the most crucial and important tasks the jedi should strive for in these dark times.

He left the city and found the open bar and entered its courtyard.
He carefully reached out with his senses. There was a strong presence in the area. It was not of the dark side although threads of corruption did linger in the web here. Could it a clue on the past of [member="Sanya Val Swift"] or would it actually be a warning to him.

He took smoe time and made sure no other presence was hiding here. Despite the Republic knights small number they were all targets for the sith assassins and Mantic had barely survived no less then two attempts on his own life, saved by friends rather then his own capabilities. This time however he was on his own.

Taking a deep breath he traveled into the force more deeper. The presence did have stains of the dark side, but its core appeare bright and glowing. He always knew there were risks but if the intent of this person was to help the Republic it had to be a risk worth taking.
Guided by the force he walked across the open bar toward the seaside.
There she stood, leaning on the railing and overlooking the ocean. There was no doubt this was a master of the force, and she no doubt felt him as well, knowing that he was approaching. The location was a good setting with a humbling view. The ocean equaled life for any world and this in itself boded well for the meeting in Mantics eyes.

He took a bow before heading up next to her.

"Am I in the presence of her masesty queen [member="Sanya Val Swift"] of Sekula?" he asked as politely as he could.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

A small tingle ran up the back of Sanya's neck. Besides the small group here an there the place was mostly empty so it was no doubt her senses was drawn the Mantic. Although she waited it out. She didn't want to seem threatening or eager. When she heard her name Sanya would turn around to see the man in the familiar robes. Ones she had never worn. They where uncomfortable and restricting to her she always remained to wear roughly the same kind of outfit. The hooded cape, a tank top or tube top and black leggings. Comfortable and not restricting. As she watched him bow Sanya would follow the curtsey and bow back. "I am indeed. You must be Mantic then." She said with a smile.

"So I guess you would like to know why I called you out?" Sanya asked looking back out the the sparkling blue ocean. "I'll start with the first. My wife camellia swift, I presume you know of her? The CEO to the rendili space docks and used to fight for the republic till her home world fell to the sith. While close eyes had been kept on her in the past the few couple of months they have lacked their attention in her." Although Sanya had drawn camellia away for the past few months after their wedding so she could finally relax. "Anyway in that time we had constructed a heavy super carrier. While it's fuel consumption I can personally cover on my own, the organization I associate with now cannot spare the credits or qualified people to help keep the ship going at full efficiency."

"The Mercs Legion is still a relatively new organization with good motive. Where their experience in large vessels lack and the funding, they make up for it in what they do. The people there have many skill sets that they use to help out people in the galaxy. But with been on the brink of war all over the mercs legion wants to help protect those who necessarily can't them selfs. So I'm sure you can understand the importance of this ship." She knew this would take time to be pushed through unless something happened relativity soon where the ship would be needed to be called for battle. With mandolrians and the sith been all up tight lately the pressure was always there.
Mantic nodded as the queen spoke. He kept a polite distance and a formal posture. She was after all royualty.

As [member="Sanya Val Swift"] concluded Mantic turnd away from the ocean to look at her.

"Well, since your highness already have a military force prepared for this I assume it is not military support you are looking for in this? And that would have been reduntant since I have no formal sway over such matters anyway." he smiled.

"how can I help you?"

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Sanya would smile as he kept up the formalities. "There isn't need to address me a Highness and such Mantic." She said with a slight giggle. "But no military support isn't what we need entirely. For the time being we need people that are indeed qualified to serve on a war ship of this size. Funding to keep up it's ammunition and possibly people that can train the members of mercs legion later on down the road when we have enough people to spare to serve. In turn while the vessel has republic people on board the ship it's self will aid the republic in future endeavors. While I'm aware that the Senate needs to vote on this passing through I'm sure they will listen to you."

"From what I know the republic can't afford to turn down an offer of this magnitude. Alliances and allies in these wars make a difference. I can assure you that we can offer that aid and support. While sekalus is out of your domain I can offer for my world as a refuge for the people effected by the war. They will receive jobs and housing to continue their daily lives. Not only that for aiding us with this vessel I can offer up the temple on sekalus for the Jedi. It will need tweaking but it has been unused since it's reconstruction. Though there is a small problem with that. There is a dark nexus that plagues the world. While me alone cannot remove it and build a new to sustain the planet the aid there would be something for the jedi'
These were serious ideas, ideas of a magnitude that Mantic was not sure laid within his leugue. Yet, he felt that it held enlugh promise to pursue somewhat more, if for nothing else, for the Republic.

"It is as you suspect. I can not order such things myself. Nor will I persuade the senate into taking such a decission because I want it. But I can forward my oppinion on your intent and affiliation with the force." Mantic tasted the air somewhat and pondered.

"Do not mistake me for a jedi that rule over my gobernment. I, on the contrary rather serve." he added to make sure he did not come off as a ruler in the Republic.

"But let us say, that the senate approves. What off your ship and army? Will it be stationed here on Sekalus or where do you see it operating?"

Mantic had heard her mentioning of the dark for e nexus, a very troubling entity. He had been here with his former padawan [member="Rafeesh"] as he was trying to gather crystals. The nexus had been there and proved to be his padawans greatest trial, but one that he defeated. He considered it possible to turn such a power from darkness. But he wanted to make sure What Sanya had in mind. She was a master of the force and was very well aware what the nexus could do, did she really want to risk that power?

"And, I have to know. Your former affiliation with the sith, how will the senate be assured this is not a trick?"

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Sanya turned to look at Mantic. "The ship would serve the republic till we can run it our selfs and after that. If the ship is requested to be stationed somewhere then I'll make sure it's there. But if the mercs legion or sekalus comes under attack then obviously that takes priority." She said. Sanya knew well of republic protocol with ships. The conversation has appeared many times. Although Sanya knew the next question would be asked. "If your talking about the black rose that was disbanded, then those who served under the name where not sith when I came into leadership. At the beginning yes they where sith and I didn't like the position I was forced into. it's a long story of why I had no choice to work with them and compile. But if the Senate dose indeed need me to prove this is no trick then they can put a tracker on my wrist till they are satisfied. Even if they want to go one step further they can send people to watch me. Except when I'm with my wife then that's my own private life and I'd respect the boundary not to be crossed there. What ever steps I need to take to prove my self then I'll do it. Off the record and keeping a no contact basis I have been aiding the republic for a while in secret. But I don't really have proof of that." Sanya had only had a brief time indulged into the dark side. It was unnatural it felt wrong and never again. Her sabers are the only reminder of what it felt like. They radiate the dark side and through that she pushes herself more to the light. Only in dire moments would she walk the line of the light and dark. Many Jedi have done the same and they are famous for their triumph in battle. Not that Sanya enjoys it but when pushed and left no option it's necessary. "If you promise me you will do everything in your power to help me. Then I promise you I'll join back into the order but not as a Jedi but as a teacher."
While listening intently on what [member="Sanya Val Swift"] suggested Mantic also kept a firm presence in the force, not to guard himself but to discern any signs of hesitation or darker intent, signs that could give her off as a follower of the dark side.

Yes, there were tints of corruption, but it was distant and it would have been strange if nothing lingered after having worked with the sith.

"Well, you are right in that the Republic need its allies, and if you would be a loyal and trustworthy one I will support your claim. But the senate, and possibly the supreme commander [member="Willam Forlon"] are the ones that ultimately will determine if your ship is something the Republic will put its reasources on." Mantic explained.

"My role will be if the senate asks for it to confirm your alliegence with the light. Something I am more then willing to do and I would welcome you as a Republic force instructor, even though you do not wish to be part of the order the Republic has a place for force users."

"What I also can do is put you in contact with the Supreme comander so that you may discuss the matter with him, if you wish for it?"

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] was a perfect example of the new force users in the Republic. A citizen, a queen no less, that wanted to help but had not been brought up as jedi and thus required a position elsewhere. Her force aura was light and pure in its core and Mantic could not detect any lies or corruption around her.
Observing here, he felt hope.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Sanya would turn back looking out to the ocean with her arms crossed against their rails. "Its not that I don't want to be a Jedi again but I'm not prepared to just drop everything and cause my people to suffer under a ruthless ruler again. At least I know that if a can get someone who will someday take my place and do a better job than I have. That makes me happy. If all honesty I wish the republic would liberate rendili so my wife isn't been watched by the sith and her production of ships once again can go into full and supply the republic with superior vessels again." She'd drop her head down and sigh for a moment. "I do miss the Jedi, and I miss Corvus. She seemed like the only person who had looked out for me in the order. She even came to my wedding. Not long after I heard she just disappeared. Actually wouldn't that slightly prove I'm not so bad? I have her signature as a witnesses. Anyway... " she'd push herself from the railing again. "The ship is already built and these are the specs for it so it would be good to have them passed along. My details are on there for [member="Willam forlon"] to contact me if it's a go."

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