Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A little Misunderstanding (Crusaders)

Factory Judge

Jorin needed a place to sleep for the night, and I was tired of having to lay down on the floor of the storage compartment to get enough room for me to lay down. I wanted at least a carpeted floor, or some kind of bed that was suited towards my size. As much as I wore this armor all the time, I just didn't know how to take it off. Sure, I would if I could, but I can't. And its not like its bad anyways. I probably smelled from sweat, and filth, and I didn't know how my body would react to this new environment.

Jorin was paying the Port guard. Really they were people that were lightly armed with a blaster pistol or a rifle just to prevent pirates and others from stealing from the ships. He nodded his thanks. Everyone was watching me. Kind of hard not to see me. I stood almost double other people. As the door opened, it was a little higher than most others I had seen so far. I didn't have to crouch down so much. It was nice.

Jorin turned to me and started talking. His head looking almost completely vertical to see my face.

"I am thinking we need to get one of the cheaper taverns so we can buy some food for tomorrow."

I nodded my head with a slight electric hum. He needed food three to four times a day. I did need sustenance as well, but not as often as humans did. It was strange. They ate so much, yet were so small compared to myself. Metabolism may play a factor in it. Either way, as we walked through the halls, I could stand straight up. The ceiling was high enough for now. Many people looked at myself and Jorin, an Echani as he told me.

After coming out, we looked for the nearest tavern. I stood outside so he could deal with the rooms. He walked in for a moment, and then walked right back out. Shaking his head.

​"Apparently they saw you and won't accept you."

I shook my head. Resting my hand gently on his shoulder, I patted him on the shoulder. Letting him know it was okay. He then walked off to a second one. He walked in again. There were a few moments where I was waiting. And then I heard him yell. I knew instantly who it was. He yelled out my name.


I growled loud and deeply as I slammed through the front door. It broke away under my strength. Moving into the tavern, the ceiling was barely above my head. If I were on my toes My head would touch the top. I then flung my hands open in a claw like formation, and my arms were open and ready to start fighting as I roared deeply with an electronic verberation following after.

Somebody was going to pay.

Dantooine was a pleasant enough planet, as were most of the establishments on said planet. It wasn’t entirely unusual for the Zeltron to be planet hopping, especially considering her new hobby of tracking down slavers.

“Here y’are miss.” The barkeep placed a mug of Corellian Ale in front of her and Joza nodded in thanks. She much preferred sweet, fruity drinks to the bitterness of ale, but it was not unwelcome. That, and it didn’t look like they served fuzzy navels or mojitos in a place like this. Not that she was going to ask, anyhow.

Removing the lit cigarra from between her lips, the pink-skinned woman took a long drink before abruptly stopping and coughing into the mug. Down the wrong hatch, and this stuff tasted gross. Ugh. She wasn’t sure how people could drink this on a regular basis. Briefly she considered just pouring it out, but that would probably be considered rude and she’d had to pay for it regardless. With an irritated grumble, the Zeltron took another drag of her cigarra before tossing it to the side, inadvertently hitting a certain scary looking warrior directly in the face parts as he entered the establishment.

[member="Ariel Vein"]

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