Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Knight and a Knaive

Bakura, the Telaan Valley
[member="Wovoka Vos"]
...the recent Imperial Remnant attack on Bakura had left chaos in its wake along with a new order. It also opened up opportunities for anyone willing to take advantage of them. The Tachyon Light Freighter had burst through the atmosphere of Bakura and descended to a lot altitude hoping to pass under any operational radar that might be scanning the area. Hopefully if the ship showed as a blip on the radar screen it would be considered a momentary glitch in the system after disappearing. Piloting from the cockpit where he sat Aethan was only to aware that forces aligned with the Imperial Remant might still be present on the surface of Bakura which is why he'd taken every precaution to avoid notice...

...the Tachyon Light Freighter would have flown the Telaan Valley before setting down in a wooded area where it could rely on natural cover to keep it hidden. The Telaan Valley was a large terrestrial depression on Bakura. Once the starship had set down it began to power off. The Astrometric Droid Aethan kept was given strict instructions to maintain radio silence unless necessary but to also perform sporadic scans of the area so that it could maintain a perimeter awareness if other forces arrived. Within a short time the docking ramp descended from the underbelly of the freighter and Aethan descended...

...dressed in a rustic brown cloak with similarly matching boots Aethan wore his lightsaber clipped to his belt over his right hip. A satchel with various tools and mundane items was carried over his left shoulder. As his feet touched the soft soil of the earth Aethan surmised it had rained recently, the flora looked particularly green in this area and the trees were thick and tall, completing a short examination of the area he set off into the forest. The Explorer had come to this world searching after rumors of artifacts hidden in the Telaan Valley that had been uncovered for quite awhile and now was his opportunity to search them out. Who knows what dangers lay ahead...
Bakura could not be compared to Ossus. This planet was rich with life and the forests were vast but could nothing in comparison to the mighty and deadly jungles of home. The crimson clad Imperial Knight sat below a large tree, his muscular back resting against the trunk as he sat cross legged and dignified with his arms resting on his thighs. Wovoka was deep in the Telaan Vally finding solace in nature for this may not be home but it was as it was going to get. Vos was nothing more than an squire to the Imperial Order of Knights, he had found his own way in search of proper training and enlightenment along with true purpose that the Jedi Order and its republic could not give. And here he was, a humble swordsman masked with in a carapace of red armor, pistol slung off the right hip and two light sabers, one long and one short in blade.

Closing his eyes he would shut himself from the plethora of stimuli to focus on the task at hand. The wind bristled his dread locks and added to his rhythmic breathing as he centered his soul. He would move his back off the truck so he could sit tall and straight, exposing the black cape that covered his waist and back. . Picking a spot above his naval to focus upon with just his mind, he would continue the breathing, focusing fully on the rising and fall of his abdomen on inhale and exhale. This was to achieve inner peace, harmony and serenity.

Then the sounds of sublight engines roared above him as a transport hugged the forests roof in what Wovoka could only theorize as an evasion technique to avoid detection. The Empire did not have control of this planet. They only held the starport while the soldiers continued to load shuttles with much needed supplies back to the Chimaera. It was curiosity that nudged the meditating warrior back to reality more then the roars of the ship. If someone took such measures not to be found, they were worth investigating.

Didn't take Wovoka long to find the transport and its droid. The moment Vos saw the astromech droid he knew he had lost all elements of surprise for the robot would of sent signal off to its master of the intrusion. Which would of made tracking and hunting the individual down that much harder and deadlier. So instead, the Imperial Knight would just wait by the ship in broad view. The Astromech would also notify its owner that said intruder was also alone.

[member="Aethan Tannan"]
...not more than a kilometer away and Aethan would have heard the familiar -beep boop- of the Astrometric Droid over his comms causing him to mutter..."Damn thing, I haven't even been gone an hour."...he was about to reprimand the droid when it informed him that a man, clad in Red Armor, was outside the ship investigating it. Grimacing Aethan was loathe to have admit..."Alright, alright, you did the right thing."...then he would have cursed his awful luck assuming that the Imperials had caught his ship on their radar and sent someone to investigate. A lone man was a bit of an oddity though. Turning Aethan would have gestured skyward as though signing off on his planned adventure before heading back in the direction of his ship where this lone assailant was apparently awaiting his arrival...

...the trek wasn't long and after observing from a distance, hidden by the flora of the forest, Aethan would have emerged from a pathway which would have allowed [member="Wovoka Vos"] to see him without effort. Looking ahead Aethan appeared amiable in his expression however he was quick to cut to the chase knowing that this man, a Kiffar if the tattoos on his face were any indication, was an Imperial Loyalist according to the armor he wore...
"I thought your people were confined to the city."...he'd have started by saying..."A shame." now his right hand had come to rest across the hilt of the lgihtsaber clipped to his belt as he watched, studying the Imperial for a reaction...

...Aethan started to ease his hand over the hilt, threading his fingers around it slowly, then he said...
"No use discussing this. I can't have more of your people finding me."...then the lightsaber came off his belt, igniting with a -vwooooosh- as the golden hue of the blade came to life, as Aethan brought his left hand up and over to take hold of the hilt beneath his right hand. The Lightsaber was held right hand over left, above the right shoulder with the blade extending vertically as Aethan turned his left side forward at a forty-five degree angle across from Vos...

...regarding his opponent momentarily Aethan let his back right foot dig into the soft soil and dirt of the forest floor then propeled himself forward with a push of the legs which launched him ahead as he began charging towards Vos quickly with short, swift strides of the leg...
It was more then just haphazard luck that Wovoka had happened upon this explorer. It was the force guiding him to this confrontation for all the variables and stars had to be aligned this day for Vos to had notice the lone transport while he alone was deep in the jungle and beyond the imperial perimeter. As he had predicted the loyal droid would of reported the knight's intrusion to his master. Though Wovoka was surprised to see the man emerge from the jungle in full sight of the Squire. No trickery, just straight up visual stand off. Vos respected such honor and bravado. He even kept his words short and straight to the point before igniting his lightsaber and rushing towards the crimson clad warrior before him.

"As you wish!" Vos replied in a deep Ysanna accent as his head tilted forward, his sullen eyes focused upon the incoming threat. He would ignite his own light saber and placing himself into the ready position, with hands at waist height, sword pointing between opponents eyes, right foot forward, left heel slightly raised. There was no point in defusing this situation for the explorer had made it very clear that he did not want imperial interference and was more the willing to dispatch lethal force to keep it so.

Wovoka's advanced over the jungle floor, his black cape and dread lock hair flapping in the wind behind him as the bottom of his boots dug into the soft soil. Vos only dealt in death, for such a duel was no different then war... there were no rules and the only victor was the one that was still alive. The gap between the two force warriors was had and Wovoka was in distance to strike. Vos' white lit lightsaber was at the middle position, with the tip of the sword pointed at his opponent's face. It was essential to keep thinking of stabbing said enemy in the face with the tip of you saber for when you have the intention of stabbing your opponent in the face, he will try to get both his face and his body out of the way. When you can get your opponent to shrink away, there are various advantages of which one can avail himself to win. Such were was the science of martial arts the squire was practitioning and placing training to actual use and advantage. So with a quick thrust Wovoka would try and drive the tip of his saber into the face of the explorer.

[member="Aethan Tannan"]
...Aethan's charge was met by the advance of the Imperial Knight who'd ignited his own lightsaber with a brilliant white glow that radiated with energy. As he proceeded towards his opponent Aethan let himself smile, good this was what he wanted, regarding how the Imperial Knight known as Wovoka Vos held his lightsaber in comparison to how Aethan handled his own. Different styles to be sure. Across the distance without having engaged one another yet Aethan thought the two of them might have differing styles, reading his opponent he thought that the Imperial Knight might favor a more style and judging from the positioning of his lightsaber Aethan had a decent idea of what he planned to do with it with concerns to his intial attack....

...sweeping his lightsaber across Aethan wouldn't shrink back from the blow that Wovoka made. The Lightsaber, golden hued, would have swept across horizontally from where it had been held vertically over Aethan's right shoulder. It would crash against Wovoka's white blade causing both to crackle with energy as they collided and Aethan made a parry that was intended to deflect Wovoka's blade wide and his right. As the parry was made Aethan also offset himself by planting his right foot ahead on the outside of Wovoka's left foot like he intended to make a pass of the Imperial Knight however....

...when his right foot planted Aethan use it as a pivot point. Drawing his left side backwards, using his own forwards momentum following the parry, Aethan would bring himself around Wovoka's left side hoping that the Imperial Knights own advance would keep him moving ahead. Regardless the lightsaber Aethan had used to parry Wovoka's blade would wheel around, Aethan's wrists rotated to compliment the motion, up over his left shoulder while being brought back around behind his head so that it hovered over his right shoulder again before falling in graceful but powerful blow...

...the lightsaber had come back up, over Aethan's right shoulder, he continued to pivot on his right foot until he'd swept himself around in a complete circle with his left foot landing back behind the right and he swung horizontally again. It wasn't much different than the previous blow only that it was an attack rather than a parry. The Lightsaber was meant to come down from the high right and descend to the lower left as Aethan wheeled himself around to face Wovoka's backside after a bit of fancy footwork with the fall of the blaming to hit over the right shoulder and continue down and above the left hip while Aethan reversed his momentum and let himself move backwards to create room between the both of them...
[member="Wovoka Vos"]

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