Catalys Maijora
"Ansion! Look at it. Small, backward, unimportant. If queried , I wager not one politician or merchant in a hundred could tell you anything much about it.."
- Shu MaiThe world of Ansion was one covered in rolling hills, plains, and farmlands. Only a few dozen million people live on this backward world, if even that; not much is known about the place and in that it becomes the perfect place for one to hide. From law, from bounty hunters, and even from the darkest of secrets that roam the galaxy.
Catalys had been out of Primeval space for some time already; he was tracking a runaway Agent that intended to sell information on The Primeval in exchange for protection and a comfortable life. One benefit and risk the agents get is their permission to engage in regular behaivor and adapt themselves into the social norm of the galaxy at large. For some this is too much and they begin to love what they truly don't have. What they never will have. They succumb to their greed and once the Grand Executor finds out, they order a purge of all the active agents, save for a few. To prevent this, Catalys tracked the runaway to the world of Ansion.
Walking into a small cantina he scanned the area. It seemed home mostly to farmers but it was not an uncommon hotspot for bounty hunters looking for outcasts roaming the world's settlements and taken refuge in abandoned farmsteads.