Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Home To Call Your Own.

The enclosed wall of the dilapidated structure sizzled, a light pericing through the durasteel. A sort of odd sizzling noise came from the other end. A circle eventually was cut into the durasteel panel. Eventually the circle was complete in the wall, and notihng happened for a bit. If somone were to be in that room, they would hear murmured speech in an odd, dead language, the language native to the planet that they were from. Soon the speech settled down and a few powerful thuds knocked against the cut out circle.




And like that the circle came out, knocking onto the, sunlgiht shining into the building for the first time in many years, and with the sunlight, came bodies. They wore heavy armor and bore fully automatic slugthrower rifles. Five bodies came out of hole into the structure, they came for loot.

Anaxes was home to numerous abandoned military bases, research facilities, shipyards, all of them from an age gone by. Most of the military equipment that once murmered on this world now stood silent, much of the populace leaving for greener pastures, the days of the republic and one sith had gone, now most of the once bustling military stations lay dormant, in overgrown metal cages, there were secrets to be gathered, and those secrets today were to be collected and picked apart by the DSB, but the DSB were too busy being pretentious to get the information themselves. That was where Alyson came in.

They were in the structure now they needed to begin searching. They were looking for old One Sith schematics and designs, they would take anything they could get, whether that was shield generators, starships, engines, anything, the DSB wanted it all. So now they began looking, ransacking the building as much as possible. The room they had entered appeared to be a sort of reception area, it would not be too useful but who knew.

One guy was sent to check the reception while the rest moved back into the more secretive areas of the shipyard. There might be some active security droids, but that was unlikely.

The group came up upon a large foyer, it had a caved in roof, but there was an odd symbol on the overgrown floor, that of the galactic empire. It made no sense, but maybe they re-purposed the base, they had only the best intelligence from the DSB, and they were told this was a One Sith shipyard, they were not ones to question it. The group broke apart in the foyer, each going to a different area to dig for documents and other information, Alyson made her way towards the security area, maybe she could find something there.

The security area door was open, wide open, it was strange, normally bases like this had the entire base locked down. But it was none the matter. The inside of the security reception was rather nice looking compared to the rest of the shipyard, the furniture still looked okay, the lights still funcitoned, it was not even overgrown. Somebody had been taking good care of this place.

Alyson quickly went past the security reception and made her way back to the head of security office, hopefully they had left some documents of importance. Once she got there she tore open drawers and filing cabinets, hopefully something important could be found. She was not paying attention to her surroundings however, and she could easily be caught off guard.



Massive Wanker

Kal had been woken up by the noise. Noise wasn’t a problem these days; the still air of the abandoned shipyard didn’t have much to say to the droid. Now, after 8 centuries, Kal had heard something that wasn’t the grueling wind or the screeching wheels of bored mouse droids. A thud. He didn’t see this as interesting or enticing, it was a security threat. Jogging to the relative area of the sound as fast as he could, Kal was met with a masked figure, scouring the Imperial security room for a lock to pick.
A slight tap on the shoulder would do the trick. Kal shoved the figure, knocking it onto the ground.
“What is your security clearance?” Kal asked, in a firm, tinny voice.
“Security clearance.” The droid interrupted. It was getting annoyed. So many lowlife hitchhikers pretend to not know anything. Such a pain.
Kal was not one for patience. It would give the figure some time. Maybe the thud was an injury. No wonder it was playing dumb.
Alyson was looking through filing cabinets and such, she didnt even notice the droid enter the room. When she was shoved to the ground she made a quite audible grunt. This droid whatever it was was rather strong. She rammed right onto the floor with her shoulder, it hurt like hell. It took her a moment to adjust her vision to get a good look at whatever had shoved her down, the thing was really tall, and rather imposing. At least 7 feet tall and extremely imposing. Whatever it was she didn't want to fight it, at least not head on. One of her men had an ion rifle, she needed to get to him if she wanted to not die here.

The droid was asking for security clearance, Alyson didn't plan to give any. Alyson pretended to check her pack for a nonexistent ID.

"Im sorry, must be in my other pack." She said.

The droid appeared to have a high center of gravity, she could use this to her advantage. She attempted to force push his legs out from under him in order to knock him over before attempting to run out the door. If she made it out the door she would run back down into the reception area, the guy who had gone to check it had a ion pistol on him just in case something like this happened, hopefully she would make it, if she didn't, it would not be a good situation.



Massive Wanker
Kal didn't see the ground coming; he needed security clearance
"What is your security cleara—" The droid attempted to ask the ground, but it was met with a loud thud and its visual sensors momentarily blacking out.
Kal turned his head around. The figure was scuffling away. It was now sure the figure didn't have an ID.
The droid was now on its feet. The figure hurried down the hallway, presumably not looking for its ID. Kal chased it for a short while.
Kal would catch it eventually. It always did.
Alyson could outrun this droid easily, with her force speed and the droids apparent slowness, she would be able to get to the reception area, the problem was getting the guy to fire when she ran through, she would just have to hope he could react fast enough. Force speed was highly useful in getting someplace quickly, sadly it lacked in the ability to alert people, so that would be another issue entirely.

Alyson bursted down the hallway and into the reception area, she struggled to completly slow down, ramming herself into a wall, she could hear the odd snapping sound of breaking bone, she reammed into the wall at extremely high speed, she had broken her arm. It hurt like hell but she needed to disable that droid.

"GALAHAD SHOOT THAT DROID" She shouted wreathing in pain.

Johnson snapped up and seeing the droid running towards him, fumbled for his ion pistol. He was barely able to get a hold on the grip before the droid got close enough to touch. He quickly fired the gun, unable to determine what happened before falling on his posterior. Alyson meanwhile was attempting to use all of the tricks she had learned from the jedi to dull the pain, she used her good arm to get out her commlink to signal for a medic, hopefully that would come soon.



Massive Wanker
Kal was met with the ground again. An old friend, reunited. Perhaps it would give it his ID this time.
[member="Alyson Halle"]
Alyson stood up grunting in pain, the team medic came into the room to assess her. While he was taking a look she took a good look at that old hunk of metal. She took pity on it, it had fought well, she would hate to see it go to waste.

The men that slowly came back returned nothing, and the medic gave Alyson a shoulder splint for now until they could better heal it back on the ship, she didnt want to return completly empty handed, and there were programming stations back on the ship that could be somewhat useful in this situation.

"Take that droid back to the ship, i want it cleaned up and reprogrammed, its mine now." She said

The men dared not question the order, regardless of how confusing they found it, they just got out a sack, and stuck the large droid into it. , and then they ferried it back to the shuttle. The shuttle was waiting for them back outside, landing in the grassy, overgrown field that had covered what used to be this shipyard. The men loaded up and went back to the ship in orbit, nearly empty handed, besides the droid, the intel seemed to be rather bad, the DSB would be notified of this failure.

They made their way up to the ship, and the droid and Alyson went seperate ways for now, now Alyson heading to the medbay, and the droid heading in for reprogramming. She was very specific with what she wanted with the droid, she wanted no memory wipe, and she wanted it to have sentience programming, she didnt want to trust anything that always was trustworthy, it was illogical, but that might have been the large amounts of pain meds she was on at the time speaking, and not her. The droid was to become her personal droid, and while it did have sentience programming, the algorithms would be adjusted with a certian amount of loyalty to her and the dominion preinstalled, and while not absolute loyalty, it would be enough.

Alyson sat down for a battery of medical treatments while the droid was setup to the reprogramming rigs and reprogrammed, it would take time, but by the end of it, all would be worth it.

When her treatments were done she went in to take a look at the droids progress, the droid was hooked up to a myriad of computers, the technicians were scrambling about, typing furiously. Alyson had a temporary arm splint, her arm was bound to her torso by some sort of sling, preventing her from moving it too much.

"How is it coming along" She asked

"Almost done..... finished" The technician said.

"Turn it on i want to talk to the thing"

So they did so, they flicked on the droid, activiating power to its droid brain, for the first time it could think for itself.



Massive Wanker

ARM SER— Ah, to hell with it. This was tedious and boring.
Kal looked around. He was in a ship. A circle of surprised faces was looking at him.
CHECK SECURITY CLEARA— Oh, shut up, he thought.
A confused mouse droid skittered past the room.
"Hello," Kal said. "If it's not that much of a bother, could you tell me where I am, please?"
[member="Alyson Halle"]
"Your in the matinence bay of the DNV Heavenly Spire. We grabbed you from that shipyard, records show youve been there awhile, thought we might do you a favor by getting you out. The doc here can help you if you have any questions about your new found mental abilities." She said, pointing to the middle aged man in a labcoat.

The sentience programming can often be rather disorienting for a droid that received it, as their new mental freedom can be extremely overwhelming to the untrained droid brain, and it could take time to completly adapt to his new mental faculties and be able to use them to full effectivness

"Now ive been in need of a droid for awhile now, and i could use one like you in particular, if you dont want to work with me, we can always drop you off at the next port stop and you can be on your way. I dont believe in slavery of any kind, however i can make staying worth your time, i can offer you a job, a place to stay, and a purpose. You will struggle to find it anywhere else"



Massive Wanker
If Kal could blink, he would do that now.
"You're offering me a job." Kal said. "You don't even know what my name is."
The droid got up from the table he was sitting down on.
"I am K5-AL, security droid," he said. "Or, former security droid, apparently. You can call me Kal."
Everyone seemed to look up at him. His height certainly made an impression.
"Before I can do anything, unfortunately you're gonna have to update me on the last 8 centuries or so. Anaxes isn't a very lively planet."
[member="Alyson Halle"]
"Im sorry to inform you, but im not the best person to tell you the history of the galaxy as im still catching up myself, but this ship does have a rather extensive archives, and a few people who know more than i do about the matter." She said

She had little knowledge of the galaxy herself, she was in a very similar situation to the ancient droid, she had just been exposed to the galaxy for the first time a few shord years ago, and it would be difficult to accuratley explain all that had happened in the galaxy.

"The archives are on sublevel 23-B, if you want to go find it"



Massive Wanker
"I don't think that'll be necessary. I noticed your ship has a computer interface port over there." Kal said, pointing to the small hole in one of the walls. If you don't mind, I could..."
Kal retracted one of the armor panels in his left forearm and from it protruded a computer interface arm. Without waiting for a reply, he walked over to the port and connected it to his arm. His eyes grew dim, save for the occasional flickering. The air was still and silent, interrupted by the whirring of the arm rotating to and fro. Kal seemed to look at everything and nothing at the same time. 8 centuries' worth of data would take a while.
It had been 5 minutes. To Kal, however, it was like his wait on Anaxes all over again. He had stood in the middle of an immense field of data, collecting and absorbing all that he could. Wars lost. Kingdoms emerging from ashes and falling to dust. Entire planets destroyed. Benevolent rulers, malevolent tyrants... He was in and on all of it. 8 centuries, an ocean of information Kal was trying to swallow. After what seemed like forever, for both the droid and his rescuers, Kal retracted the arm from the port. He walked up to Alyson.
"I've seen it all, finally."
He glanced aside and noticed a small flag printed on the side of a table.

"You're from the Dominion, eh?"
He looked at the group.
"That is good. I was already planning my escape plan. If you don't mind, Alyson, I think I'll stay with you for a while."
[member="Alyson Halle"]

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