Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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a Holocron unearthed

Ravona sat in a bar after shaking hands with a Toydarian male. In her hands was a Holocron. This little Force artifact had cost her a pretty penny, but it was worth it.

Evil energy seemed to eminate from it, coming off in waves. It made the Force sensitive Twi'lek almost drunk with power. She wasn't sure whether to keep it, or offer it to the highest bidder.

Little did she know that this Holocron put her in the crosshairs of many people. Sith, Jedi, Collectors. All would try and take it from her when they found out.

She stood, tucking the Holocron away safely before walking out of the bar into the dirty, stale air that was a constant reminder that she was in Nar Shaddaas sublevels. "Time to go play with my toy..." And off she went, toward a hotel.
Rylla sighed as she wandered the streets of Nar Shaddaa, bored. She hadn't killed anything in at least a day, and it was driving her crazy.

But something caught her attention. She'd only sensed something like that in her father's library. . . .Oh. Now that's interesting.

She grinned and headed towards the holocron, twirling her unactivated saber staff in her fingers.

She stopped in her tracks, something seeming... Off. She delved into the force, extending her senses, when she felt it. Another being heading straight toward her. "Damn..." She took off, heading deeper into the maze of the planets underbelly.

"Gotta get safe..." She drew the Force around her like a cloak, dampening both hers and the Holocrons presence in the force to hide herself.
Rylla frowned as the holocron disappeared from her senses. Kriff.
She went towards the last place she sensed it, looking around at the people in the area.
"Which one of you, huh?" She muttered, her red eyes glaring at those around her.

The aliens, all in rough shape, merely looked away from the person as the Twi'lek continued her trek. "If I get to the spaceport... I'll high tail it to the next system..."

She began to weave toward a lift to take her to the surface, her concentration slipping slightly, allowing the Holocron to shine brightly in the Force for a brief moment before Ravona regained her concentration.
Rylla's eyes snapped toward the holocron before it disappeared again, spotting it's carrier.
"Gotcha." She muttered, quickly following the woman.
She tried to pierce the veil surrounding it, focusing on her father's training.

She cursed in several languages underneath her breath as she felt the force probe. Her hand slipped beneath her cloak and grasped her double bladed sabre, holding it as she ran.

"Come on lift... Where are you..." She slipped around a corner, and at the end of a long concrete stretch stood a lift. "Yes!" She bolted toward it.
"Ah!" The wave hit her, but instead of falling, she dove at the ground, tucking and rolling with the push so she sprung back up. She turned and opened her mouth, letting out a high pitched Force Scream.

This would have the affect of hurting anyones ears, but the affects of a force user are 10 fold. They dizzy, disoriented, nausous, and risk permanent damage. If she didnt find a way to block it, it was all but guaranteed the Twi'lek would get away.
Seeing what the Twi'lek was about to do, Rylla used the Force to dull her hearing into near nonexistence. When the scream reached her, she wasn't capable of hearing it. She smirked at the woman.
"Got anything else? Or can I have the holocron?" She boasted.

"This is my Holocron. You shall never get it." She activated her double sabre, but something was off about it. Energy pulsed up and down the beam instead of being steady, and the occasional crackle and spark were heard and seen. This wasn't made by an apprentice of the force, but made by a hand that didn't know what they were doing.
Rylla raised an eyebrow at the sight of the unstable lightsaber; clearly, this woman had no master.
"Come now, is that holocron really worth dying for?"
She activated her own saberstaff, twirling it in her hands.
"Can you really take a Sith?"

"For thus Holocron, I'll take on 100." She spun the sabre with a flourish as she smirked. "I bought it. Its mine!"

A snarl turned her smile ti a growl as she held her position, waiting for the woman.
Nomad was walking along the streets of Nar shaddaa when someone violently pushed pushed him, annoyed he turned back but then another person was chasing the first. Not normally caring about caught cheaters he followed. As soon as he looked around the corner he saw a battle starting to ignite. One of them was Sith, he knew that from overhearing the ending of the conversation. The other? Unknown he noted. Drawing his E-11 Carbine in case he was brought into the battle Nomad waited in the shadows, wondering what type of holocron would be worth killing over.

[member="Rylla Aldrecht"]

(I hope I can join)

Mornhun of House Marr

Mornhun watched as the people battled over yet another holocron. He had seen and heard of many in his brief time among the sea of stars. His black alchemical blade hissed loose of its sheath like a snake shedding its skin. The violence of his attention interupted by thr sudden urge to whet his stone and hone his blade. He'd wait until one fell then take the one still standing...unless he got hungry. In that case he would go get McYoda's.

[member="AshleePerson"] [member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Rylla Aldrecht"]
Surprised by the speed of the attack, Rylla ducked to the side, rolling for a moment on the floor. She suddenly sensed new presences neaby, and glanced around her, but did not spot their watchers.
Letting out a frustrated growl, Rylla lunged at her opponent; this wasn't about the holocron anymore, this was personal.

[member="Nomad Crimson"]
She vaulted over the sith, landing behind them and slashing at her back, before backing up, twirling her saver in a defensive pattern.

She also felt the new presence, and she became equally annoyrd. Damn this planet!

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