Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Helping Hand

Tanomas Graf

"Bring him in." A voice would announce, and the doors of the room were thrown open by two Imperial novatroopers as they dragged the chiss agent in before dropping him in the center of the room and turning and exiting. "Leave us." The voice would order, and the Imperial guards and shadowguards marched out, closing the door behind them, leaving the two beings completely alone in the large throne room.

"You were recovered from the Syndicate's 'good graces' not once, but twice. I've heard from others in Intelligence that you were staying at a luxury resort while we had to rebuild Void Station. It is not every day that you peak the interest of an Emperor. But, I brought you here not to converse or to kill you. You suffer before me from the pain of torture because I wish to give make you an offer."

The Emperor sat back into his throne, the top portion of his face covered by shadows. He waved his hands and the man's cuffs fell to the floor with a thud.

"You will become my Hand."

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Desmond C’artyom was dragged chained and bound through the dark corridors that led to the Emperor’s throne room. His vacation on Via had been cut short by stormtroopers busting open his doors and firing stun rounds at anything that moved. The Chiss had been frozen in carbonite and brought aboard an Imperial shuttle. In his dreams he had visions of a girl, but he knew not why he saw her. He was plagued by the thought of being forced to watch as someone's prized wall mount while they dangled the woman over a large pit and for some reason… It hurt the Chiss to see this. Something to do with what Abyss had done to his mind.

But, his dreams finally ceased and he was thawed from his icy prison. He awoke with a start and fell from his chamber with a thud. He was blinded and only silver flecks thought to guide him. He felt round on the ground frantically trying to figure out where he was when he was suddenly forced to the floor and bound like an animal. He asked, pleaded and begged to know what was to become of him, but his pleading was met by silence. His mind began to run wild with thoughts of the inquisition.

He had heard about the unspeakable acts that they committed on their victims. Whispered in hushed tones around Imperial space, the inquisitors were known, but never seen. Desmond thought for sure he was to be their next subject… The Chiss was forced into a cold room and felt the guards that guided him release their firm grip.

“Leave us,” A voice commanded, it was cold, firm, harsh.

This was the end of C’artyom and he knew it. He nervously awaited the torture that was surely to come.

"You were recovered from the Syndicate's 'good graces' not once, but twice. I've heard from others in Intelligence that you were staying at a luxury resort while we had to rebuild Void Station. It is not every day that you peak the interest of an Emperor. But, I brought you here not to converse or to kill you. You suffer before me from the pain of torture because I wish to make you an offer."

Despite the agents blindness it became easily apparent who was speaking to him. It was the Emperor himself and Desmond kneeled before the one true ruler of the galaxy. He didn't know whether to be terrified or excited. So, he settled for somewhere in between. The cuffs fell from Desmond’s wrist and he jumped a little as they did so.

“You will become my Hand,”

Desmond was dumbfounded at such an honor. He did not know what to say, but when one is in the presence of an Emperor it is foolish to keep his peace.

“You honor me your grace!” Desmond stammered.

“When I left with the terrorist I had the Empire’s best interest at heart. I negotiated for a peace should you will it Emperor,”

[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Tanomas Graf

"Peace?!?!? Peace!?!?!" The Emperor roared "This is nothing but a cease fire, with terrorists like these there is never peace. They'll always come back to suit their radical needs, a darker version of how righteousness works in the Galactic Alliance. From the moment the first of their shuttles exploded in Void Station, plans for a subsequent invasion of Malachor were requested down the chain of the Imperial Military. Grand Admiral Mahan has already been given authorization to commence a Base Delta Zero operation, the complete extinction of all life on the planet, if the time comes where we have to pull the trigger. The Empire does not forget, the Empire does not forgive, not while I am in power".

"I had ears and eyes on you for every second of the time you were abducted, from Blonde offering her inferior armor to Abyss stealing one of your precious memories. Which I might add was so terribly done, our cloners wouldn't need to waste a minute to restore it, and he calls himself Sith. Times are changing rapidly, to an era where Sith and Jedi are no longer regarded as the strongest sects in the Galaxy. There are silver Jedi, there are Ren, and there are witches. As my Hand, you will come across these sorts ranging from the Ssi-Ruuk Star Cluster to the Tingle Arm. You need to be ready." The Emperor growled, a hint of yellow in his eyes causing them to glow in the shadows.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
The Emperor spoke harsh words, but they rang true nonetheless. Desmond thought him correct in the fact that the Rebels would be back, but he saw deeper then that. The enemy could be used, given a little honey they could domesticate the dogs. Unleash them like loyal hounds wherever the Empire pleased. It was a possibility that Desmond found most appealing, which is why he had struck a bargain with the fools.

This idea was quickly shot to pieces however as the Emperor mentioned BDZing Malachor. Desmond would not put it past the calculative Duros to be willing to execute millions. He had worked with the man before, buying slaves for one of his sadistic rituals. The alien enjoyed death on a sickening level. It was almost vicarious...

The Emperor continued and this time mentioned Desmond's meeting with the crime lord... How much did the emperor know? Ran through Desmond's mind. The emperor spoke of force users. Claiming the era of the jedi and the sith fast coming to an end. That soon all that would be left of their archaic religions would be rogue force users. Desmond agreed and found their own empire to be plenty evidence of such. Desmond bent lower on his knee

"Emperor I believe these crime syndicates may be reasoned with. A little money would go a long ways. They are desperate and in need of finances. We could easily bend them to our will. Which is why I struck a bargain with them… Emperor forgive me, I have betrayed you. I accepted money from the scum in exchange for Imperial secrets. I plead for your mercy. I had believed it to be your will to use the rebels,"

[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Tanomas Graf

The Emperor suddenly raised his hand about to electrocute the chiss agent, the forks of blue lightning were already pulsing around his fingers, but he thought better of it. He took a deep breath and composed himself, he had never been this angry and unreasonable when he was an admiral. "That is the sort of initiative I expect from an Intelligence agent, very good..." The Emperor said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

"From what I've heard from my sources, the information you handed out was inconsequential and outdated from my point of view, it is of little use to them. I wish you to continue these sort of actions should the need rise and those Syndicate scoundrels come for you again. You will work with my Wrath, Inquisitor Morcus, to deal with any heretics within or outside of the Remnant. Be it the Syndicate, or a disillusioned Triumvirate member..." Graf stated, standing from his throne and approaching his Hand, as if to examine him closer.

"Ah...Hibernation sickness..."

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
The Emperor praised Desmond and the Chiss basked in the glory. He was correct in the fact that the information was near useless. It was tech that would only be used in select scenarios and never when the Remnant’s full participation was involved. It was of a seedy nature that would more likely be used in guerilla warfare or sabotage than anything else. Never a true campaign.

“I’m honored to hold so prestigious a rank your grace. I will not fail you again. I will serve diligently and rigorously. I am yours to command my lord,”

The Chiss didn’t like the idea of working with the inquisitors, but he would do as the emperor commanded. No matter what. Still this did not mean a little posturing every now and then was out of the question. Something that may cause the inquisitors to look like fools, or gain the Hand and his agents greater glory. Desmond smiled at this and thought of ways he might do this now, but could come up with little.

“Hibernation sickness my lord? No, I believe I have been blinded by your magnificence,”

[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Tanomas Graf

"Boot-licking is not a trait I find desirable. If you wish to flatter me, you will do it through success and loyalty to the Remnant." Graf stated, frowning slightly.

The Emperor sensed the dislike in the chiss when he mentioned the Imperial Inquisitorius, so he sought to quell it somewhat. "Remember, Agent C'artyom. I do not appreciate inter-branch power struggles; For a being to walk, its legs must coordinate with each other as to not call it to trip, instead of tangling around each other at every possible opportunity. As a unified Empire, we must put aside our differences and work to bring order to the Galaxy." The Emperor mention, pacing around the man.

"Rise." He commanded.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
The emperor's words rang out throught the station and Desmond felt he had made a mistake. The Emperor was not a man for flatery and the Chiss knew he had displeased him. The chiss kneeled even deeper untill his nose was practically to the floor. "Forgive me Emperor," He said in a hushed tone.

Tanomas seemed to sense Desmond's dislike of the inquisitors as he made a comment about walking legs. Desmond snorted. Imperial Intelligence could operate as both legs as far as Desmond was concerned. The Inquisitors were a necessary evil that Desmond would do away with as soon as possible, but the emperor was correct. The Inquisitors were needed... For now.

Desmond rose as the Emperor commanded. "You are correct Emperor as always. I will always be at your disposal. What is your command my lord? What would you have of me?"

[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Tanomas Graf

The Emperor smirked at the man rose.

"I have a mission for you, it will be like nothing you have ever encountered before. You may not make it back alive, which is why I am assigning it to you." He stated, his eyes never leaving from the glowing red eyes of the chiss.

"The Galactic Alliance has been rather...overreaching...these past few months; And I believe it is time to put them in their place." Graf continued, a sinister tone taking over. "You will go to Sullust with several other agents, they will be sacrificial. Years ago, in the Red Nebulae, I encountered a plague. Unlike the Gulag, this plague could reanimate the dead with only one mission in undeath; to consume all other living things and add them to their ranks. We acquired this virus recently, you will take vials of it and infect the main spaceport on Sullust."

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
The Emperor had a task for Desmond. If it came directly from Him it's self then it was bound to be important. He made clear it was a dangerous job that only C'artyom could handle. But, the Chiss was not worried as C'artyom always got the job done.

It was to be a hit against the gallactic alliance then. The dystopian empire had over stepped it's bounds and now it was time to send a clear cut message. The Emperor described a horrofic serum that brought the dead to life. Desmond was to unleash it upon the masses. It sounded easy enough. "It will be done my lord, I shall leave at once," The Chiss gathered his wits about him and prepared for the most devestaing attack he had ever committed yet.

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