Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Helping Hand


Location: Coruscant Underworld
Tags: Taji Nelson

Ripley strolled through the streets of the underworld, half looking for trouble. It had been some time since she had been back to Coruscant - not since her prison break. However, she hoped the time between then and now had been enough for the local police to forget her name. Even if they caught her, she had managed to slice her way into the system and delete her files, so they wouldn't be able to prove she was a wanted criminal. And so here she was her old stomping grounds, an ornery itch under her skin to make some ruckus.

The sound of her feet on the pavement accompanied by the bustle of people was like music to her ears. She had been stuffed up in ships so long that she had almost forgotten what a real city was like. She turned her head as she heard thumping in the distance, a tell-tale sign of a nightclub. She reached into her pocket, pulling out what few credits she had left, and sighed looking at them. Fun will have to wait, it seems. She put the credits back and continued walking, taking in the sights around her.

Not far off, she saw a man... no, a teenager sitting with a cup out. He looked awfully skinny to Ripley. Her face contorted into a slight grimace as she took out her credits and looked at them again. He needs these more than I do. Ripley wrapped her hand around the metal and began slowly strolling towards the cup. As she approached, her eyes met with a large man coming from the opposite direction. The abrasive smell hit her nose - he reeked of alcohol - though she could also see how drunk he was in the way he stumbled. Ripley paused for a moment, her animal instincts coupled with her precognition making her aware of the coming danger. But it wasn't her the man went after - it was the boy.

Taji Nelson

"You know nerd," said the Drunk Man, slurring as he spoke. "I thought I told you to not come around here begging for charity again." He said as he grabbed Taji by the shirt collar. He then kneed Taji in the stomach. Taji winced in pain, looking around for someone to save him from what he was getting done to him by the individual. The individual was being mean to Taji to put it mildly. Taji was thrashing around and attempting to free himself from the grip of the man. He didn't like what was happening.... that much was obvious. "So why don't you make yourself useful and go jump off a roof? No one will miss you."

"Who knows, you might be a powerful Jedi when you wake up." The man laughed, as he continued abusively hurting Taji.
Ripley watched in horror as the drunkard manhandled the poor boy. She stood there in shock for a moment, watching the events play out. Finally, she was able to snap herself out of it enough to approach. Her strut said it all: she was unafraid. She wouldn't stand to watch this poor soul be taken advantage of or abused. She was apprehensive about not having weapons, but her time with the Jedi had taught her some unarmed combat, for when things got sticky.

"HEY!" She shouted at the man as she approached. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Or at least someone who can defend themselves?"

Her brows furrowed as the righteous anger flashed across her face. The man dropped the boy and whipped his head around, giving her a look that could kill.

"Who 're you talking to, little girl? You think you're strong enough to mess with me?"

The man lurched towards her, still half stumbling, and an arm came out to strike her. Her own hand flew up in response, blocking it, and her other arm went up for a strong jab. The man, already off-balance, fell backward, tripping over his own feet in the process.

Ripley looked at the man once more, her hand going up next to her face, moving slowly sideways.

"You want to apologize to the boy. You will go home and go to bed after."

Mind trick had always been something Ripley was stronger in, and she hoped she hadn't developed rust after all this time.

Taji Nelson

Taji Nelson

"How did you make him apologize?" Taji asked as he was impressed. "Normally his beatings he gives me last hours. " He winced as he talked as the guy had bruised some of his ribs. One thing was for certain. Taji planned to keep her around as best he could. Many people were treated like he had been across the cosmos. An idea came to him.

"We should work together you and I." He stated to her. "With your skills at the Force and my ability to invent...."

Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
Ripley let out a small grin at his words- he seemed impressed, which pleased her. The smile quickly faded though as she noticed his winced, and she rushed to his side, squatting down. She didn't know how to help, but it was obvious he needed aid.

"I learned it from my master. Just a trick of the mind, aided by the force. How long has he been assaulting you like that?"

She frowned as she rose once again. The thought of anyone having to bear this day in and day out didn't sit well with her. She extended her hand, offering to help him up.

"I wouldn't be opposed to that thought. How about we go somewhere and talk, get you off the street? I'll pay."

Taji Nelson

Taji grinned at her offer. She was truly a kind hearted soul. He could trust her. He took her hand and rose with her. "Weeks. My ride off this planet back home isn't quite finished yet. But when it is I plan on never seeing him again."

"I could really use something to eat." Food first and then medical care. Food was good. He liked food. He also genuinely needed some sustenance for himself as yeah, hadn't eaten in a while. He'd soon remedy that though.
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