Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Goodwill Hunting Time! (Yuroic/Asa)

Yuroic was determined to spend some time with Asaraa. They had been distracted with Mandalorians, training Padawans and other SJO activities that they hadn't the chance to enjoy and father/daughter activity. Especially since he gifted her the bow on Life Day so many months ago. Yuroic decided it would be a good time to take his daughter hunting in the Kashyyyk Shadowlands. There were plenty of creatures lurking there for them to hunt and practising her bow skills would be good if she ever wanted to use the bow he gifted her. Because he was not letting her go around be terrible with it, since he was the SJO's expert bowman. Which wasn't difficult position to get but one he was proud of.

Grabbing two normal bows, he figured that they didn't need to take energy based bows with them since this was just a simple hunting trip. He dressed himself in dark green top and black trousers, attire best suited for hunting so that he didn't stand out. Yuroic could only hope that Asaraa would be wearing something appropriate for the occasion, especially after the near heart attack she gave him during prom. He kissed Jairdain goodbye as he headed out of the Temple. Typing a message to Asaraa to meet him in the Shadowlands, with coordinates to where his location would be as well.

Sitting in a small opening, Yuroic had set up a fire and there was two large quivers filled with arrows, and two bows against the trees. Yuroic was crouched waiting for his daughter to arrive.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
The girl could see the dappled patterns of sunlight breaking through the canopy casting their pattern across the trees around her, trailing over her skin like a tattoo. These far into the Shadowlands there was very little wind, just the lightest touch of air that blew across the treas, just playing on their leaves and branches like a harpist playing their instrument. Closing her eyes Asaraa imagined that she could hear hte instruments, the sharp sweet sound cutting through the melody of the forest around her.

It was a song, not an orchestra she was all too familiar with. When she'd first arrived on Kashyyyk you couldn't keep her out of the forest, she'd loved to just spend days exploring and just walking, soaking up the natural balance the sheer brightness of the living force that surrounded her. She could breathe in and taste it on the air, feel it filling her entire being, an energy that seemed like a river, pulling her along, it had always just pulled her along. Closing her eyes the girl reached out to that force, not to manipulate it, not to seek anything more than letting the energy flow through her, letting it carry her with it as she span on one foot, cutting a pirouette as her blue eyes flicked open, shining with life as she gave a little push, the leaves surrounding her on the floor of the forest swirling up to surround her, a whirlwind of colour and vibrancy that left her laughing as she remembered the first time she'd ventured into the shadowlands, doing much the same thing. Though, of course, back then her skin was red and well...things changed.

The thought slowed her, the girl spinning to a stop as she glanced at her hand, clenching it into a fist as she stared down at her fingers. Her human fingers. There were times she forgot, times when she opened herself up to the living force and it's energy carried her away, past the physical into a world of energy...but she had to wonder if someone where to look at her there what would they see. Would they still see a Togruta, or would there be the human. She was them both, as much as she tried do deny it both the Jedi and the Sith who had inhabited this body had played a role in making her who she was. And who she was wan't so bad at all, she had friends, she had a family and that wasn't nothing. Still...she had lost something that day, the day the Jedi came to rescue her. She'd gained something too, a sense of community, a surety that no matter what happened they'd have her back but something was different. The living force no longer called to her every second of every day, now she had to seek it out, open herself to it. It was like an old friend, one who you still got on with but something had changed, the click just wasn't the same as before. Not in a bad way, it wasn't like the force had retreated from her, but her relationship with it had changed. It was still there, the energy surrounding her, but it was more like an ocean surrounding her now, the ebb and flow that moved around her instead of the fast current that pulled her along. It still moved her though, as much as she tried to deny it there was no way around the force's involvement in her life. Sometimes though that was a good thing, the young knight's lips quirked up into a smirk as she slipped into the clearing. "You know, if I get eaten by a giant bear or something, you totally owe me another 10 years work of presents."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
It was still quite cool in the Shadowlands, with the sun barely reaching the surface thanks to the enormous trees that covered Kashyyyk. The clearing was small and surround by fairly large trees, trunks so thick you could build a house within it, the thousands of years that these trees have survived, to see things that Yuroic could only imagine, the creation of the Republic, the downfall, the Battle of Kashyyyk, the first Galactic Empire, the downfall of that and all the events that happened afterwards and before. Perhaps some things were better left to knowledge of trees and their kind, Yuroic thought about their history, how Jedi have changed over the years, become more diverse but at the same time, they haven't changed at all. There were times that Yuroic wondered if he really was a Jedi or just a Force User who called himself one, he still used the Dark Side at times and he was still more Grey than Jedi at times but the SJO was his family and he would do whatever it took to save them, even if that thing was bending his version of being a Jedi to help them.

Yuroic waited till he could hear Asaraa approach, she wasn't stealthy as he knew she could be, but then why should she be stealthy when she was meeting her father. Yuroic tried thinking of a million ways to catch her off guard and spook her but decided not to do that. There would be plenty of chances later on to have fun with his daughter, he was sure of it. When she entered the clearing, she already announced her threats and attempts at blackmail, luckily Yuroic was just as quick witted, without even looking at her he said, "well, if a Jedi Knight can get eaten by a bear that easily, then perhaps we should demote you back to a Padawan so you can learn how to defend yourself against bears..." He waited a moment before lifting his face from looking at the bow he was stringing to show a smirk and poke his tongue at Asaraa, showing that he was teasing her.

"Anyways, unlikely that it will be bears that will attack you here, got Kinrath and other critters. Might be a Tarentatek or two down here as well. Been awhile since the SJO have investigated the beasts that lurk around the Shadowlands." Yuroic stated as he rose to his full height and threw a bow to Asaraa to catch. "Today we are going to do some hunting, been too long since you got that bow I gifted you for Life Day, time to get some practice so you can properly use it." Asaraa had gotten an energy bow from him during the SJO Life Day which seemed so long ago, but he had hoped that she would be eager for a lesson right away but things seemed to have gotten in the way which was understandable. However, if she ever wanted to use the bow, Yuroic was not having an Xeraic be a poor bowman. Or bow-woman.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
“We can try that,” she knew that do or do not, there is no try was perhaps one of the most important, most central Jedi beliefs. It was just…she couldn’t cook, it wasn’t a matter or trying or not, but leaving the meat in her hands was probably far far from a good idea. Not if they didn’t want to starve or have to retreat to the temple for dinner…although they had been cooking a really nice smelling roast. What were the odds she could screw up so badly they had to retreat to the temple for dinner?

All it took was one look at Yuroic though, that one glance killing that thought cold. He’d been her master, her mentor, her friend and now, something more. She’d never actually had a parent of her own, and he’d never had a kid…at least she thought he didn’t…actually if he did she was going to be really really ticked off. Now though, now both of them were trying, feeling this way around a new relationship that to be honest she didn’t think either of them had ever expected to happen. A master’s bond with their Padawan was like that of a parent, they were there to help you grow, to pick you up when you fell and tell you how to do better. They weren’t supposed to take your boyfriend out to the woods to put the fear into them, or disapprove of your dress for the dance. He thought he’d gotten away with that but she’d noticed. Somewhere along the line something had changed, and she’d gone from coming to him about problems with the force or moral quandaries to well…problems with everything. She couldn’t even put her finger on when it happened, it was just one of those things that had seemed to grow, to develop without her ever thinking about it. Not that she had any complaints.

A small touch of the force brought her bow to a stop floating up in the air, the perfect height for her to reach out a hand, snatch the bow out of the air, rotating it around her hand as she grinned at the man. “Oh, only a Tarentatek? I thought you were going to make this difficult.” You had to love how blase he was about the whole thing, as if dealing with one of the beasts was just one of those things that were no more difficult than stepping on an ant. If they ran into a Tarentatek she was totally letting him take the lead on that one. “Well, if there aren’t any bears then you totally need to protect me from…spiders. You promise not to let me eaten by the creepy crawlies?” That was a father’s job wasn’t it? Protecting his poor innocent daughter from the terror’s of the world? Besides, the girl glanced down at the bow in her hand and smirked, she…had fallen out of practice, but the force would be a useful guide at a time like this…right?

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic wasn't expecting Asaraa to know how to cook, he had hoped that she wasn't that spoilt by Caedyn that she could do the basics but then he never really taught her much in cooking other than a few simple things. So perhaps it was his fault as much as anyone's. Watching her, it was amazing how close they had gotten, it went from helping her and a friend get back to their rooms after a drunken party adventure with a few other Padawans. Later on they became Master and Padawan, he knew that it was her dream to travel and visit as many worlds as she could, mostly because she never shut up about it when they first met but also because it was a shared dream of theirs. He was curious to see if she still wanted to do that, still wanted to go visit far away worlds. However, it was his return from his self imposed exile, Asaraa's determination not to give up on him and the fact they bonded over so much that Yuroic saw Arisa more as his daughter than a simple Padawan. He knew how close a Master and Padawan could be, he had been close to Arisa, and was close with Seth but never been as close to anyone as he had been to Arisa bar Jairdain.

As she pulled the bow into her hand using the Force, Yuroic shook his head, he wasn't against using the Force for doing simple things like that, they often entertained Marcus and would entertain any future children he and Jairdain had but he also knew that other Jedi did not approve of it. Smirking at Asaraa's comment, Yuroic shrugged, "you were the one scared of a single bear, I didn't want you giving up because there might be some actual challenges out there!" He poked his tongue out as he showed her how to string the bow and test it to ensure that the bow was ready to be used. "I promise to not laugh as they eat you? Is that helpful enough?" He chuckled, he knew that she was teasing him and he wasn't going to stop teasing her back for being scared of spiders. Especially when she had faced much scarier things than that.

Grabbing two chunks of voidstone, he attached one to himself then a second one he clipped to Asaraa's belt. "This is to stop you from cheating and using the Force. Today is about honing your skills naturally through practice. There will be situations where you can't use the Force to guide your arrow, so you must be ready to fight without it and know how to use your bow without it. Like I did. We'll be starting with some kinrath, might hunt a rancor or three and then a tarentatek later on, you know to make sure that you can use it properly." Yuroic winked to her so she knew he wasn't being serious about the rancors or tarentatek. He doubted they would stumble on to them either and he just wanted to have a fun time hunting with his daughter so fighting a tarentatek with a bow and some arrows seemed the opposite of that.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Well, that had not been what she'd expected to happen, the young Jedi reached down to run a finger over the voidstone crystal hooked onto her belt. It didn't seem that unusual really, just a glittering piece of crystal that actually looked quite pretty when it caught the light just right. It was hard to believe that this, well, this ornament would be able to cut her off from the force like that. Well, that wasn't entirely true was it, it wasn't exactly cutting her off from the force, not completely. Instead it was like reaching through thick treacle, the force was still out there but it felt different, as if it was coming from further away. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Asaraa couldn't entirely suppress the the shiver that ran down her spine as her fingers hooked the crystal, pulling it forward as her bright blue gaze dropped down to fall on it. "I mean, is this entirely necessary?" There might have been a little bit of a whine in the girl's voice, and she knew it too, hated it but...well the truth was she didn't like it. Not one bit. The force had always been there for her, just at the edge of her senses ready to respond to her beck and call. Intellectually she knew the importance of not depending too heavily on the force, just using it as another tool in her arsenal was just hard and the force made it so easy. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The young knight took a deep breath, letting the crystal fall from her fingers as she hefted the bow, spinning it around her finger much more carefully this time. Where previously she knew she could call on the force to allow her to recover from any wobbles that might happen, well that wasn’t really happening now was it. The bow went over her shoulder as the girl secured a quiver of arrows too before glancing up at Yuroic. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]“I mean, I might have been afraid of one bear before, but now I’m terrified of you and what plans are rolling around in that messed up little head of yours.” The girl span around, her feet kicking up a storm of leaves around her as she coked her head to the side, grinning at Yuroic. “So…just how long exactly did you plan on this trip being? Cause…kinda sounds like we’ll be down here for a while, and you know as exciting as taking on a storm of vile beasts and evil monsters sounds I was hoping some actual camping where everything isn’t trying to kill us would be nice.” [/SIZE]

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
First complaints were coming fast from Asaraa, she was not happy about having to keep the voidstone on her possession. Yuroic shook his head, he knew that she understood why he was being strict but he wasn't going to relent on this matter. If she was only good with a bow with the Force then she would be in trouble when she couldn't use it. "Yeah, and when you end up fighting Mandalorians covered with ysalamiri and able to blow them up with an explosive arrow. Be thankful that I insisted on training this way." Yuroic strapped the bow to his back with the quiver as he looked over to her. Yuroic had always been tough in the way he trained but seeing the benefits that it gave, how tough Asaraa was now, Yuroic couldn't help but feel proud that she would never have to depend on someone for protection because she could fight anyone she saw.

Asaraa brought up how long that they would be out hunting, Yuroic shrugged he wasn't really sure how long he wanted to out here. "Well, when you can fire the arrow properly without the Force, then we shall be down." Yuroic tilted his head, putting it on Asaraa to make sure that she was the one who made sure that they left before nightfall. Yuroic tapped her shoulder, "don't worry, the critters will be more scared of you than you are of them. Well, most of them." He winked as he lead the way, it was time to finally go on the hunt. Kinrath were the easiest to handle and there would be plenty of them to deal with so Yuroic figured they would be the perfect target.

Wandering through the Shadowlands, Yuroic looked around before spotting a group of Kinrath. Pointing them out to Asaraa, "look over there, take aim slowly and breathe out slowly. When you are ready fire the arrow." Yuroic looked to her to see what she was doing, hoping that she was ready to take her first try. Yuroic held his breath slightly as he hoped that Asaraa would do her best, he was curious to see where she would need to improve.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
"See that's what I'm worried about, the most of it." Asaraa was mainly complaining for form's sake now, she knew that nothing she said was going to change her dad's mind, he was almost as stubborn as she was. If she'd been younger she might have tried holding her breath to see what kind of effect that had on him...the girl tilted her head to the side considering as she sucked in a breath that'd be too childish. The breath flowed out of her lips in a soft sigh as the Jedi Knight let her fingers slide over the bow, reminding herself about the feel, the tension she could already feel building up in the limbs of hte weapon. "I mean, if I'm going to be fighting Mandalorians the best way to fight them if far far away with a rocket launcher," The girl nodded at that, "Or maybe even further away with a sniper rifle or artillery, I really really don't like those lizards." A shiver passed up her frame, she'd never had to face one in combat yet, just training, but it had been horrible enough, as if she'd had a part of her cut away. It had almost scared her how dependant she was on the force...and she knew training like this was important but still that didn't mean she had to like it right?

The trek through the shadowlands was quiet, almost peaceful, it was easy to forget where you were for a while as you just walked. Some light still made it through the distant treetop, the dim light casting the dancing shadows that gave the area it's name. If she was honest, Asaraa probably wouldn't have spotted the Kinrath till they were much closer to them, but then she hadn't actually been hunting...well since she ended up in this body. There was a time when she'd have known where they were long before they'd hoved into side. Blue eyes dropped down to stare at the hand, the human hand clutching her bow. It was just a reminder of what she'd lost...and at the same time what she'd gained. The girl wasn't even going to deny that she had it pretty good right now, you know when a crazy father wasn't dragging her into danger to toughen her up. A fond smile curled up the girl's lips as she glanced over at Yuroic before plucking a arrow out of her quiver. Not a word need to be spoken as she hefted her bow, sighting down the arrow as she took another deep breath before letting it out again, and in to hold. Blue eyes narrowed in concentration as she slowly let the breathe out, the arrow stilling for a moment as she pulled it back for a heartbeat before letting go. She could feet the arrow rush forward, the buffet of air on her cheek as she tracked the flight, a silent huntress...that's what she'd always aspired to be.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
It was easy to feel that Asaraa was thinking of pulling a tantrum about the whole thing, however, when she decided against it Yuroic let out a sigh of relief. Dealing with Marcus's tantrums were enough, dealing with a full grown woman throwing one, he might decide to throw her into a rancor pit. The idea made him chuckle, he doubted he would do it but the thought of Asaraa's reaction to it would have kept him amused for a long while. As he remained crouched, he heard Asaraa mention other tactics to deal with Mandalorians, Yuroic shook his head. "They are going to be better with guns and long range weapons than you. They have been training with guns and rockets from childhood. We are strong in close combat with our Lightsabers and this bow is a weapon they wouldn't have trained to combat, because who would use a bow in a gun fight." Yuroic commented, his approach was to be unusual, the bow was the best weapon to do that with.

Watching as Asaraa fell into a hunter position, he watched with an open smile. She seemed eager to train even if she was complaining so Yuroic was relieved to see that this was something that she wanted to do. Pausing, Yuroic watched as he stroked his beard, there were things that she needed to improve upon, her drawing wasn't quite right and as he watched the arrow fly, it missed the Kinrath and hit the tree near the beast. This caused the Kinrath to run off in a different direction. Knowing how it can be disheartening to not do well in a task, Yuroic moved closer to Asaraa and places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Good first try, closer than I got when I started doing this. All you need to do is draw back a bit further, to your ear. The aiming is somewhat harder, it is about feeling everything around you, the wind, the wood of the bow flexing, the arrow. Understanding that an arrow doesn't fire straight and compensating for it. Something that will take time."

Standing to his height, he looked at Asaraa and smiled, "come on, your turn to find the next Kinrath." Yuroic figured she would feel better finding her next target.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
For a moment the girl forgot that she had a void stone tied to her belt, forgot that her connection to the force was treacle slow, as if she had to pull it from a huge distance away to eke out even an iota of hte power she normally possessed. It came as a rude awakening to her when she closed her eyes and reached out with her mind to only be met with the blank wall of her perceptions. Blue eyes flicked open throwing a glare at Yuroic, thin eyed and full of the promise that she'd get revenge later. Maybe she'd pull Marcus into it...the two of them could come up with a fine reward for dear old dad.

Pushing herself to her feet the girl glanced down in the direction her first target had scampered, for a moment she thought about pursuing him before shaking her head. "They'll be too tense now to follow, but if they were here then all we need to do is find somewhere similar." Her blue eyes swept the forest around them as she knelt down fingers pressing against the loamy forest floor for a moment, casting her mind back as she considered everything she knew about the creatures. They were common enough on Kashyyyk that anyone venturing into the Shadowlands knew about them, at least the vague details. "They're not going to head too far from their hive and probably are looking for shaded areas where they can spot their prey more easily." White teeth worked at her lower lip for a moment before she nodded her head slowly, raising a hand in the opposite direction the Kinrath had retreated in. "If we head that way we should find another spot like this, and they probably won't be so skittish," and judging on her last attempt at making a shot with her bow, she'd probably need all the help that she could get.

Rising to her feet Asaraa padded towards the spent arrow, plucking it off the forest floor where it lay as a reminder of her failure, turning the projectile over and over in her fingers for a moment as she examined it for damage before she slipped it into her quiver. When they found the Kinrath again...well she knew which arrow she was going to use, redress for both of them.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Watching Asaraa, Yuroic gave little away in terms of where he thought they should go next. That was for Asaraa to decide, she was the one hunting today and Yuroic wasn't going to direct her bar from making sure she learnt how to shoot the bow. There was little point since Asaraa seemed confident in her decisions on where they should head next. Standing, Yuroic smiled to his daughter. "Well, I would be wary, we are the hunters here, prey tends to be skittish when they know a predator is after them. Kinrath aren't the apex predator in this area." Yuroic commented as he crossed his arms and watched collect her arrow, smiling since that was something he would have done himself. No point wasting a good arrow and no point using another one till you could hit with that one.

Letting Asaraa lead the way, Yuroic sighed, there was another matter on his mind. He was engaged to Jairdain which was amazing as he thought it could ever be. Having a wonderful together was all he wanted. Being in a family was new but it was more than he could have dreamed of. However, there was something that he needed Asaraa's help with. "Hey, so. I'm engaged to Jairdain as you know, and the wedding is approaching but I need to ask you something." Yuroic coughed, he was nervous because if Asaraa said no then he wouldn't really know who to approach to fulfil the role otherwise. "Could you be the Best Man, or in this case, Best Woman at the wedding? I just can't think of anyone else I want by my side at the wedding than you." Yuroic smiled warmly to his daughter.

Yuroic hoped she would say yes but he allowed her to think about the decision as they wandered through the shadowlands. He breathed in and out slowly, calming his nerves since he had done the task and there was little he could do but wait. Allowing Asaraa to process the question, he figured that she would jump at the chance, especially since she would get to embarrass him with a big speech at the reception. Any chance to embarrass her dad, Asaraa was going to take it.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Hunting was a silent task, each step, each movement had to be smooth and quiet lest you give away your position and spook your prey and send them running for safety. What you weren't supposed to do was step directly on a dry twig, the sharp snap of the cracking twig only matched by the exclamation that tore from teh girl's mouth as she span around to face Yuroic. Any thoughts of the hunt, of the kinrath that had previously escaped them flushed from her mind by the monumentous news that her adopted father had just decided to drop as casually as if he were talking about the weather. The arrow in her fingers fell to the floor of the forest with a soft thud as the girl just stared at Yuroic flabbergasted.

"This is how you ask me?!" All thoughts about hte hunt, abut hte lesson had fled Asaraa's mind in that moment, the jumble of emotions running through her system had made sure of that. Shock, excitement and elation all seemed to surge together into one unending maelstrom within her. She was happy for Yuroic though, there was no disgusing that, the bright grin that lit up her face, crystal blue eyes catching what light there was as she planted her hands on her hips, trying to glare at him. Trying and failing as she gave up he effort, crossing the distance between them in a heartbeat to wrap the man in a hug, her smile taking a notably mischevious turn, as if ther ecould be any question as to her answer. "About time! Wait...does this mean I get to plan the bachelor party?" THere had to be wookie stripers somewhere on the planet, maybe Josh would know where to find them.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Chuckling, he could tell that Asaraa was excited by the question he posed her. However, he did tut as her stomping on a twig and exclaiming so loudly, she likely scared all the prey for a good 100 feet around them. He grabbed the arrow and handed it back to her before he looked at her to answer her first question. "Well I thought that during, you know, during a father/daughter bonding moment, it would be a time to do it...?" Yuroic stated before he looked down, perhaps he was wrong and should have done it at some other time but he was just thinking that they were somewhere he felt comfortable, alone and doing an activity together for once.

Hugging her back, he smiled as he knew her answer was a yes. It made sense that she would be the one to stand by his side, she had already done that for the most part during his tenure as her Master and even afterwards. While he might give her hell for trying to put herself in dangerous situations where she could die, it was hardly fair when he often did the same. Though he generally did it before he had a family. On the question of a bachelor party, Yuroic could see the gears whirling in her head to come up with the most awkward party ever to have happened. "I guess so, but nothing inappropriate, a few drinks, a few friends and a nice time with people we know. Maybe I convince Jairdain that Caedyn can be the maid of honour" He poked his tongue out at her.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
"Nothing inappropriate...sure yeah we'll go with that."

Butter wouldn't have melted in Asaraa's mouth as she turned the most innocent smile she could onto Yuroic, a happy light dancing between her blue eyes. There was no way, no power in the force that would be able ot stop her from taking this opportunity to tease her father just a little...ok so maybe not just a little. What kind of daughter would she be if she didn't leave him with a story to tell her step-sister when she grew up, or at least for her to tell her adoptive-sister if he didn't tell her, or tell it properly. It was always important to have all those embrassing stories about your parents to share, she knew it was meant to be as revenge for all of the baby-stories. That was somehting she knew Yuroic didn't have, as much as there was a part of her that wished he did, but it didn't mean she was going to fail at one of the basic duties of being a daughter. It would be so wrong.

The girl leaned her head back, flashing a bright grin at the man, grinning up at him, "You know, I do think he'd look really good in one of those floofy dresses...with all the lace and a puffy skirt." There was no way she was ever going to let her boyfriend live that down, even if he didn't end up in the position she would still mention it to him then tease him mercilessly...thinking about it she really did enjoy teasing people. It was just so much fun.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Asaraa's face was far from innocent at least in Yuroic's eyes. He knew his daughter all too well to know that she was plotting something less appropriate than he would have liked but he had to trust Asaraa. He was glad that she had accepted her role as his Best Woman for the wedding, he knew that no one could do it as well as she could. He remembered the first day that they met, she had been drinking with other Padawans and gotten quite drunk. It was a story he was more than willing to embarrass her on since she had been trying to build a collection on stories on him, which there wasn't that many, at least he hoped there wasn't many.

Hearing the way she was teasing about Caedyn being in a dress, Yuroic smirked widely. He was proud that she had such a similar sense of humour to his own. He had been teasing Caedyn and testing the boyfriend of Asaraa since day one but he knew that Caedyn was a good guy who did love his daughter. However, that didn't mean they couldn't tease him. "It would have to be like an awful, bright pink colour since that would really highlight his features!" Yuroic chuckled as he winked to Asaraa.

"So, shall we get back to the hunt?"

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
"Get back to the hunt? You assume my concentration is a lot more than it might actually work out being."

How was anyone supposed to focus on hunting when scruffy-haired men decided to drop bombshells like that on you? A glare was levelled at Yuroic as the pink-haired Jedi turned back to the hunt, blue eyes scouring the ground infront of her, seeking out those signs she knew were hidden there. This would have been so much easier if she still had access to the force, or if she was back in her old body, back then she'd thought nothing of stalking the animals of hte forests just for the fun of it. She could spend days and days there just trracking them, learning their habits and paths, the best places to drink and find berries, the best places to pick up dinner...dinner!

A smile spread over her lips as Asaraa shifted to the side, boots making a light crunch as she hurried off the path.

"We could try tracking them, but they're gonna be spooked and cautious for a while," she reasoned. "So instead of chasing them around the galaxy...why not just go to where they'll end up? And if I remember correctly there's a pool not too far from ehre that a lot of animals use as a watering hole."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Shaking his head as Asaraa mentioned that her concentration might not be as good as Yuroic had judged, "well I am sure we can demote you to be a Padawan if you still need training in basics like patience and concentration." Yuroic poked his tongue out at Asaraa as she thought about how best to approach the hunting of the animals. He knew there were several directions that they could take but he was not going to mention his preferred option but see what Asaraa could figure out on her own. This was her hunt so he wanted to see how best she could approach things. As she spoke, Yuroic nodded his head impressed, she seemed to have the right idea.

"Well, lead the way, find the nearest pond of water." Yuroic gestured to Asaraa to lead the way as he thought about how much she had changed. Before her physical changes, she had been one for adventure and exploring new worlds, he was curious as to what her path was now. "So, do you still like to travel? I use to remember you hassling me to go to new worlds." Yuroic smirked as he could picture the younger Asaraa jumping around hyper and determined to explore the galaxy.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
"Still no using the force huh?"

That would have made it s much easier, to be able to lose her eyes and just let her senses expand along the ground till she found that source of water that the animals all gatered around. Without that extra sense she'd come to lean on, perhaps like a crutch, it galled her to say but maybe Yuroic had been right, she might have become over dependant on her ability to sense and manipulate the force. A soft sigh slipped from the girl's lips as she pushed herself to her feet, crystal blue eyes flicking back and forward through the trees.

"I think I remember this place so the nearest watering hole is....this way."

Her finger swung back and forth for a moment before she settled on a direction, a grin tugging at her lips as she set off forward, carefully placing her feet to avoid crunchng any other twigs. She'd driven off their prey once...not gonna make the same mistake again.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Shaking his head, Yuroic was firm on that Asaraa learnt how to do things without the Force. While it was an incredible gift to have, to be so dependent on it that you cannot function without was unacceptable in Yuroic's mind. There were many ways to track animals and hunt them without the Force and to know how to do so, opens the mind to seeing more with one's own eyes and figure things out with no need for the Force to handhold you. Yuroic followed Asaraa silently as he watched her stalk her prey.

"So, knowing where the watering hole is good, but there are indications of where the watering hole would be." Yuroic pointed out to her, "game trails tend to lead to them, so keep an eye out for them. Also, be careful, some animals that are predators and not prey are very cautious when drinking. Much more alert since they know how a predator's mind works." Yuroic warned, Kinrath were predators themselves so they would be more aware of their surroundings than herbivores.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]

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