Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Furry Gray Time

Gray needed to learn more about the force from someone other than Star. She was a wonderful teacher, an amazing woman, and the love of his life, but there was only so much you could learn from a single person. He didn't know but two force masters. One was Star and the other was the healer who had informed him of his sensitivity. He needed someone else though, someone new. He had found that in the form of someone familiar and on friendly terms with Justice Shipping. He had sent the person named [member="Ryn'Dhal"] a message asking them to meet him on Soceras in the hanger of the Justice Shipping main office. That was the only place he really knew of that both of them had been to before.

Gray waited around in his casual clothes. He hoped the person he contacted would show up. He didn't know if they would or not though. He had given them his name, description, and the nature of the help he needed. He just sat down on the ground and began to meditate on the force as he waited. He had begun to do this a lot lately, ever since Star had shown him how to.
Leaving the small apartment his brother provided him with there on Soceras, Ryn would meander his way through the hustling and bustling city, back alleys and side streets, before finally winding up where he needed to be. He entered in the mostly vacant hanger, spotting only a single individual there-in. Approaching the man, his foot-falls silent, he couldn't help but smile behind his mask. His standard attire, black robes, cloak, gloves, and soft-padded boots. His tail was hidden in plain sight, seeming as if a unique black soft-furred belt wrapped about his waist. He had gotten within close proximity of the man, and could feel that this was likely the one who sent the request. Even if he didn't include a description of himself, Ryn would have been confident he was at the right location.

So, silently, not disrupting the meditating learner, Ryn 'sat', levitating instead a full six inches above the ground, in a seated position similar to Gray's own, and joined the man in meditation. His own, significantly superior senses were not inhibited at this proximity by his mask and hood, as he would wait, in silent meditation. At Gray's first signs of returning to a more present state of consciousness, Ryn would give a soft, almost imperceptible pulse of a Force Push, 'popping' him lightly and quietly onto his feet.

Grinning behind his mask, golden eyes peering through the thin slits of his mask, a gloved hand extended. "[member=Gray Raxis] I presume? I am Knight Ryn'Dhal. No honorifics needed or warranted though. Now that we are introduced, let us be friends. You can call me Ryn."

Gray could feel something approaching him through the force as he meditated. He didn't know what it was though, because it was the first time he had ever experienced it. He usually meditated alone when he went this deep into things, so he was not expecting anything like it to happen. He focused on the oddity for a bit before he slipped into a more physically aware state. When he did, he felt the force suddenly being used against him and pushing him to his feet. He didn't fight it as he did, but instead dropped his meditation. He opened his eyes and looked over to see a robed figure floating in the air. He listened to Ryn'Dhal and took his hand when it was offered.

Gray smiled and shook his hand as he said, " Pleasure Ryn. You can call me Gray. So how would you like to start things off? Get to know each other a little bit then start in on the training or just dive right into the training straight away? I can do this however you want. Although I must add that I'm not really into guys." He winked as he finished speaking and chuckled a bit. The other person seemed to be pretty friendly so far, but appearances were always deceiving. He was sure to find out what this robed, masked person was like soon enough.
"Getting to know one's student makes it easier for the other to instruct, just as getting to know one's teacher makes it easier to learn from them. So, let us converse. We share a bit, what a couple of our personal experiences are, what some personal skills are, and then you can inform me of what exactly it is you seek to learn from me, and we can progress from there."

The musical quality in his voice, faintly distorted through the helmet, made the smile on his face evident in the sounds floating across to Grey's ears. The Knight was pleased, always happy to help, to teach, as well as learn. Giving a slight nod, he'd clear his throat. "I shall break the ice in the social exercise!" He'd state, laughing lightly. "I met James a long time ago, my ship left derelict in space due to a Engine malfunction. He helped me get it running again, and in turn that started us down a long rabbit-hole of misadventures which served to only strengthen and grow our bond."

Clasping his gloved hands behind his back, the Knight chuckled lightly, shaking his head, before elevating his gaze, as if staring off into the distant past. "It seems as if so, so very long ago.... Watching him waking in that prison cell on Tatooine.... He didn't know she was a slave when he.... well.... did what James does.... I was found guilty by association, but still, I would have stayed by his side, to help him escape as we did." His recall, whimsically. "He learned a lot about me, and I about him, that day. It was the start of a grand adventure, one that never really slowed down, it feels."

Turning his gaze back to Grey, the Knight's ever smiling voice continued on, musically. "I've shed more blood for James than I ever have for myself, and I am certain he's done the exact same for me. He is more kin to me than any individual I've ever met in all my travels across the systems."

Another soft clearing of his throat, before extending a gloved hand to the side, the saber on same hip removing from it's clip and levitating towards his outstretched right hand. "As for my skills, I am a creature of grace and agility. Without the aid of the Force, there are very, very few capable of matching my speed. I am nearly worthless with a blaster or other fire-arm, but my sword and saber skills are top notch. Soresu and Ataru are my primary specializations, as I've learned and developed a method of interweaving the two as situations call for it, taking full advantage of my superior agility, and my great aptitude for Sensing through the Force."

His gaze moved towards the saber, as he concentrated. The individual components seemed to suddenly burst, splitting into their unique pieces, hovering in the air above his opened palm. The crystal was laid bare, the light in the hangar piercing through, the crystal in turn giving off a soft, purifying, silver glow. The pieces then suddenly whirled about in a small vortex of activity, reassembling together. "I am also well versed in the art of Telekinesis."

After returning the hilt to his hip, he would nod again towards Grey. "So, friend Grey, your turn. Tell me about yourself."

[member="Gray Raxis"]​

Gray listened to Ryn's story as he spoke in that singing tone of his. He had spent a great deal of time doing many different things with James it seems. He was kind of jealous he had such a strong connection with someone who was now like family to him. Gray hadn't ever really had that himself until recently, but he had always wished he had it. When you traveled around as a mercenary though it was kind of hard to make friends. He watched as Ryn spun the parts of his light saber around in his palm as an example of his skills. He had to admit it was impressive. Gray wished he was that skilled at telekinesis, but he also hadn't been studying for that long yet.

Gray thought about what he wanted to say for a moment before he said, " Well my dad was a mercenary and he raised me to be one as well as I grew up, and it is what I do now. I am pretty good with most types of guns and explosives. I also have had to get good at close quarters combat as well. I just started learning about the force though, so I am an amateur at it still. I can not pilot ships for some reason. I have tried to learn but I just can't seem to improve."

Gray stretched his muscles a bit as he added, " Well I have gotten to know James and especially Stardust. I landed on Dagobah a while back and ran into Star there in a cottage. She wasn't herself and I could just tell I needed to keep my eyes on her because she suddenly ran out of the cottage to this cave. Inside of it I saw some weird stuff and she got in a fight with her dark side. As we were in there James tracked Star to the planet and was going to kill her it seems. He ran into the cave and it seems it got to him. After he and I snapped out of our visions we helped Star defeat her dark side, but they both got injured pretty badly. He was trying to get her to kill him as he killed her, but I shot him with a stun round and got all of us out of there. I gave Star immediate medical attention while we headed to a medical station. That is how I met them both and how I was offered a job to join Justice Shipping. After that me and James went on a mission to rescue some slaves, which we did. Star started to train me in the use of the force after I discovered I was sensitive, and we are kind of going out. I spend a lot of time at her cottage with her to keep her company. About all I can say about myself really." He smiled to Ryn as he finished. He didn't know what else he might want from him, but he figured he would find out.

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