Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel A Fool Errant

Landing Pad, Archaic Rebel Base

Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu

A week ago he was on Lao-Mon when the Silver Jedi and their allies attack the Brotherhood of the Maw held world. Old ties had drawn Sarad in prior to the attack, in another life he had been a Raider, a Maurader but now something else drove him. Being on Lao-Mon had afforded Sarad an opportunity though; he'd faced the Grand Padawan, the apprentice of the Grand Master of the Silver Jedi Order herself. Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora had been a worthy opponent, one day Sarad would look for him again and maybe he would finish him.

Upon the conclusion of the battle of Lao-Mon Sarad had left and journeyed to the world of Odessen. In the distant past Odessen had played host to a Rebel Base and it had been the site of at least two battles of note. Now Odessen, still dotted with the remnants of bases that had fallen into disrepair and were largely forgotten was a haven to various factions and small settlements. More importantly Odessen was also a Force-Nexus where the force was noted to have been in perfect balance, the light and the dark each present here in equal parts. Lush forests and mountainous terrain covered the majority of the planetside.

The Transport descended onto the Landing Pad adjacent to an old base after pushing through the atmosphere. Beyond the Pad the entry way was opened wide, breached long ago and past that corridors joining different sections of the facility.

After setting down a ramp descended from the Transport and Sarad would move down it several moments later. He wore a duster, aged and faded overtop the armor he usually outfitted himself with. A Lightsaber was clipped to his right hip beneath the cover of the duster and there was more, Old Sin was never far from Sarad's hand...

Standing on the landing pad Sarad moved closer to the edge, staring out across the treetops of thick evergreens that spread out ahead of the him in all directions around the rocky outcropping that the base had been built around. Narrowing his eyes Sarad felt something, there was a shift in the force that he was aware of though he didn't look around himself or try to pinpoint it; he just kept staring ahead waiting for it to come to him.
Scratching the floor and sending a cloud of dust flying through the dry rusted corridor Alyssa pushed over an old monitor its screen hollowed allowing a pair of rodents to nest inside. Centuries of laying here unattended, undisturbed had given nature the chance to reclaim what was stolen and spread its flora and wildlife in what used to be a command center. This world...the ebb of life...the whirl of emotions. A bird methodically stalks a serpent as it slithers along the ground hiding amongst the bushes and covering itself in the dirt.

The bird hasn't eaten all day and food has been scarce since a recent flood scattered the ecosystem and sent the snake population into hiding. This is its only shot at food for now and so with fear carrying its wings the hawk swoops down and...misses. Its prey burrows into the earth never to be seen by the hawk again. It goes without food for now and because of that, its babies will starve. This cannot happen again and it won't...there has to be another snake nearby.

These feelings...this life...this greyscale. It really puts things into perspective something Alyssa sorely needs. But that is not all that brought her here to Odessen...something else...lingers nearby. A presence. A thought. A feeling. Lust for something which has yet to be satiated. Light filtered into the old run-down chamber through a row of dirty and broken windows that used to serve as an observation post. Instinctively the young girl started toward the windows and looked to the treetops below in pursuit of the thing that brought her here.

Now she saw it. A transport still steaming on the landing pad which surprisingly still had enough integrity to support the craft. "Let's see what this is about..."

Alyssa took off sprinting down the corridor her mind approaching a firey place irked by feelings of nostalgia. There was a purpose in his path an emotion behind his blazing endeavor. Through his mind and actions, his thoughts and emotions Alyssa saw him before her eyes could dull her vision and delude her perception. The Jedi pulled her coat tighter around her body a lightsaber clipped firmly to her belt ready to be retrieved at a moment's notice. It was then she saw him.

Standing over the edge of the landing pad a man shrouded and irresolute had his gaze over the jungle below seemingly untouched by the warm humidity of the air. It didn't smell too good on the ground but up here the smell of leaves is pleasant enough to breathe in, especially for those who can see the meaning behind such things. Was he like her? Did he feel the ebb of life in the way she did? Maybe, maybe not. All that mattered was that he was here and that his mind was unfocused.

Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
Landing Pad, Archaic Rebel Base

It seemed pleasant for Sarad to look out across the treetops, the scent carried on the wind noticeable to him though he may not have acknowledged the deeper meaning of the faunas life and its place in the force. To him the force was a tool he had learned to manipulate to great effect, it flowed around him and he could direct that flow to serve his purpose. As he stood there on the edge of the platform, looking down from the landing pad he'd feel the presence he'd detected coming closer to him just as he'd expected.

When Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu came near, closing in on the entry way to the facility that opened out onto the landing pad Sarad would have swung around. Every step she took that drew her closer to him was felt like a beacon the pulsed brighter the closer you came to it and when it was close enough Sarad had decided to face it. The Duster he wore swirled around his frame briefly as he turned in an aboutface before he moved ahead.

Coming forward, arms still hanging to either side he'd have moved around the Transport until he saw her and in that moment there was actually a moment of surprise as he stared towards the entry way that lead deeper into the darkness of the aged facility...

"You're just a child."

...he'd have said upon seeing Alyssa, who looked to be a teenager and no more to him at first glance before he followed with an inquiry....

"Where is your Master, girl?"

...he didn't know her name, he hadn't asked yet but using his right hand he'd sweep his duster back back behind his hip on that side revealing the lightsaber clipped to his belt. It hadn't found its way into his palm yet. He could see that she was similarly armed as well. A Jedi at least, probably not a practitioner of the Sith ideology. A Padawan, maybe a Knight according to his initial assessment. Extending his senses out to her he'd examine her using the force as his tool.
"You're just a child."
Alyssa's eyes turned white as she rolled them to the back of her skull her black hair falling as she tilted back. Why does EVERYONE do that? Your just a kid this! You're too young to understand that! Alyssa, you can't leave the stove on while your training! Why? It's so annoying. It's not like she belittles old people because they're old!

His coat was soon pushed aside to allow his Lightsaber room to breathe allowing the girl to get a closer examination of his Saber. Curved design, impressive alloy, sleek and with fierce energy running through it. Alyssa saw it clipped to his side before she ever laid eyes on it and now that she had it was quickly becoming clear that this person is wary of her and what intentions she might have. Paranoia causes conflict so it's best that she puts his fears to rest before things get out of hand.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about me. I just wanted to see who else was interested in this place really." Alyssa began to approach Sars her ruby eyes locked firmly with his. "My name is Alyssa. See? I'm not dangerous." As the girl neared Sars she felt something wash over her like a cup of water slowly being poured onto her head whilst she slept. A simple sigh broke her lips as it dawned on her what was happening.

"You gonna do me like that? What my name wasn't enough for you?" Alyssa took in a few deep breaths steading her mind and keeping herself afloat. He wants to get a read on her? Fine. It can only serve to make him pick his next move as an enemy or a friend. Ever since her interaction with Karki, Alyssa has begun to see the futility in a lot of what's she's been doing. Spinning wildly out of control, bursting into fits of's all so pointless. Let's say she does get mad, let's say she does choose to blow up at him what will she accomplish?

The bird isn't evil because it needs to eat and the Snake isn't good because it wants to live. "I think I understand a bit about you now. You're worried. Worried that I might do something, something to attack you right? I'm not going to. Why would I? Think for a second what could I get from attacking you? What if I killed you then what? I'm being docile because I know that whatever I do in anger isn't going anywhere. Be smart. Remember I'm just a child right?"

Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
Landing Pad

She may have misread the situation. Sarad wasn't worried though he was reading her body language, tracking her movements and he could sense her emotions through his manipulations of the force. Indeed, his abilities were quite potent especially when coupled with the talents that came naturally to him. As she came closer to him Sarad reacted, first stating...

"I am Sars Sarad." though some introduction between them was a necessity and then taking his lightsaber in his right hand and igniting it. When the lightsaber was activated the phosphorescent blade came to life accompanied by heatwaves that emanated outwardly from the blade thanks to the potent crystal used to power it. At a distance the heat would be negligible but closer it would become palpable and wounds dealt by the lightsaber, even glancing blows had a chance to leave grievous burns. Sarad himself was used to the heat of the blade having adapted to it due to his use of it.

Once the lightsaber was activated he'd raise it to shoulder height, positioning it horizontally from right to left it what appeared to be a defensive posture ahead of himself while letting his left leg shift backwards and turning his foot outwards on an angle for stability which let him lead with his right side. He'd look beyond the blade of his lightsaber which hummed with energy, focusing on Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu while remarking...

"Your name is enough for me. Now we can begin."

...he hadn't thought to duel a girl so young however she wore the traditional weapon of a Jedi and if she had no Master, at least not one who was present Sarad surmised that she must have been the presence he so clearly felt via read of the force, its ebb and flow. If she was here then fate had put them together and Sarad would not turn a blind eye to the opportunity to test himself again in the pursuit of his ultimate goal.

Advancing on her he prepared to strike... though some introduction between them was a necessity and then taking his lightsaber in his right hand and igniting it. When the lightsaber was activated the phosphorescent blade came to life accompanied by heatwaves that emanated outwardly from the blade thanks to the potent crystal used to power it.
Why does it always end up like this? People are so violent and for what? What do they get by fighting? WHAT!? Alyssa's legs pushed off the ground rocketing her across the platform and away from...Sars? So that's his name. Guess that doesn't mean much now though. Alyssa's slender fingers wrapped around her lightsaber as she held it at her waist not yet igniting it. In the past, she would have already charged Sars but the past is gone now. This is the present and she has to think about her future and the futures of those around her before making a move.

Alyssa doubted that talking will resolve whatever problem Sars seems to have with her but odds have never been a deterrent to Alyssa.

"There's no need for us to fight Sars!" She exclaimed before taking yet more steps backward. "I don't know what you want to begin with me but I really don't want to see what your idea of finishing is!"

Alyssa felt the humidity of the air as she took in a deep breath the hot air around Sars Sarad Sars Sarad 's blade excruciating as it went down her windpipe. It burned her chest and filled her with a dry exhausting feeling that grew harsher the closer he came. The blade in his hands appeared white but not because it was pure, no this blade was destructive the heat it exudes has one goal and that is to burn attack and defense be damned.

It wouldn't even be right to call it a weapon. What he has is a force and it's aimed at her. The man's pace began to quicken as his blade raised from its defensive position he prepared the first strike.

"Oh Kark this!" Alyssa's expression grew dark and serious as a scowl painted over her face casting it in shadow. "I'll fight you, you son of an Akk dog! Just don't expect me to act with the patience and virtue of a Jedi." The girl's feet split apart and locked into the ground in a defensive build steady and resolute. Her back craned to better distribute her weight and her crimson glare locked onto the enemy.

Ripples sailed across the air as Tann exploded with Cyan energy its blade ready to defend its wielder's wish to assume an offensive stance much like that of a Wookball player gearing up for the home run of the season. The slash came down and Alyssa brought her blade up to meet the strike. The crackling of power and heat could be heard for miles as the two blades met their magnetic force locked with each other.

It was like hearing a tree being cut the way their blades roared in unison. Then came the blip of heat as Tann shut off the flow of power before quickly reigniting and charging straight at Sars his face nothing in the wake of such an ancient and powerful weapon.
"You rat bastard! I'll kill you!!"
Sarad held his lightsaber in his right hand, the left free for use as he deemed. By bringing his blade up and then down in a strike as Alyssa saw it he was only testing the girl. It was blow that was easy to block and she reacted as he'd predicted that she might. When their lightsabers clashed together the crackling sound of energy was obvious as the weapons jockeyed for position though Sarad seemed oddly distant despite what was occurring.

Then came the moment when Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu deactivated her weapon attempting to reposition it for a potentially powerful strike. It was lazy move though, Sars had seen many other duelists rely on it or maneuvers that were altogether similar. Several flaws existed. A Lightsaber for instance might deactivate and reactivate again quickly but it still took a moment, a second and that was all anyone needed. Also, it wouldn't change the positioning of Sars lightsaber.

Sarad, who had been standing with his left leg shifted backwards would transition his weight back onto that leg so that he could swing his lead right side away from Alyssa as her weapon deactivated and open the distance. As he did this a downward snap of the right arm was all that would be necessary to make a clipping blow that would begin at Alyssa's collarbone and follow through down over her sternum while his transition opened the distance between the two opponents letting Alyssa's blow swing wide rather than land....


...came the measured response that Sarad offered in return to her threats that she would kill him, his lightsaber completing the quick, snapping blow it had begun by swinging back behind the outside of his hip and coming back up over his right shoulder.

As this point if Sarad hadn't finished her already he'd begin to walk around Alyssa in a semi circle, stalking across the landing pad and to her left while a quick flourish of his weapon brought it ahead of him again, angled forward at height with his torso....

"Especially if the extent of your skill is relying on cheap tricks."
Alyssa instinctively jerked back as Sars' blade flashed in her peripherals. It was terribly hot and without ever touching it she could feel the intensity at which it burned and the power with which it struck. Swinging her blade up from the ground the girl was able to bat the glancing blow away from her collar and across her arm where it tore her shoulder open with ease. Damn that hurt! But the farther his blade was away from her neck the better. This man clearly had the superior ability, she couldn't afford to take him lightly or even in a straightforward battle it seemed.

She had no plans of getting slaughtered today which meant to overcome this foe she would have to get creative, be tricky, exploit any and every weakness she can find in him. She'd best him yet!

"Don't get so full of yourself. These cheap tricks might just cost you your life." Humor, the best method of centering oneself.

Alyssa took up an offensive stance once more her movements mirroring her opponents. It may seem obvious but if she could just mirror Sars' movements she might be able to keep up with him long enough to get an opening. The Jedi broke into a fleet-footed sprint her blade turning into a meat grinder as strike after strike split the air in front of her, poking and prodding at her enemy's defenses.

"Just hold still I'm gonna take a little off the top..." Finally, the two would lock blades once again the force of their clash pushing away the rusted metal around them. One hand left her saber and stretched out in front of her the intent behind it clear and predictable. "Get ready." A twist of the hand and all the threads on Sars Sarad Sars Sarad 's clothes began to twist and cut their strings exposed and writhing as his clothes were torn apart at the seams.

"Bet you've never seen someone try this before..."
Almost immediately Sarad had noticed how Alyssa began to mirror his own movement, his stance, etc. It caused a thin smile to appear on the corners of his mouth. She was clever at least though her youth may hold her back in some regard. There was also some satisfaction shown on his features knowing that he had struck a blow, the heat of the burn left by the contact of his lightsaber must have been excruciating and it would doubtless make concentration a tad more difficult for his opponent.

When Alyssa came at him, advancing with fleet-footed steps and swinging her blade to deliver strike after strike Sarad met her attack with his own capable defense. All the wild swings she made were met with deflections, parries and while Alyssa seemed to favor wielding her lightsaber two handed most of the time Sars never used more than one unless absolutely necessary. As he flourished and maneuvered his blade, redirecting the blows of his opponent Sarad would allow careful footwork to move him around the landing pad and lead Alyssa as she attacked...

"Your spirit is admirable, Alyssa but you aren't paying attention."

...when Sarad spoke there was a degree of calm that accompanied his words as though he'd seen this play out a hundred times before. There was a time when he may have been in Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu 's position but not now. As their Saber's locked it appeared as though Sarad welcomed the neutral position, the crackling of energy evident between the blades while the heatwaves produced by Sarad's lightsaber washed outwards.

As Alyssa reached for Sarad he wondered if her movements were to predictable but he'd act regardless. Manipulating the force around him he'd reach with his left hand so that he could catch Alyssa's arm around the wrist in a vice of a hold before she could fully realize her own trick, his strength was considerable and imbued unto him by the force, putting pressure on her wrist to control it fully...

"Can you fly?"

...he'd remark, his right foot planting in the process before he'd pivoted outwards. Wrenching on Alyssa's arm with the hold he maintained he'd have swung his left arm outwards as he was pivoting, using the strength he'd augmented himself with so that he could fling the girl off her feet and throw her away easily. Perhaps it was now that Alyssa would understand his earlier comment about not paying attention, during her assault he'd used his footwork to lead them both closer to the edge of the landing pad and now he'd throw her, off the side from an elevation that must have been hundreds of feet.
Surprise flashed on Alyssa's face before a determined calm washed back over. Her first instinct was to simply wretch her wrist free but that was quickly dismissed by the feeling of energy running through Sars' hand. The Jedi quickly caught on to what he was doing and knew that she would have to try a different tactic. She wasn't given much time to think of one however as Sars quickly shunted the pair high above the platform and into the humid gusts blowing above.

As the ground moved farther and farther she knew what was coming next and knew exactly how to deal with it. As she was flung away Alyssa took a brief time to gaze at the wonderful mural around her, the cliffs in the distance, the greenery could have been artistic if she wasn't falling. Power webbed between her fingers and cried out in a primal blast of energy that cut the wind like a blade and barreled into Sars.

"Can you fly?"
"I can't fly but I have resolve. The resolve to keep fighting until your head is in my lap."

Her ruby eyes wandered toward a growth of vines and vegetation sprouting from the base of the dilapidated landing pad their lines strong and their greenery thick. Calling the vines into the palm of her hands was easy enough but swinging underside the base and rocketing herself into the air feet first was where things got tricky. Flying above the platform Alyssa could see it pulling farther even as her feet rose over her head to right her body mid-air and give Alyssa a proper view of the situation.

The Jedi's feet tucked in with her torso and both her hands went to either side of her as she blasted forward with an explosion of energy that sent purple sparks crackling through the air before being snuffed out. This continued until the girl had reached the metal ground and began skidding along the rusted floor her sight never leaving the enemy.

No that's wrong...resolve. What banthachit! At the end of the day, my resolve doesn't matter if there's nothing to be holding out for! What does it matter that I can survive if there's nothing I can do to make sure my opponents don't? Every time...I'm always too weak...too weak to beat my enemies. I hold myself back and for what? FOR WHAT!? No way. I'm done with that crap...if he wants to fight I'm gonna fight him! And not because someone is in danger or it is my duty...NO! I'm gonna fight him and I'm gonna kill him...

"Because I want to beat you! Right now!" Alyssa's fingers coiled tightly around her now blazing lightsaber its cyan fire streaking across the landing pad as she charged at Sarad a new species of confidence inspiring her progress and fueling her intense desire to kill Sars.

This wasn't hate she was feeling, no that is something entirely different. Hate is cold and selfish it isolates everything that doesn't feed it and ignores all who try to quell it. This emotion running through her was feels good! Every step she takes toward Sars, every slice of the blade as she cuts around his defenses and ducks under his counterstrikes.

It felt like music the way she was moving, tiptoeing around the offense and adding notes to their rhythm. It felt so nice to be this way, it felt so great to not feel so damned...weak...

"I think I understand now. I can't let the world or other people be my sole reason for fighting anymore...this time...I'm gonna kill you because I want to!"
When the blast of energy hurtled towards him Sarad took a defensive posture, swinging his lightsaber out ahead of him as though he meant to split the attack in half and force it to wash over and around him as though he were a rock thrust into a river to divert its course. Of course this was only marginally successful. As he was struck Sars fell into a crouch, left hand extended so his fingers still bolstered by the strength gained from the manipulation of the force could dig into the steel of the Landing Pad. He was thrust backwards, skidding across the pad; his fingers scraping over its surface while he maintained a low profile.

Once the blast of energy had abated, leaving him with not so few aches and pains he'd have regained his footing. Alyssa's words replaying in his mind as he came to his feet again only to see that the girl had made her way back to the metal of the platform again and was skidding across the ground. Instinctively Sars would turn towards her with his lightsaber shifting ahead of him again....

"You may have to wait a little longer."

...his voice seemed distorted behind the heatwaves rolling out from the intense blade of his lightsaber, the phosphorescent color looking like a miniature star that was burning with the most intense heat. As Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu charged at him he'd let his right leg slide backwards, foot angling outwards as he met her attacks.

Their lightsabers would meet again, crackling with every blow though Sars had remained composed throughout. In fact Alyssa might swear he was enjoying himself if she read the subtle expression on his features. He'd parry or deflect many of her attacks, using footwork to manuever himself around others while letting his lightsaber flow in wide arcs accompanied by tight, short movements when permissible. Many of the counterattacks Sarad made were only to probe and test Alyssa who ducked and defended those strikes....

"This all seems very cathartic for you, Alyssa."

...he'd have remarked in between the various flashes of the blade, the crackles of contact....

"Is that confidence you're feeling or arrogance projected by darker urges?" was a simple connection to make, she'd vocalized her literal desire to kill him which was out of place for anyone claiming to be a Jedi. Through the force Sars could sense her emotions, reading them the same as he read the movements of her body. Minute manipulations of the force flowing between them let him tap into the mood of his opponent.

She'd been charging him, attacking him vigorously. As she swung her lightsaber Sarad would use his own deflect it aside, redirecting the momentum of her blow to open her to him however this time as she attempted to 'duck' under his counterstrikes or 'tiptoe' around him as she had been he'd move past her, kicking out his leg as he did so to hook her ankle and send her sprawling in her movements as he attempted to throw her leg out from under her and send her onto her stomach...
Sars Sarad. An efficient opponent indeed. It's clear now that he always chooses the quickest solution to a problem which has started to make his fighting a bit...bland. A true duelist through and through which made his choice to rip Alyssa's leg from under her much too anticipated. It's the oldest trick in the book of staunch traditions founded on footwork and superior swordsmanship. She's dealt with this kind of tactic before it's nothing new, nothing inspired.

"I thought you didn't like cheap tricks? It feels like that's all you've been using thus far." Alyssa's hands touched the ground and immediately got to work. A tremor filled with power ripped through the ground and tore apart the ancient metal plating. Alyssa's fingertips were all that she needed to blast away from Sars and crosswise the landing pad, Tann spinning in a furious blue whirlwind to deflect any counterattack that might come. It was still a question as to how much stamina Sars might have in him but for the sake of caution, she had to assume it was more than hers.

Then again...caution is for those who want to win. She wanted to kill the other person morals and standing be damned.

"Is that confidence you're feeling or arrogance projected by darker urges?"
Alyssa scowled at Sars as she began to kneel on one leg her fingers brushing the toe of her boot. "Neither. What I'm feeling is resolve. The resolve to progress forward no matter what that entails. If progression means killing you then that's that. Before all I cared about was how I walked down the road but that's changed. I'm unsure about later but right now all I care about is getting to the END of the path."

Now sure of herself, Alyssa tugged at a set of threads trapped under her foot. Every single one of the strands lead back to Sars' duster which had now been torn and unraveled in many areas. "If it's any constellation. Your coat looks better than it did before."

A sleight of hand ripped the threads from Sars' coat and wrapped them around Alyssa's hand like a spool of yarn. Her expression emotionless the girl rose to her feet and locked eyes with Sars. "That was a test. I mostly wanted to see what I could pull off rather than what I would do with it. Despite what I said I would accept it if you came to your senses and realize there's no point in us fighting. I'm not the one to judge but it doesn't seem like you're fighting for any other reason than...because you can. Why fight because you can when you could fight for something you truly believe in?"
Uninspired, maybe but still effective.

As Alyssa blasted up from the platform, erupting from the platform Sarad would instinctively raise his arm to shield himself from any debris while taking several steps backwards. It was interesting see how much energy this girl was able to wield, how she was able to manipulate the force to do her bidding. He'd heard the comment she'd made before blasting off however Sarad didn't respond just then, he was waiting.

Looking across at @Alyssa Shibo as she landed on the platform again Sarad took a moment to glance over at the space she'd launched herself up from leaving ripped up and dislodged metal plating in her wake. Beneath his feet Sarad thought he might have heard the platform yawn like it was beginning to weaken due to their fight but he didn't say anything, he wondered if Alyssa felt it too while remarking...

"Superior footwork and how you use it has never been cheap."

...he'd heard speak about resolve, pushing herself forward to the finish but Sarad only smirked a tad...

"If all you care about is the end of the path you've missed most of the lessons the journey has to offer." now Sarad noticed there were several strands from his duster extending all the way to Alyssa. The coat was ruined, that much was for sure. Without hesitation Sarad flourished the lightsaber he was holding. He'd slice the strands, ensuring none lead back to the remnants of his duster while shrugging what was left back off of him until it pooled unremarkably on the platform at his feet. Without the duster the armor he wore underneath was revealed in its entirety.

As Alyssa came back to her feet Sarad, watching her would deactivate his lightsaber however he gave a small shake of his head as he did so stating only....

"You know so little. The Jedi fight for peace, the Sith for power. To fight someone is to learn who they are, it is the truest expression of ones self. Every time you draw your weapon you learn a little more about who you are. I wonder if I will see you on a real battlefield and what you will do there."

...he'd made no move to reactivate his lightsaber though it continued to rest in the palm of his right hand. In his minds eye Sarad played out many of the possible outcomes fighting against Alyssa, she was passionate but unpolished he'd observed but in time and with more experience the rest could come.
"If all you care about is the end of the path you've missed most of the lessons the journey has to offer."
Alyssa responded to this with her lightsabers ignition her feet carrying Alyssa back into the fray. "Those lessons don't mean anything if you never get to use them!"

"You know so little. The Jedi fight for peace, the Sith for power. To fight someone is to learn who they are, it is the truest expression of ones self. Every time you draw your weapon you learn a little more about who you are. I wonder if I will see you on a real battlefield and what you will do there."
"You won't be seeing anything in a second you little..." A thrust toward his chest was quickly turned into a diagonal slash with a flick of the wrist. If he enjoyed footwork so much maybe she should just cut his legs off how about that? This guy is less of a fighter and more of an apex predator methodically waiting for their win condition for their prey to make even a single mistake.

She's strong but not nearly as experienced as Sars appears to be, making a mistake is bound to happen so all she can do is prevent him from exploiting them. Never let the enemy get a hold of your shortcomings and if they do NEVER let them abuse them. If she can do that he will have to change his tactics and maybe then she can find a hole in his movements. All he's done is be reactive this whole time, the moment he goes on the attack she's gonna blast him with everything she's got NO questions asked.

Her progress and method don't really matter all that much! As long as he just keeps defending against her strikes he won't win, eventually, he's going to have to attack in order to kill her plain and simple.
It seemed like Sarad had only deactivated his lightsaber and begun to speak when Alyssa went on the attack again. If nothing else this proved that the girl had the heart of a warrior though her attacks continued to be a tad unpolished in the opinion of Sarad. He'd raise his right arm as she came at him, drawing it back over his shoulder while the elbow cocked forward in the process though his lightsaber remained inert at the time.

As Alyssa made her thrust Sars would instinctively leap backwards, the movement Alyssa had made was quite pronounced. She'd literally at him and thrust her lightsaber forward and Sarad wouldn't have had much trouble reading her body langue when she did this. When he leapt backwards to avoid her blow, timing his movement with her attack so that he could flow away from her outside of the range of her attack he'd likewise respond with the reignition of his lightsaber and a downwards swing.

The Lightsaber would catch Alyssa's on the upswing when it transitioned out of the thrust into the diagonal slash. On contact there would be a crackling between the blades and the intense heat radiating from Sars saber would pass between the two of them....

"Relax, Alyssa."

...he'd start by saying her name...

"You're starting to get into your own head."

...he didn't explain what he meant but after he'd said as much Sars would withdraw, breaking contact with her own lightsaber to allow the both of them to recover on even terms. Maybe she thought Sars would wait for her to attack him again, coaxing her forward however the time had finally come; Sarad attacked her.

The Assault on Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu would begin almost artfully. As Sarad came at her he would flourish his lightsaber in a simple pattern before engaging with a swing meant to contact her own lightsaber. Attacking her he'd parry her lightsaber, in fact that is all he would do initially. One parry would lead into another and another after that, he'd attack her saber from the inside so that he could move it outwards then he'd arc his blade underneath of it and attempt to engage it from the outside so that he could press it back across her body. It might go on for sometime amidst the crackle and hiss of blades until after engaging from the outside, with his blade pressing overtop of her own Sars would permit the contact to maintain and slide his blade forward for a glancing blow meant to contact Alyssa's non dominant shoulder...
Sars really does enjoy his footwork. It's honestly impressive just how unpredictable he is in his predictability. Parry after parry, blow for blow she followed it all her crimson gaze carefully watching every swing of the blade every step he took forward for every step she took back.

The exhilaration coupled with the heat of their sabers sent a sweat down the girl's face. Sars’ saber dug inside her defenses and drug her saber outwards only to push it back toward her with another swing. The press of a button retracted her blue blade and let her crouch to dodge Sars’ follow up strike.

She found herself at a disadvantage when Sars struck from overhead bearing his one hand strength down on her body. He’s pretty strong for doing this with one hand but just because her sleeve was being cut doesn’t mean her resolve to win is. Even then with hot sparks falling down on her, Alyssa dared to open her mouth.

“Every. Single. Person. Who has ever told me to ‘calm down’ has done the exact opposite of what they were trying to do. Unfortunately for're gonna be the first to accomplish that task.”

Flying out of her burning shoulder, hot threads heated by her saber pressing against her shoulder shot out toward Sarad, his eyes, mouth and nose too close to miss. Landing a final kick at his shin Tann retracted again as a massive gust of energy shunted Alyssa to the right, escaping the weight of Sars’ attack.

Now she stood a safe distance away where she could examine her burned shoulder and singed collarbone. Who would have thought such a ‘cheap trick’ could be so costly.

“You made a mistake in thinking I wasn’t calm. Being passionate and being serene are not mutually exclusive. Don’t underestimate me, I’m always thinking of my next move.” Alyssa moved to the edge of the platform, something disturbing her pant leg and wrapping around her ankle. She walked around the edge of the platform watching Sars the entire time with contempt shining through.

“I don’t understand, WHY is fighting the only way you can understand someone? Is there something you maybe want to TALK about? You can never understand how a person really is by fighting them because everyone is different when they fight people. I’m not always blood lusted and filled with anger! Just stop and think for a second, honestly think. What do you even know about me? After all this time fighting me, what have you understood?”

Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
Instinctively Sars brought his hand up as the sparks flew towards his face, using it to shield himself he'd catch most of the sparks as they flew against his palm rather than directly into his features. It was hot and it would burn him but this was nothing compared to the ambient heat of his lightsaber and sparks, being what they were tended to have a short lifespan. Nonetheless if it was intended as a distraction in part it was successful. When Alyssa kicked at Sarad's shin she landed cleanly.

The blow to his shin was painful, as many people might describe having been kicked in the shin is in fact no joke. Sarad stumbled but recovered quickly. Swinging his lightsaber out ahead of him Sarad would screen himself defensively as Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu shunted herself safely away from him and outside of his reach where she could examine her own wounds.

Once she was no longer within reach Sars, his leg sore but not overly encumbered would be forgotten however turning his free hand towards his features he'd have seen the burn marks left by the sparks that had been destined for his face. Flexing his hand several times he would have swallowed his pain, able to control it easily via his own connection with the force while focusing back on his young opponent...

"Look back on your own actions, Alyssa. You've barely been able to hold it together this entire time."

...if he couldn't be more blunt it should be obvious that Sarad saw Alyssa as anything but calm. Almost from the beginning she'd been reacting opposite to a fashion of someone who understood true control.

When she went on to question him about his own beliefs Sarad would shrug off her inquiries, he understood her well enough now and they hadn't been fighting for very long. He'd have heard her asking him what he'd learned about her and he felt inclined to answer saying casually, as though the two were engaged in simple conversation...

"That you're young and brash and that you let your passions carry you. Not uncommon."

...from where he stood Sarad was positioned more to the center of the platform whereas Alyssa was walking around the edge of it, he noticed that something had disturbed her pant leg but more so he focused on the contempt shining through as she looked back at him. Young and full of passion, if she wanted to become a Jedi she would need to learn to temper herself to her her own benefit.

The Lightsaber he was holding crackled in front of him, Sarad would reach over and take the hilt in a two handed grip planting his left hand just beneath the right. He'd bring the lightsaber around in front of him them, at height with his midsection while the blade angled forward; the ambient heat distorting his features behind it.
(Sorry for taking so long with a reply I've had a lot of crap to deal with this week)

Sars showed no signs of slowing down or even rethinking the idea of this battle. He’s far from the first nutjob to use a battle as a way of conversation but that doesn’t make him any less dangerous especially while he’s pacing around the edge of the platform waiting for her advance. She had failed to put him on the offensive twice now and it was really irritating. Why can’t he understand?

“Why oh why are you such an ass? Why don’t you GET IT!? So much of a person’s true personality is lost in a fight’s just not right to judge them based on that! When someone fights they fight for survival or the survival of those they care about. People aren’t people in a fight and for you to judge people solely based on that is’s just wrong.”

Alyssa pointed her blade in front of her and she slowly walked forward her eyes locked on her enemy as he walked around the platform keeping his distance.

“Who trained you? I’d be a fool to dismiss your skills...your did you get this good? We’ve been fighting for a while and I still can’t understand you.”

Alyssa took note of Sarad’s altered stance. “AHA! One hand, not enough anymore? Maybe I’m worth more trouble than some simple footwork eh? What’s next you gonna break a sweat?”

Alyssa engaged Sars again though this time she kept a greater distance from his no-doubt stronger swings. The fact that he would even change his stance is an issue because now she had to adapt to whatever power level he was putting out with TWO hands onboard. Good thing she thought ahead.

As she was making her move vines sprouted from between the cracks in the rusted metal their thorns quick and merciless as they cut and whipped at Sars as though they had a mind of their own. This was part of her next gamble: Throw Sars off balance with a combination assault and then get him into position for her next move.

Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
Up to this point Sars had been content to face Alyssa primarily on the merit of his swordsmanship. He'd used the force to augment himself physically and to dull his pain when her sparks had burned his hand but otherwise he hadn't rested on his laurels when it came to manipulating his environment so much. At this point Sarad had considered giving Alyssa Shinobu Alyssa Shinobu what she wanted though.

Alyssa's quip that she was worth more than footwork brought a thin smile to the corner of Sarad's mouth. As the vines began to sprout beneath his feet Sars was quick to whip his lightsaber down and in a tight arc with his dominant hand, his right hand whiel releasing it with his left. The Lightsaber would sheer away at the vines that Alyssa had summoned to attack him though his focus remained on his opponent who was coming forward to engage him again.

While Alyssa was making her move Sars was also making his. He'd gesture with his left hand, making a pulling motion. The Force Pull itself was not incredibly harmful however ever at a distance it was meant to rip Alyssa forward, throw her off balance and potential send her sliding through whatever vines and thorns remained that she herself had summoned while Sars disappeared. It was akin to a quick one two, Sars had reached out with the force to pull Alyssa then manipulated it for his own benefit to leap over her. The Force Jump would send him through the air, allowing him to land somewhere behind her and swing around to face her again...

"You talk to much, Alyssa."

...came the response offered to her as he came to land on the platform once again but swinging around as he did he didn't let up the attack on her. No this time Sarad would go on the assault quickly in an attempt to capitalize on any disadvantage his opponent make have had.

There was a moment where Sarad took his lightsaber in both hands again, right hand over the left when he came at Alyssa. He'd wield the lightsaber in such a way, making parries to come in closer to Alyssa and jockeying for a superior position which would see his lightsaber overtop of her own before he used his blows in attempt to batter it down and fatigue her. All of this until his left hand released the hilt again and he snapped it across attempting to ride his middle and index fingers across her throat. It wasn't the type of blow that was fatal, more like a stunning one meant to make the throat constrict, make it difficult to breath...

"The Jedi and the Sith aren't the only adherents to a force tradition out there. Just the most popular."

...he'd say, replying in regards to her inquiry about who trained him. Certainly it was unlikely to be anyone she had ever heard of.

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