Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A fine instrument of destruction

Oh it was indeed a theme park, he had thought long and hard about how to best create a weapon of war out of the former queen of Commenor. The force was with her, she had rudimentary training yet had never been fully submitted to the brutal rigors of combat like was needed to become a fierce and formidable opponent.

Few in the galaxy could create fine warriors, fewer still could craft assassins that were masterful in their craft. Mythos was one of these few, He knew what it took to create an assassin, a proper tool of war. From the backwater world he brought Kay-Larr Kay-Larr to where they had spent the last few days was from hell to heaven. The Nubian Solar gardens were truly something else, they spent there a week as Mythos had everything perfectly set up, they were to go to the worlds of the South, and in Mythos' company they would set up near the Moon of Angramar. There they would arrive in a massive crystalline Pyramid that housed Mythos' elite training facilities.

He had told her before but during the flight there on board the Magnus Class Battlecruiser he reminded her once again. "This is where you will spend months, maybe years. This is the Mythic Core. I have a special training regiment set up for you using my finest instructors to push you to your absolute limit and then some"

The Sith Lord stood in the center of the command center of the colossal battleship. The force inside the metal monstrosity screamed in agony as the fuel used for the ship itself was a technology called Entechment, where souls were literally tortured and drained strapped on machines for power. The dark side of the force was heavy here and heavier still in the Temple like structure of the massive space station.

He turned to her as the ship roared its gears to dock, his eyes cold, a sharp contrast to their emotional bond before. "People die in my core, warriors and killers from across the world have come here to fail. You must not join their ranks."

As he spoke the ship would bring them to dock by the station and then she could follow the lead of Anubian Arbitors who would take her into the reception hall of the place. The inside of the command center was bathed in the baleful red light and smoke of his cigarros. This was it, this was the birthplace of warriors.​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay wasn't so sure that she could be what Mythos Mythos said that she would become. But he saw it in the visions from the Ancient Eye. That was partly what brought him to fetch her from Altiria. The other half was due to his love for her.

Part of her hesitation was due to the difficulty that she had with letting things go. It was true that her path was changing once again, but old habits die hard. Kay's tea company was left in good hands while she was here.

Hopefully she'd survive it.

The ship itself wasn't very comfortable. At times she thought that she had heard it screaming. It was enough to make her feel sick, but that could've just been the heavy presence if the Darkside.

As the ship docked, Kay clenched her jaw, meeting Mythos' gaze with her own. She had seen that look before, after she had betrayed him. But this was different. It was show time and she was about to go onto the stage. Alone. She couldn't ask for help. There was only herself to count on. But not knowing what was to happen....

...It was like being held by Praz and Tacitus all over again. Anything could happen. The worst part was not knowing.

"I'll do my best not to fail."

There was no kiss given, no hug. He was playing his part and now it was her turn. Kay merely turned on her heel and followed the Anubian Arbitors into the reception hall, drawing on her own inner strength with each step.

She had to do this. And she could not fail.
She took one path and he took another. At the reception hall hundreds of other beings would meet her, it was massive and spacious with several balconies overlooking it from above the great pyramid. The Arbiters broke off and she was handed to the administratrators and drill instructors.

Like all other recruits they would be handed a weapon in the form of a lightsaber and a medallion that showed a unique Sith rune that would be their name and number during their stay. Like all others she would be lined up, placed in formation and her hair would be shaven. Here, individuality was earned, the smallest of luxuries and pleasures were earned by blood and sweat.

The grand hall contained over one hundred recruits and applicants from all over the galaxy, before them one grand pulpit with the Molok Legion holding the summit.

Silence befell the place when Mythos made his entrance, bathed in gold and symbols of war as well as various trophies from conquered worlds and systems. The entire pyramids inhabitants would take a knee and bow before the Sith Magnus, every knee would bend to the War Master.

He strode with purpouse, calmly and with grace before taking his seat on the throne crafted of black steel and gold. The armor clanged as he took a seat, he took his time to look over this new batch. He tried to look for Kay.... but she was a blip, one in the mass of bodies that made up the host.

None were told what would be the first trial, but he hoped that by now it was obvious.

"Ignite" He said in Sith, his words trembling the walls and breaking the silence as one hundred red lightsabers followed his command. He basked in their glow, not every recruit was force sensitive, in a way this test was made to find those who were.

"Only one may stand" The Sith spoke again, this time it was the command for the fight to begin. The chance for Kay to prove herself and assert dominance or to show weakness and become a target. As his words fell already beings started to die, stabbed from the back or sliced in half. Some morally wounded and some with limbs amputated.

The weak would be culled, the strong would prevail.

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr
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Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Of all the things that happened while she was being 'processed', Kay hated having her hair shaved off the most. She had gone through such processing before; and each time she was just given a number and put in garb that matched every other prisoner. Only her memories of who she really was stayed in tact. And this time she wasn't a prisoner.

Those that stood in line with her wanted to be there, while she joined in because she was told that she was destined to do so. It was funny how that worked.

A lightsaber was placed in her hand. Kay clenched her jaw and looked around at those around her. Now she knew what she was in for, just like they all did. Kill or be killed. Those were the only rules. She justified it to herself as akin to being in a battlefield. Usually she was being led off to safety during those times by her bodyguards and friends. But not today.

Then Mythos Mythos showed up. Everyone bent the knee, although Kay was one of the last to do so. She bent the knee to no one, but in this case she had to play her part and give her respect to him. Mythos declared his long time love for her and took her under his wing. She owed it to him to show her respect at the very least.

The commands from him were given. Kay didn't know the Sith language, but it was clear as day as to what he had meant. Igniting her blade after the others had done so, she blocked a blow that went straight for her middle, twisted her wrist to bring the blade around and countered with a slice across the neck. Kay had to shove everything back while she fought; all of her thoughts, all of her emotions. It was kill or be killed. She ran those words over and over again in her mind like a mantra; the grey of her eyes turning cold like a sudden storm.

Bodies began piling up in the arena. At times people stumbled over them and she took advantage of that, cutting them down as they tried too little but too late to regain their balance. Soon half of those assembled at the start of it where dead. Not long after that the survivors could be counted with two hands.

And then with one.

Kay was the only female left, and the only human. The others were taller than she was by at least a foot; 3 of them in total; and they saw her as easy prey while they surrounded her. Kay narrowed her eyes and listened to their hearts. She felt them all beating fast through the thrill of the fight and then used the Force to crush those vital organs. All three fell to her knees. Kay grinned to herself. Was she enjoying it? Perhaps a part of her did so. They thought that they had her, but now they were on their knees. She finished them off by swinging her blade across all of their necks, severing their heads. Their bodies soon fell in heaps on either side of her.

Breathing heavily Kay quickly scanned the bodies around her. From what she could tell, she was the last one standing. But still she kept her blade ignited as she waited. Even though it appeared to be over, now was not the time to drop her guard. More enemies could come in a bid to try to add her body to the pile.
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As soon as the battle began the roar of the crowd came with it, ever balcony screaming with the pre-grads, instructors, warriors and many other cogs in Mythos' company joined the spectacle. Mythos however had to remain impartial, he had to show no favor to ones over others, even if he already knew exactly how every single thing would end.

The future was not set in stone, but the stone around his neck was set to see the future, it was the anathema that tied all things together. The dark side of the force clamored and screamed around him as he took sips of wine and smoked to his content. Many were dead, most however were just heavily injured or had some sort of limb amputated by the plasma of lightsabers.

It went well, well for Kay and Mythos' own personal bias of course. For the rest however it went brutally bad. The force around her seemed to almost enjoy being used in such a brutal and violent manner. The Sith Lord smiled at the sight of the broken bodies and chopped up remains of her enemies that now piled around her.

He was however, very surprised and glad that she actually managed to be the last one standing out of so many. Out of one hundred bodies, one hundred of the galaxies most brutal and savage warriors of this batch she came out as the last one standing. No easy feat.

"When push comes to shove. Killings as easy as breathing." He whispered, his words directed to Anok-eh, his right hand and consort. The arena became silent, only the groans of death and the pained screams of those who had been defeated or killed.

"This one has killed more than she let's on My Lord" The Anubian responded. It was a good point, the next part of the first trial however would see just how true that was.

Mythos gestured to the Anubian and he leapt down to the floor and with a mighty force push cleared all the bodies and wounded around Kay and him. Anok-Eh had quite an ostentatious armor and his weapon was crafted by Mythos himself. Like all things like victory in the Mythic Core, her's was to be rewarded, this time in the form of a 'lesson' from the Lord Commander of the Ancient Eye's greatest fighting force: The Molok Legion.

The Anubian squared himself off five meters from Kay, twisted and turned his battle staff around and extended his arm towoards her. With his armored, clawed hand the Anubian gestured her to come at him.

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr
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Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The noise of the crowd had died off. That was a truly a sign that it wasn't over yet. Kay looked way up to the throne that Mythos Mythos sat upon. Whether he was happy or not, she couldn't tell for as always he wore a mask of confidence.

The sight of Anok-Eh jumping down told her that her instincts were right. It wasn't over. Now she had to deal with round two.

The bodies were pushed aside, giving them both room to fight. Kay watched as he twirled his staff, then invited her to make the first strike. Oh boy. This was not going to be easy. Especially as he was wearing armour and she was not.

Kay lept at him, using Force Push to keep his staff weighted down while she swung downward in a diagonal arc towards the left side of his neck with her lightsaber.
"Do try and keep my floor clear Anok" Mythos said with a smile, drinking wine as he spoke and leaning back. The Sith Lord was more than curious to see exactly how good she was, Anok was more than just good, he was the best since Kai.

"I make no promises" The Anubian responded. Anok waited for her to make the first move, she needed to close the distance. His height and the length of his weapon were his best advantages, it was logical that she would use the force to eliminate those advantages.

As she force pushed his weapon away the Anubian made no effort to keep the weapon, he was going to show her he did not need a weapon to defeat her. As the lightsaber came, his staff flew to his right side. The Anubian took one step forward and angled his body, placing his hand next to his neck and blocking the blade with his Phirk Armored clawed hand.

She was over extended, with his massive long legs he would move his kick behind her, sweep to kick her legs and strike with an elbow in her nose. The attack was meant to create distance and slam her to the ground violently but not lethally.

The Anubian would then stand back and get in his unarmed fighting stance once again, ready to counter, block or redirect any and all attacks once again.

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was caught by surprise. The sweeping kick knocked her down quickly. Yet she managed to turn her head away in time to save her nose. However her cheek couldn't be spared from the elbow.

Unlike minutes earlier, this was no hack and slash situation. In this match she could calculate more and think it through. Kay spat out some blood and got to her feet, turning on her heel so that she could face him squarely. "Nice set of armour you've got there. Is it alchemized too?" Only one way to find out. Drawing upon her lessons on Commanor at the Valley of the Storm, she quickly outstretched her left arm and shot out arcs of Force lightning at Anok's helmet, hoping to short circuit the thing. It was a mere test more than anything. She needed to find the weaknesses and exploit them.

Mythos Mythos
Mythos smiled upon his throne and nodded to his Anubian General. His poise, his stance, his measured violence was an artform and a testament to what one could become when trained by the Sith Lord.

What happened next raised an eyebrow from the Sith Lord and the Anubian as well. Lighting crackled and hummed around them, the smell of iron and humidity was cast on the floor as Kay used a dark side ability that Mythos didint knew she could do.

Lighting flash and blared, it made contact with the Anubian who reflectively raised his hand to cover his face from the blast. Sith Lightning, one ability that the Anubian knew too well. He grunted under his armor and decided to fight the force with the force.

"Through time you will earn your arrogance"
The canine warrior spat, sending a blast of telekinesis meant to ground her to the floor once again.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
And to the floor she went. The lightening ceased as she was thrown. Kay rolled to a stop and quickly got to her feet, being sure to not lose sight of Anok. Years ago Mythos Mythos had taught her how to use Force shield to protect herself from blasterfire and the like. But that would've done little to help her here.

Kay didn't want to crush his heart just yet. That could be too easy. Or he could have some way of blocking that too. There was always something that gave Sith the upperhand on her.

She called the lightsaber to her hand and igniting it before she threw it. Not at Anok but past him as though she had terrible aim, which was entirely possible. But before it hit the floor, she called it to her again, intending on having it slice just behind Anok's knees.
The Anubian was focused, poised and everything about him screamed controlled rage and precision. He hardly moved at all, his eyes fixated on her every move. When she threw her lightsaber it was like messing with a statue, the Anubian didint move an inch, only stared.

He knelt down and placed his right arm extended to his back before the lightsaber did it's full turn back to strike him. He lifted his finger and manipulated the trajectory of the lightsaber to land in his hand instead.

Holding the blade and standing upright slowly, he removed his helmet with poise and elegance and brought the blade before him as he did.

"Petty toys are nothing before a true warrior, but I havent taught you that yet..."
He said before crushing the durasteel and the crystal of the weapon with the Phirk gauntlet of his powerful armor.

Mythos on the other hand sat and enjoyed the show of force by his general. This wasnt just training, this was a wake up call, a realization of just how far she needed to crawl to become a warrior, for her to see what an actual trained weapon looked like in it's full splendor and behold just how far below the totem pole she truly was.

"Truer words never spoken Anok..."

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay clenched her jaw as Anok seemed to have anticipated her throw. Not only did he catch the lightsaber, but he crushed it too. Now what?

She listened to his words, looking to Mythos Mythos briefly as he added a comment of his own. No toys? Well fine.

Kay took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. With Anok's helmet off, she could easily strike at his face again with Force lightening. But he'd only block that again. So instead she focused not only on Anok's heart, but his lungs and various vital organs as well. Then she applied pressure to them with the Force. Kay wasn't gentle either. She wasn't subtle. She struck hard at them.

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