Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A few dollars more...

Location: Ke'dem Facility, Trevel'ka​​
There were a lot of ways for a man to make his way in this universe...In his decades of life, Ijaat had tried most of them in some form or the other. Work as a traveling sword-smith had made him quite a name in the right circles, though his work always seemed to come in second fiddle to those wonderous space wizards with their Force tricks and blood-rites.

But where his work had it's own market, the money was often secondary for him in those years. He had taken instruction by the finest masters of the sword he could find. Some used the Force, others did not. It mattered very little to him, truth be told. If they had that advantage over him, it only meant he would learn to be better, to match that which he was up against more evenly, and learn how to one day best it. So he had trained on a dozen worlds and more, learned something from everyone he could.

Eventually, he had come home to Mandalore briefly, and had tried to integrate himself into the culture of his birth. But the Mandalorian people seemed to have lost their way, accepting a weak and incompetent man as Manda'lor, and eventually letting themselves be ruled by a council of all things. As if they were the Galactic Republic or some other bureaucratic paradise. Working for them, he had fully embraced the brilliant mind so many had told him he possessed, and had created some wondrous things. And some things that turned his stomach to think of.

They seemed to care more now-a-days for their empire and territory and equality and being nice. Mandalorians weren't pirates, he was raised by a man who loved Jaster Mereel's ideals too much to believe that. But they were not bickering politicians either. Their ideals, their thoughts and beliefs, were alien to the rest of the Galaxy. And that was not a bad thing. Trying to force them to mesh would lead to nothing but heart-ache and trouble...And so he had drifted again.

The Galactic Alliance was the next stop, and it was brief, albeit educational. In between the two, he had been through hell. The Wrath of the Dark Lord of the Sith had captured him, torturing and experimenting on him and vong-forming him. The Alliance hadn't seemed to care, and so he had taken up arms against the One Sith there, since they seemed to want to fight.

Eventually, he had tired of them though... They claimed Light and Goodness, yet also laid claim to a fight that could not be won with those ideals. [member="Coren Starchaser"] still had his loyalty. If the man ever needed it, he wouldn't likely be turned away for pretty much any favor. The Alliance though... They worried too much about the morality of the means, and not so much what those means would achieve. The ends often justified a lot of questionable ways to achieve themselves.

Now though? He was back to drifting the 'verse and doing what he pleased. He had confronted most of his demons. The fact of his parentage had been a tough one, but he and Gabriel had made a sort of peace whilst at the Katarn Homestead... Leaving there had been tough, particularly knowing he had newborn siblings he felt compelled to look after. But the best way he could do that was by doing what others couldn't, and wouldn't accept. For them, he would do terrible things so they might know peace and hapiness as their uncle had deprived him of utterly.

And so he was here, at some Force-forsaken world that stank and reeked, and armed to the teeth as usual. A cunning new hat sat perched on his head, a gift from a contractor who had needed some blaster modifications done. It had came delivered with the customized warden cloak from Akure Executive's line of things. Probably the most expensive 'clothing' Ijaat had ever worn.

Though, to be fair, the 'custom' cloak was more a cloak he had just pinned to work more like a serape that desert folk wore. Strapped low on his hip in a bodo-baas gunbelt was a gleaming DE-10, and on his other thigh rested a rather menacing sonic shotgun. Hidden inside the top of his left boot was a hold-out blaster particularly effective against droids, and strapped hanging low against his haunches bouncing on the small of his back was a rather beautiful and positively ancient longsword.

The final bit of the veritable walking armada was perhaps what most feared, and more's the pity for their ignorance, as the plated crush-gauntlets were hardly the most dangerous thing he wore. Regular clothes swathed him from head to toe, but any who thought him without protection had never seen him fight. Lurking within his very bones was a creation, a curse or a blessing, from his uncle. It's presence meant he could fight and win on almost any occasion, and gave him some odd abilities. Utilizing them pained him, but as he proved on Coruscant when he had leveled the Sith Temple there, they were handy.

So he approached the Ke'dem location, chewing on a stunted and almost finished bit of a cigarra, face wreathed in blue-grey smoke as he waited for whoever it was he was supposed to meet. These folks knew how to play, by all accounts. They weren't afraid to dirty their hands and do what was needed to eliminate the true threat. They understood sometimes you had to dance with the devil on occasion. But there was little and less that he could find fault with- though harsh, their methods produced results. Just had to wait to be let in and that his resume and reputation got him something more than janitorial duty or whatever.

[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ijaat Akun"]

With a grunt, the doorman got up from his stool. He nibbled a tad too hard on the toothpick protruding from his mouth, and spat damp splinters, eyes never leaving the walking armoury. For his part, Seren wasn't wearing much of anything militant, just a black shipsuit and an old left-arm lanvarok. Generally enough. Against someone like this, probably insufficient, but Ke'dem wasn't overly worried about appearances here. Trevel'ka had its share of serious fighters, none of whom had offworld connections. A faint adiabatic shield shimmered around Seren's head and shoulders, blocking out the smog. The man in the hat didn't have a breath mask, not even the rags that the locals used to cover their mouths. So maybe his assessment was off: maybe this one was an offworlder who didn't intend to stay long. Or who was certain of getting inside the airlocked training facility.

"You don't seem to mind sucking fumes," he said by way of greeting. "Life on Trevel'ka will kill you, same as life anywhere, but here it's a little bit faster."
Ahhh... The fumes must be what he was hinting at with the fumes and death. He smiled softly, nodding a bit in way of dismissal, chewing on the stump of the cigarra. As long as he wasn't out in it for days or more, the ooglith would heal the damage to his lungs and cells. At least it seemed to really. Now, cancer was something he wasn't sure how self-healing would go with really... Would need some research, and with hardly a thought Geoffery was off and racing, running models and simulations with an eerie precision. The iBorg implants were wondrous really, and he was grateful not many knew he had them.

"I figure i've been 'round long enough, I owe it to whatever is walking the chance to try and end me. Not that i'll make it easy for 'em, mind you, never will be that... But if a little ash and dust and bad smell is what sends me off? Well then... Them's the breaks... Might you be who I need to see about work then? Sent word ahead I was coming in to talk."

With that said, the cigarra moved to the corner of his mouth, and he popped a ration cube into his gob. The thing dissolved, causing a quiet grimace. He needed to see about a new provider for these things, the standard issue ones from Keldabe tasted like bantha poodoo really, but they did get the job done even so. The biot sped his metabolism up something insanely fierce, particularly when he used it as much as he had been. If this fellow talking to him were the observant kind, slight muscle tremors would be noticed as well, from that. Maybe not nervousness as it would be in some, not with Ijaat's eyes... But something out of the ordinary.

[member="Seren Ordavo"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ijaat Akun"]

Twenty years in maximum security let you read people for weakness pretty well. A tremor talked like a Jedi on a judgment kick. Just like a Jedi, though, it could have been talking about anything. Seren scratched his chin. "I didn't get the word. Give me a sec."

His eyes lost focus. Telepathy wasn't his strong suit, but Ke'dem installations cultivated a working rapport between the guy outside the door and the guy inside the door. That was just good sense. In seconds, by way of impressions and a few words, the question was asked and answered. "Ijaat Akun? The beskar smith?" Seren's eyes flicked to the crushgaunts, which looked like genuine Mandalorian iron. He had a little experience with that metal himself. "You're cleared. Come on in."

He sent another message, and a dark-suited Ke'dem operative -- another Dark Jedi -- came out to take his place. Seren led Ijaat through both sides of the airlock, into the cleaner, cooler air of the Ke'dem facility.

"The Admiral isn't home," he said over his shoulder, "but she'll want to speak with you on the holopad."
Ijaat nodded as he followed Seren, feeling the ration being dissolved rapidly into his system like one would expect an addict would with his favorite drug. Absently, he popped in another cube from the pouch at his hip, and sighed inwardly. This one was the chicken flavored one, which oddly enough tasted better than the beef one. It was what it was, and he shrugged in response to the Dark Jedi's statements, nodding and smiling. The man was obviously a Force User, but also didn't seem to mind or care about the ooglith and his vong forming making him a Force Dead type. That was nice, his time in the Alliance had stretched his patience with that response to his ability.

"Aye, Ijaat Akun. Swordmaster, Beskar Smith, quite a lot of names. Some even like to call me ass-hole or such. Not many of those types around anymore though. This admiral, would that be Varanin?"

[member="Seren Ordavo"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ijaat Akun"]

"Graand Admiral Ashin Cardé Desmius Varanin, that's the one," Seren drawled. He paused in an irregular arch and touched a certain broken rune just right. The air cooled slightly. Without any more explanation that a smirk, the Dark Jedi passed through the arch and stalked into what was clearly a holo chamber. He tapped a sequence into a freestanding control panel beside the holopad, then moved to stand on it. A hologram flared into existence in front of him, life-size: an armored woman in a death's-head helm.

"Evening, Seren."

"It's morning here, Admiral." Seren gestured behind himself at Ijaat and stepped off the holopad, pitching his voice louder for the pickup. "We have a new recruit that I assumed you'd want to evaluate in person."

"Considering I'm two months' flight away from Trevel'ka, holo will have to do. Who do we have here?"

Seren glanced at Ijaat and indicated the holopad. "Ijaat Akun, the beskar smith."

"Ahhhh. What do you have to say for yourself, Mister Akun?"
A brow was raised at first at the question, a sort of tug at his mouth that was almost a grimace as he chomped a bit on the cigarra and considered the image of the woman flickering a bit before him. She was legend, alright, her very name carried a gravitas and meaning few but the most isolated would escape to comprehend. If anyone could understand the hate that still coursed in his veins at the thought of [member="Reverance"], it would be Varanin. She who some said had damn near burned worlds to get back the one she loved when she was captured. But in his estimation, the course he faced now was something altogether different. Patricide, no matter the culture almost, was a universally reviled and hated idea. Yet, it was his motive even more so than just a general life-long hatred of the Sith.

"I can fight... Had a sword in my hand since I could walk, or a set of bellows or a hammer.... You know the type of warfare, i've engaged in it. I've a special reason to hate the One Sith for a long while now. Word is, your lot here are mighty good at the job of making them die. So am I, and I'd prefer to do it less hindered by dogmatic rules and false pretenses of morality. If you're looking for a resume, you can look at where the Sith Temple on Coruscant was..."

Here he grinned, an almost feral expression, and the skin beneath his cheek rippled oddly, the biot sensing the aggression, as if eager to fight.

"If you'd know my abilities, I can demonstrate them, just don't expect any Force tricks. If you need armor or weapons, I can handle that. Particularly mass drivers...I'd only ask that, specifically, if you know anything of [member="Reverance"] being a target of any ops if you'll have me here, that you let me know. He and I have a long history..Other than that... I'm willing to do whatever I need to in order to prove worth."

[member="Seren Ordavo"]

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