The Laughing Magickian

Image Source: Here
Intent: To offer defense and/or offense to a character whose disposition disables him from participation in traditional NPC-based Force on Force combat. To make the character more bizarre and the universe he lives in more bizarre with him. To provoke imagination in regards to unique, PC crafted Force philosophy and illustrate how subtle power hindered with crippling weakness can still be played for Strength.
Development Thread: (If necessary: Black Flowers. Can do more, if it is decided this qualifies as outside the range of typical Master-level capability)
Manufacturer: Trenchcoat Man’s Guttermagick
Model: N/A
Affiliation: The Invisible Witnesses to the Defilement of Our Beloved Sister Susan; The Rabid Harlequinade
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Human bone, flesh, and other biomatter, sewer-based fungus, alienated sample of Mnggal-Mnggal slime(affectionately redubbed “Mingus-Dingus”), and red ink (illustrating a weird occult symbol).
Description: This head once belonged to a scientist working on Elrood during the events of Dark Harvest. It now acts as a prison for a sample of the Mnggal-Mnggal ooze entity that the Trenchcoat Man was able to isolate and jail via magickal combat.
In this age of ridiculous, oversized, and frequently co-dependent NPC warfare, it is obvious that access to a fast-acting, zombifying agent could become quite beneficial. As the Trenchcoat Man is not apt to deliberately play General (or, really, even make a clear mission statement as to what he’s trying to accomplish and for which faction), it is more likely that this device will never see the light of day, his movements keeping him out of the crosshairs of big time warfighters. That said, however, should some unfortunate try-hard attempt to steamroll the shiftless drifter with their overwhelming, arbitrarily skilled militia, “Mingus-Dingus” will make their job difficult, transforming all nearby forces into cannibalistic zombies that will turn on each other, their leaders, and really anybody else around, with the exception of A. Trenchcoat Man and B. the lowest 20% income bracket residing within the district or district equivalent in which he stands. The speed at which it spreads is entirely dependent on the distance and strategic placement of the NPC force. Mingus-Dingus is in thrall to Benedict, and will not spread beyond the combat objective to create an epidemic/apocalypse scenario (Unless for the purpose of predetermined and agreed upon storyline). When the goal has been accomplished, the possessed turn to feed on each other, until none are left standing...just a sated decayed head, rolling around in the street.
Strengths: Offers Trenchcoat Man and his constituency a mechanism with which to defend and fight back against the increasingly popular NPC warfare game without forcing me to break his character by, say, insta-spawning a massive, friendly freedom fighter group to rally to his defense. It is a stylistic way of dispensing with particularly loud background noise using an aesthetic I prefer for my toon.
Weaknesses: The possessed force goes berserk, making it dangerous to both enemies AND allies.
Cannot be used against droids.
Can only be used once per thread.
Is only as effective as troop placement is dense
Cannot be used against underwater units.
As in all things, traditional roleplayers' rights are to be respected, even when they are being boring, godmoding crybabies
*It would be wonderful if this submission could be judged with the understanding that the Force Philosophy to which Benedict (Trenchcoat Man) subscribes to has crippled his development, and that, even at the level of Sith Lord, he is forever unable to learn staples of the Offensive Force Power tree, such as Force Lightning, Force Choke, or even Force Wave. Instead, he functions by way of indirect, ad-hoc, DIY, often multiple-post count ritual magick, and as such, has few ways with which to respond immediately to imminent threat. This “Technology” would grant him one (while also falling in line with his tradition of pre-meditated ritual, don’tchaknow). For the most part, its functionality is akin to “turning Gruag against their Lightside keeper by projecting my Darkside aura” or “scaring away Lightside units by maintaining Waves of Darkness” or even “insta-spawns a thousand native commandos from the ether to respond to enemy invaders.” The only thing that changes is the window-dressing.