Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Feast for Two

Verz Horak carried the shatual carcass into the vheh'yaim that he called home. He and [member="Arla Balor"] had hunted it down, with the aid of Mirdala, the strill that Verz had known since childhood. The wind blew through the veshok trees around the home, and leaves fell from the high branches, with the hint of a chill in the air, signalling the approach of the autumn season. Unlike the vheh'yaime of old, built with vines and leaves and mud, the one Verz called home was built to last, made of hardy veshok wood, easily found in the forest.

Verz and Arla had set out to hunt early in the morning, knowing that the large shatual bucks liked to eat early, before predators like themselves were up. The warrior placed the carcass on the table in the center of the kitchen area, where it would be easiest to prepare the animal. Mirdala danced happily around the feet of the two Mandalorians, lapping up any blood that dripped from the still warm beast, and eagerly awaiting its share of the meal.

"Well, Arl'ika, I think this one will give us quite a good meal tonight."

Verz smiled at Arla, glad that the hunt went so well.
The hunt had gone well the fresh air, the chase, the take down and now the dress down and preparation. Arla nodded and smiled.

Things were getting easier between them again, she was growing more assured that he was not going anywhere again, and that if he did he would take her with him. Verz was one person that she could talk to about most anything.

"Ver'ika have you heard that [member="Azrael"] is missing no one has heard from him, unless you have." Green eyes stared at him did he know something could he shed light on where the leader of the mandalorians was.

She knew that they should be talking about other things but here in what was growing to be their sanctuary again she wanted to talk about all things.

Arla brought out the two knives used for skinning, "We must tan the hide, I owe a gift and the hide will come in handy" She asked herself why she would do this, because Garrus was a pain in the butt however he had taken her and given her training as any of the Field Marshalls would do.

But she felt she needed to, as payment, of some kind. She was standing beside Verz now, he was patient. Course he was also older than her. Something that perhaps often went without notice given their relationship.

[member="Verz Horak"]
Verz took one of the skinning knives from [member="Arla Balor"].

At the news of nobody hearing from [member="Azrael"], the warrior frowned. That was not good. Could a Mand'alor disappear for a short while and get away with it? Sure, he had done it. Everyone understood that leaders needed a break, especially Mandalorians. But to not hear from Azrael in a while was troubling. He usually maintained contact, and Verz usually knew what the Mand'alor was going to do. Azrael had been like a son to him.

"I have not, Arl'ika. That is troubling news. But I know Azrael. If he has left the planet, it is for good reason. THe chains of command will hold us steady in the meantime."

Verz drove the skinning knife between the hide and skin of the shataul's belly, with a grunt, beginning the process of skinning the beast.

"Of course, whatever you need Arl'ika, I will provide."

He smiled again at the redhead, with hair like a flame. She was a light in his life. She gave him company, and had provided stability for him when the Mandalorians had decided that he was not to be Mand'alor anymore. He would do anything for Arla.
[member="Verz Horak"]

Arla nodded, "With Az not here I'm not sure the clans can get along long enough to make decisions. What happens if Az doesn't return, or isn't found?" She knew that a battle could take place against a sitting mand'alor but what happened when they were gone, just you know disappeared.

She smiled at Ver'ika as he began to dress the shatual. There would be plenty to eat for a long time to come.

She knew also they had other things to discuss, she was easing it that way. Mirdala came in and curled up near the table, "I think she's waiting for scraps" She looked down at the strill.
[member="Arla Balor"]

"I have never heard of a Mand'alor vanishing, but I assume that our standard tradition will take place. Our strongest shall try to claim the title."

It was certainly a strange situation, and one that Verz had ever encountered. He hoped Azrael would return. The Mandalorians did not need more political upheaval. THe galaxy was chaotic enough, and the Mando'ade needed to be united to protect their home and holdings. The Mandalorians would adapt and survive though, as they had always done.

When Arla pointed out Mirdala, waiting patiently for its share of the kill, Verz smiled at the strill.

"And it will get a share."

He cut a chunk of muscle and fat from the carcass and gave it to Mirdala. The loyal strill quickly grabbed the food, carrying it off to its bed to enjoy.
Arla laughed watching Mirdala. She had never had a pet growing up and having Mirdala around gave her a joy that could only be shared by someone who understood how she felt, and what she had felt.

"I am going to serve as Leader of Clan Ordo there's to be a Council meeting. I'm." She looked at Verz, "uncertain of what I will say. I want [member="Ordo"] there because he is still one of the wisest men I know. Even if I still don't understand everything that happened to him. He's done so much to try and redeem himself, and now that he and Rianna have two more children I would say he's paid all debts."

She didn't know what else to say to people about her buir, it was more for her own sake than others. Arla stared at the counter, for all her ribbons, and training she still was not sure of herself.

[member="Verz Horak"]
[member="Arla Balor"]

Verz continued cutting open the shatual, removing certain organs for later use, be it cooking them or feeding Mirdala. He listened to Arla describing how she would be representing Clan Ordo. He was proud to see her come so far from when he first met her. Verz put down the knife and turned to face Arla, a smile on his face.

"Arl'ika, you will do a fine job as Clan Ordo's representative. I have seen you grow into a true Mandalorian, a warrior, and you have a fiery personality that makes you fun to be around. Those are some of the things I love about you."
[member="Verz Horak"]

"I will try, but I am not [member="Ordo"] and i do not have the experience he has, or his mind when it comes to some of these things, or listening" She stabbed the piece of meat she had been trimming, "I don't want to make the clan look bad, or weak"

She looked at Verz, "Az better hurry and get his shebbs found and back here" Arla took the piece she had and went to the stove, placing it into a braising dish, "if this cooks most of the day it will be ready tonight" She seasoned and covered it.

Looking back at him, "you haven't changed much since we met"

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