Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Failing Wolf




Tag: Aelin Erevos Aelin Erevos

The walk back from the forest after leaving his clan, it was the hardest walk of his life. He had spent ages attempting to find a way to compose himself, to rid himself of the emotions and pain that burned through him. The anger that caused his whole body to shake and wish to kill something, someone. He had found a way to return to the camp with his emotions at least calmed, a turbulent sea underneath him but at least it was something that couldn't be seen as clearly on his face as it had been when he first broke down. For now, his mind focused on the singular task of walking into the tent where Aelin was and inform her of what was happening.

"Aelin, it is Brynjar." He called out from outside her tent, "I need to talk with you, privately if possible." Brynjar's voice was unusually depressed and low, it was clear from the Force signature that his body emanated that he was not himself and was emotionally unsettled.

However, he waited patiently to be allowed in. There was no right, no status he held that gave him permission to just walk in on Aelin and demand an audience. If anything, he had less rights now to speak with her than he held when he woke. That was how he saw it all, how he saw himself. He was lost and without a home anymore, without those he had helped to grow. It was the loneliness that he had ever felt and Brynjar wasn't sure what to do about it all.

He only hoped that Aelin would not be too harsh or upset with him over everything.



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