Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A "Diplomatic" Visit

"Lord Tyrin asks for you to deliver to us the weapons and the blueprints in good faith." replied Torol. "In exchange we will establish our consulate, and, if the equipment you provide us with proves to be reliable, we will continue to work with you. We understand your concerns for your technology, but I would like to remind you that we also have much to offer you in the way of technology and equipment--enough, perhaps, to at the very least provide you with a competitive edge over your contemporaries on this world," (he looked to the various other diplomats as he said this, hoping to peak their interest), "and to strengthen your defenses against an off-world attack. Even the mere favor of an Empire such as ours has its advantages in intra-planetary politics. "

[member="Wirch Bicket"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
The diplomats seemed interested for a moment, before they could voice any of their thoughts however Wirch spoke. "While I think this would be a truly beneficial agreement, what guarantee do I we have that you will not simply take our designs and forget about us? I doubt that this would come to pass, but it is always possible that in this war that you seem to be waging a planet far away from your influential cloud may seem unimportant to your superiors. I simply wish to make precautions, I hope you don't mind me asking."

@Melakoth Tyrin
"As I said, a consulate will be established on your planet if we come to an agreement regarding this matter. Whether the research we conduct on your weapons proves beneficial to us or not, we would be hard-pressed to 'forget' the large contingent of our own diplomatic personnel which would be permanently residing here."

[member="Wirch Bicket"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
Wirch seemed somewhat reluctant to agree with those statements, he could come up with some more reasons for why this was not a safe trade for the Relovians, but he knew that it would fall on deaf ears. He also knew that to become too much trouble would probably incur a bombardment from the orbiting ships, one that the Relovians had no defense against. He looked to the diplomats, however they all seemed to be on the opposition's side, he felt trapped and knew that there was little that he could do to alleviate the situation.

Grudgingly he conceded, "Alright then, I will have a set of blueprints and a set of the actual weapons brought here."

He touched a contact in front of him on the table and a guard entered the room. He carried a rifle, pistol and a datapad. Setting these on the table, he turned right around and left without a single word. Wirch watched the guard the entire time, the man still had the military precision that was expected of within the Durasteel Fist armed forces. That was good.

"Now about the consulate?" He turned his attention back to One Sith diplomats.

@Melakoth Tyrin
Torol was pleased; he had not expected to meet with success so quickly. At any rate, this was one of the easier negotiations he had underwent in his career--the single Relovian whom had actually spoken during the meeting had proved himself to be quite agreeable, if only outwardly, and the others, though silent, had clearly been won over as well. He hoped that Lord Tyrin would reward his successful efforts, but for now he allowed no such thoughts to linger in his mind. He had a job to do and he would see it through to the end with unwavering professionalism, and he needed no other motive than the desire to serve the Empire. However, the idea of what would happen to his career if these negotiations fell through on the unforgiving watch of Lord Tyrin added somewhat to his desire for success.

"Once this agreement has been finalized, we will contact the Foreign Office immediately and ask them to dispatch the Consulars. I do not know how long it will be before they arrive, but it will not be long. Do you have any other questions?"

[member="Wirch Bicket"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
"Is there a possibility that I may accompany you off-planet? I do not have a starship as of yet and would like to leave planet for a time." He spoke with no emotion, so that his excitement would not be seen. He truly needed to get away for awhile, his ability to think straight during his last duty had become somewhat impaired and he found it incredibly frustrating.

The other diplomats only stared for a moment, then they started. They all began to talk at once, each and every one telling Wirch that he couldn't go. Wirch did not seem to be listening to them, and he sorely wished that they would be silent. He had the urge to simply fire one of his pistols, the loud bang would certainly silence the others, but that sound would also call in the guards who might believe that hostilities had started. Instead he motioned to the One Sith diplomats towards the door. He turned and began walking as the other Relovian diplomats continued talking and some yelling at Wirch.

@Melakoth Tyrin
Torol nodded to the others, and the three diplomats rose as one. Each felt a little uneasy about Bicket's request; Damir was downright alarmed. However, they all remained impassive, and accompanied Bicket out of the room. As soon as they left, the stormtroopers fell in behind them once more.

"We may be able to grant your request." said Torol. "However, may I ask your reasons?"

[member="Wirch Bicket"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
Wirch took a deep breath, a sign of relief, as the doors to the conference room were closed behind them. He felt much better now, out of the room and in a hallway, he felt he could speak more freely.

"This planet is starting to change. I don't like the way it is. So far politics has begun to change how this planet runs. I need to get away for some time. My type of people, military based and bred, are becoming more and more rare. Those of us who have gained any sort of power will soon have it forced from them soon. I can't stay until there is a change in philosophy...Free will is all they talk about, the need to make all people equal...I can't stand it, not all men are equal. If they were, then the government that was in command previously would never have existed. Those with power are more than those without. Now these blasted politicians are trying to balance the playing field, they know that unless they remove the power of the military they will not stand a chance.... Sorry for the outburst. Does that answer the question?"

All the time he had been walking up and down the hall, his brain finally draining a little of the pent up anger that he felt towards his people. He sorely wished that it were not so, but there was no denying that this planet was changing and he would either have to fight it or die...He preferred the former.

@Melakoth Tyrin
Torol nodded. He was quite pleased with his luck--Bicket, being not only powerful, influential and apparently quite accommodating of their needs but also disillusioned with his people might be a useful tool if the One Sith ever decided to further extend their control over Relovian. However, it was presently not his job to think so far ahead--that task would fall to Lord Tyrin, if it fell to any member of their party at all.

"Perhaps you ought to meet with Lord Tyrin." he said. "Accompany us to our ship and I will arrange for you to meet with him. Is there any other business you wish to discuss before we return to orbit?"

[member="Wirch Bicket"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
"No, there is nothing more to speak of. Let us leave, this planet annoys me." Now that it had been said, it was easy to see his apparent distaste for his people and the planet. He had once been proud of it, but now it was nothing but a nuisance which he wished to forget utterly. His own thoughts were looking forward to the stars. They were infinitely more beautiful from out of an atmosphere, and more freeing than anything else.

@Melakoth Tyrin

(Sorry for not replying sooner, getting bogged down)
The stormtroopers escorted the diplomats and their new guest to the shuttle, which immediately departed. After a trip of several minutes, the shuttle reached the One Sith fleet and docked with the star destroyer Matador, which had no hangar of its own. Upon exiting the docking port, the diplomats requested that Bicket be given an audience with Lord Tyrin immediately before swiftly re-embarking on the shuttle. They had no quarters on the ship and no desire to be aboard the gloomy fortress of grey steel and crimson light for any longer than they had to be. The stormtrooper guard left with them, leaving Bicket to be swiftly escorted to Lord Tyrin's office by two stormtroopers who looked identical to the last group and, like the last group, remained completely silent. The ship may have been an endless labyrinth of narrow corridors, but it was also compact (by the standards of a star destroyer) and it was not long before Wirch Bicket stood before the heavy steel doors of the Sith's personal office.

The doors parted slowly and the stormtroopers marched Bicket inside. Before them stat Lord Melkaroth Tyrin, Admiral of the One Sith fleet, Sith Knight and cyborg. With heavy black durasteel armor covering his entire body and a black cloak draped over his shoulders contrasting sharply with his hairless, skull-white face and cold blue eyes, Tyrin could hardly be mistaken for a friendly figure by a member of any culture, even if they had never left the confines of their own planet before or had the misfortune to encounter the word "Sith". However, Tyrin was also similar to Bicket in some ways--stern, upright, and unflinching. He radiated an aura of power as all Sith do, but the sense of authority that he projected was rare, even among force users.

He did not speak to Bicket, merely directing towards him an icy stare as he tried to get the measure of the man who stood before him. He knew immediately from his odd attire that the man was a Relovian--but what his purpose was and why the diplomats had seen fit to bring him on board Tyrin's own flagship, the Sith did not yet attempt to guess.

[member="Wirch Bicket"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
Wirch felt the power and command that exuded from this man. It was rare on Relovian to find a person with that characteristic. While somewhat intimidated, he tried to keep it hidden. He knew that showing such fear would weaken his stance, not that in his current situation he had any power. He did not delude himself, he knew that in his current position he had no power and could be executed on the spot. He doubted that would happen, but it was still a possibility.

At first Wirch didn't speak, almost doing the same thing [member="Melakoth Tyrin "]was trying. He was attempting to read this person, but then he realized that he should simply introduce and learn more about the person as he spoke. "Greetings. I am Wirch Bicket, the representative that mediated between Relovian and your diplomats. I hope that you do not find my arrival inconveniencing." He tried to smile, but it died before it got to his face. He had the feeling that this person was not one for niceties. He wondered how he would respond. Unlike his people of Relovian, Wirch had learned much during his travels offworld. He could recall that leaders within Imperial-esk factions tended to be Sith or normal people who had gained much prestige. While he could not identify which this person was, Wirch knew that this person was powerful and was important within his own faction.

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
"They had the intended result, if you were hoping to have relations with Relovian in the long term." Wirch casually stated. He then fell silent, again unsure of talking with this Sith. His life was somewhat dear to Wirch, and therefore he did not wish to endanger it by way of angering the Sith.

[member="Melakoth Tyrin"]
The Sith frowned. "My intention was to secure relations with your planet if you were willing to first grant us samples of your weapons technology in good faith. My emissaries knew that these were the terms--were they also agreed to?" Melkaroth would not take kindly to the man if he had come to explain why these terms had not been agreed to for whatever reason, and he intended to get to the bottom of the matter as swiftly as possible.

[member="Wirch Bicket"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
Wirch's mind had gone black for a single moment, in that moment his mind flailed to try and find the necessary information. But that only lasted a blink, though the Sith could probably sense that, Wirch replied with a steady voice, more strong that he felt, "If your men remembered to collect the weapons and schematics that were handed to them then yes. If not, then I have a spare set here."

He had been prepared in case a second copy was needed for whatever reason. He pulled a small datachip out of his jacket pocket. It had the specs on both the Relovian pistol and rifle. Wirch knew that by handing it over immediately, he was forfeiting any possible necessity of himself to this Sith. However, he was partially hoping that by immediately handing anything over, it would at the very least allow him to survive this first encounter. He would have to prepare for the next one, this time he was not ready. Next time, if there would ever be a next time, Wirch hoped he would be able to more fully be prepared for anything the Sith may ask. He ran a quick mental check to make sure he remembered most of the information about Relovian and anything that he thought may be asked of him.

[member="Melakoth Tyrin"]
Melkaroth eyed the datachip that had been placed on his desk. "I also requested a small sample of these weapons for testing, but clearly my men forgot to bring those with them. No matter--I will send another shore party to collect my dues. Still, you did not come here merely to tell me all this. Why are you here?"

[member="Wirch Bicket"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
"I came to leave this planet. I wish to request that I may have transportation off planet with you and your people. I know that this is short notice, and I apologize for not letting you know of my intentions earlier. Is there an issue with this?"

Wirch watched the Sith, he could tell the man was very dangerous. The man also seemed to be very straight forward and Wirch wondered if his request would be a death sentence. He could say truthfully that he feared this man, as he had feared Sith in the past. He was curious though, what was it that made these people so angry. Why did they make people fearful? He did not know, he guessed it was attached to the idea of the Force.

[member="Melakoth Tyrin"]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
Wirch was a little taken aback, though he was also relieved that there was a time to explain himself. He appreciated that, as much as he appreciated not dying.

"My reasons? As I explained to your diplomats, I have found that Relovian is steadily falling away from the old order of control. As time has gone on they begin to say that all people should be treated equally, that all people deserve the same amount of power. Of course it is lies, the leaders try to keep their power over the lesser even though they say that all have the same amount of power. It is the fact that they are willing to change what was proven to be a completely functional system, that the strong control the weak, those with insight guide and command those who are ignorant... Those who have worked hard to command in any walk of life, but the military especially, are thrown aside so that those who are lesser may have an equal share in the government. It does not work, it will collapse, and I may return when that has happened. But for now, for now, I wish to leave and let them find out that their system will fail no matter how hard they try to make it work. My reason for wanting to leave? To let those too foolish to believe me perish in the storm of their own creation."

His voice had risen slightly, his back looked as if it had straightened more than it really could. His posture was that of a General about to enter a battle, willing either to come out victorious, or to die with his enemy. Realizing once more who he was in front of, Wirch fell back into the more submissive stance. He did not wish to make himself appear to be a threat to this Sith, who was more powerful than he.

[member="Melakoth Tyrin"]

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