Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Different Class

[member="Joza Perl"]

He let out a small chuckle. Mandalorians weren't exactly known for their tenacity as...gentle folk, and he would have guessed MIss Perl would go for someone...softer. Perhaps he had read that wrong about her, though the fact that she hadn't seen her husband in a year and a half might mean he wasn't all that wrong.

"No." Slevin answered truthfully. "Not married."

He and Natalia never truly saw the point. From their observations marriage was little more than a construct of law, and by their very nature they went against every law of the galaxy. They did not need a slip of paper and two fancy rings to tell themselves they loved one another, they did this every day. "I don't think there is a word for what Natalia and I have."

Slevin glanced at her with a smile.

Miss Perl would of course be aware of Natalia, and the fact that she shared his last name. They were both listed as owners of SIN after all, perhaps that would peek her curiosity.

"Freedom, perhaps." He took a sip of his own drink, his eyes trailing over her once more. "Unbound but connected."
Unbound but connected. Freedom.

Growing up on Zeltros, Joza was always aware of the concept of monogamy, but had never quite grasped it until she’d spent a good amount of time off-world. Even then, the lesson came painfully as a betrayal to her then-lover followed by a body wracked with bruises. It was then when she learned that the majority of the galaxy does not treat relationships like she knew on Zeltros. She hadn’t committed herself to anyone since then.

But Slevin and Natalia, from what she could gather via his short answer, subscribed to a similar school of thought as her species. Or so she assumed, but had to remind herself that it was not entirely healthy to act on assumptions.

“Taking a page from the Zeltron?” She tilted her head back perhaps a tic further than she needed to when finishing what was left of the drink. She could feel his eyes on her, felt them from the start. Joza was not one to wither under such glances, subtle or brazen. True to the pinker half of her heritage, she enjoyed them. There was always that lingering doubt of being a sex object, but most of the time she didn’t let that get in the way.

“But hey, whatever works, right? I’ve got a friend with her own harem.”

[SIZE=11pt]Which of course, brought back pleasant memories of how she and Siobhan had sealed their contract. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Slevin Thawne"][/SIZE]
[member="Joza Perl"]

Slevin smiled. "Not quite."

He and Natalia had quite literally been created for one another. They loved each other dearly, beyond anything and everything else in the galaxy. Yet sex was little more than a game to them. Perhaps it was similar to how the Zeltrons thought of love, but for Slevin and Natalia it wasn't even that, it was simple existence. They could not be parted, they could not be broken. They were simply together.
Forever and always.

"But near enough." The Crime Lord shifted slightly, his metallic arm coming to rest besides Joza's upon the sofa. "What about you Miss Perl? Do you share a connection, with someone?"

He continued on. "Forgive me If I assume wrong, but it sounds like your marriage is not a happy one."

Not seeing someone for half a year generally created a rather large detachment. Even Soldiers got to go home sometimes to see their beloved. Perhaps Joza and her husband cared for another, or perhaps not. Slevin banked on the latter.

Zeltrons were not known for their monogamy, even at the best of times. They were wonderfully flirtatious creatures, something that Slevin had always found more than a little bit amusing.
“At one point.” She answered honestly, but there was no longing in her voice, no far-off look in her eyes. Perhaps she only believed she’d had that sort of connection with someone, but that was a long time ago. She forged connections of varying levels since then, but nothing entirely too romantic. Platonic love, she discovered, could be just as strong and important.

It went without saying that Joza wasn’t going to delve into the intricacies of her relationships with this stranger, kind as he was. There was a look in his eye that she recognized, something in his posture and the way that he carried himself.

“Indifferent would be more accurate.” No touch of lingering sadness there. In truth, her marriage to [member="Alkor Centaris"] was only valid in Mandalorian eyes. No rings were exchanged, no ceremony, and they were tricked into saying vows in a foreign language for someone’s amusement. She could have easily said that she wasn’t married, but this was more entertaining. Alkor was something of a friend, but neither of them thought of each other as anything more. Joza wasn’t even sure that the Corellian really grasped the concept of being in love or caring for someone in a romantic way.

“You looking to be a homewrecker?” There was a note of amusement in her tone as her head tilted to the side, a stray tendril of read slipping onto her face. She may have been pink, but her Zeltron blood was more diluted in some areas than others. Beneath the passive surface was something more aggressive, more predatory.

[member="Slevin Thawne"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

Sleivn could only smile at the question.

Natalia, if she were here, would likely encourage him. His beloved had always been a rather open woman, and she more than enjoyed seeing Slevin get his delights, as long as she remained his only love of course. The woman was deadlier than a Nexu if she thought otherwise. Amusement floated across his features, and slowly he slid closer to her. His metallic hand floated through the waves of her red hair, sliding ever so gently through them.

"I wouldn't call it that." He mused out loud.

There was a certain amount of joy to this that couldn't really be described. Usually it was Natalia that sealed their business deals. It would figure that when Slevin did it could only end up in one or two ways. He smiled at her.

"I'm looking to provide..." He trailed off for a moment. "A service."

Perhaps she'd find that funny. "Perhaps a touch that has been missing."

Slevin had no doubt that Joza hadn't been celibate for the last year and a half, what Zeltron would be? But the comment would be well understood.
Gently, slightly, her head tilted closer to his inorganic hand as his fingers found their way through her thick tress. It did not take much to ignite the passions of a Zeltron, and in that realm Joza was no exception. While she’d become more careful and choosy over the years, that didn’t mean she restricted herself all of the time. Just when necessary, and this moment was not necessary.

A spark of interest flickered in her eyes as the beginnings of a coy, almost malicious smile curled the edges of her lips.

“A service?” She mused lowly. “Will I be needing a credit chip?”

A tingle of anticipation rose from the base of her spine, but Joza kept herself in check for the moment.

[member="Slevin Thawne"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

"No no." His fingers slowly wound within her hair, the cool touch of metal eventually brushing against her skin as he gently gripped her, pulling her just a bit closer to himself as he leaned in. A small smiled touched his lips.

Slevin could see the slight acceleration in the rise and fall of her chest, feel the faster beat of her heart. He watched as goosebumps rushed across her skin and her eyes fluttered closed for just a few seconds. His palm slowly slid onto her knee and then up her thigh as he dragged himself against her, his body pressing against Joza. "I'm a philanthropist."

His words were barely a whisper.

This was always how it went when Slevin wanted something, someone. He made the first move, took what he wanted and barred any consequences that his actions might have. Perhaps they would come to regret this when their partnership moved forward, but Slevin doubted that fact.

Very much.

"All you need to do is enjoy." The grip in her hair tightened for just a moment, and then he pulled her into a hard kiss.
The way his hands twisted into her hair and worked at her body, Joza was positive that he’d done this before. Still, it didn’t lessen the IV-drip excitement that caused her pulse to pound against her veins. She enjoyed being touched, lured in and seduced—it was enthralling, exhilarating. Slevin was both brazen and confident, two traits she could appreciate when making an approach.

She vaguely noted the metallic touch of his hand as it fisted her hair, cool and hollow and not unlike that of her own. Her right limb was entirely cybernetic, encased in a specially made back of pink synthflesh.

Their lips met in a bruising kiss, and Joza’s hands reached up to curl into the fabric of his shirt. She did not gently relent to him, but rather met him with the enthusiasm and passion her people were known for. He’d made the first move, but it served to break the dam of delicious tension between them as her hands used the leverage she had created to push him rather roughly onto the couch. She went down with him, one hand weaving into his hair as her mouth slid from his and peppered wet kisses along his neck.

[member="Slevin Thawne"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

His fingers tightened in her hair as she pushed him back, his head coming to rest against the plush arm of the sofa.

A deep breath filled his lungs as she pressed her lips against his neck, his hand roaming over her legs even as she crawled atop him. He felt the touch of her fingers within his hair, the push of her body against him. He could feel the thrum of her heart, every thundering beat seeming to thud against him as she pressed herself flush to him. He felt her excitement, reveled in the heavy breaths that passed through her lips. Slevin smirked, and then his hand began to roam.

The fingers that had sprawled across her inner thigh, floating higher as the metallic fingers within her hair were set loose. His hands drifted between them, and then a sudden rip resounded within the room as intricately woven lace and cloth were torn to shreds. "You won't need any of those."

Slevin said, silencing any objection she had with another bruising kiss.

They had entered an intricate dance, one that he intended to lead.
The sound of fabric ripping reached her ears, rippled across soft skin. Her lips had parted with each heavy breath, now twisting in annoyance as a flicker of irritation sparked in her eyes.

That was expensive.

But he’d pulled her back in before she could verbalize her distaste, and she eagerly accepted the distraction, reveling in the feeling of his hands and lips exploring every inch of exposed skin. No matter how many times, there was always a certain level of excitement to this dance, something that made her core shudder with anticipation. It was something natural, the instinct to love embedded deeply in her genetic code.

She wanted more.


Her head settled on the plush surface of the sofa, lit cigarette hanging loosely between ruby lips. Smudged makeup, messy hair, but still she did not shy away from what she was. Smoke curled from the lit edge as she shifted, feeling the wampa fur tickle her skin. Her muscles had that characteristic strain—the type that preceded a certain soreness.

Languidly draped over the couch, she lazily loosened the cigarette from her mouth and between two fingers. Her words rode on a lengthy exhale of smoke.

“I’m charging you for destruction of property.”

[member="Slevin Thawne"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

His fingers slowly rolled over the flat of her stomach, trailing over her abdomen and lingering there as he sat besides her. There was a slight smile on his face, a subtle sheen of sweat tinging his skin ever so slightly in the low light of the lounge. His eyes slowly shifted to her, gaze dropping for just a moment as he let his amusement show.

Torn ribbons of clothes decorated the ground around them on both sides of the couch. He eyed them for just a moment before returning his gaze to Miss Perl. The fingers of his metal hands reached out and plucked the cigarette from between her ruby red lips, taking it just a second after she replaced it there. The Crime Lord placed it between his own lips, taking a deep drag before returning it with a smile. "Don't worry."

There was no small amount of amusement in his tone.

"I'm more than willing to replace them." He was sure there were a dozen or so boutiques right around the corner, though they would probably have to send one of the girls to buy something for her, mostly because he figured even a Zeltron wouldn't want to wander naked down the cold streets of Empress Teta. "Besides."

He finally let the smoke fall from his lips. "This gives you a negotiating advantage."

Sleivn smirked at her, his palm slowly sliding up her body once more.
This wasn’t the first time her clothes had been torn to shreds in a fit of passion, but at least her prospects were better.

Regardless, he seemed very entertained at what had just taken place between them.

She accepted the cigarette back, taking a short drag before exhaling just as quickly.

“I hardly think I’m in a position to negotiate.” A crimson brow arched. “Given that I’m dependent on you for clothes.” She snuffed what remained on the cigarette along the inside wrist of her organic arm, hissing in delight at the momentary sizzle and flash of pain. The burning sensation lingered, and it was enough to prolong her post coital rush for a minute or so more.

The stroke of his hand along her body was a welcome touch, and to be honest she could stay like this for a long time. But she shifted upwards, unabashedly nude and reached to drag her purse closer. “You’d better pick me out something cute.” Mumbling, she retrieved a powder compact with a mirror and began to dab at the spots of shine on her face.

[member="Slevin Thawne"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

"I'll send one of the girls." He told her with a slight smile as his hand withdrew from her to let her tend to her make-up. For a second Slevin simply continued to watch her, a mix of curiosity and entertainment still coursing through him. His gaze fell to the burn upon her arm, his amusement giving way for an entirely different feeling for a moment.


It wasn't every woman that could stand such a thing, and finding one that did it themselves was even more rare. He reminded himself to introduce Miss Perl to Natalia, if only so the three of them could spend a night enthralled among one another. He smiled as the thought, then slowly rose from the Sofa. His own clothes were still scattered about, not torn to shreds but removed by Miss Perl's delicate fingers as she had unabashedly thrown herself at him. "I doubt you'd approve of my choices."

Amusement fluttered through his tone as he gave her one last ogling gaze.

Then he turned towards the door, pressing a small button and waiting for half a moment before the doorway opened. A young Twi'lek stood there, her head bowed forward in respect as she saw that they were both nude.

"There is a Boutique three blocks from here." The Twi'lek nodded in understanding. "Fetch something suitably luxurious for Miss Perl."

The Twi'lek glanced up for one moment, as if that was enough for a measurement and then immediately turned to dart away. Slevin smiled, and then turned back towards Joza. The door closed behind him and he slowly wandered back towards her. "Now, lets get to business, shall we?"
Joza grunted in agreement to both statements, momentarily preoccupied as she took out a makeup wipe—because of course she’d have those—and traced along the outline of her lips, removing some of the smudged lipstick. Next came the corners of her eyes, and oh…she’d have to completely re-do her eyeliner, wouldn’t she?

The door opened and she glanced at the young Twi’lek from her periphery but made no move to cover herself. Joza was all scars and tattoos and soft skin, and she had no qualms about being naked. Then again, you’d be hard pressed to find a Zeltron who was embarrassed at showing a little skin.

“Underwear too, darling. Thank you.” She added in, quipping quickly before the girl could rush off. Her eyes drifted towards the muscled form of Slevin as he meandered back to her, catching him in the mirror of her compact as he filled in her lips with a lip liner pencil.

“Business. If that’s what you call it.” A smirk a few tics below predatory curled the edges of her lips. “I’m game.”

[member="Slevin Thawne"]

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