Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Death Spiral for a New Age

Wind whipped at the long locks of snow white hair as they danced along the woman's shoulders. Crimson red hues peered down from the precipice, falling upon the vast construction yards that lay strewn before the being. The woman's arms folded snugly against her chest, a double bladed vibro-blade lay pressed into a soft tuft of dead grass beside her. As the wind continued to whip at the woman's clothing and hair, she remained silent and still, not a single movement or utterance of a word as she watched, just watched.
The vast shipyards before her were ablaze with activity, hundreds of vessels being constructed. The massive spires were slowly taking shape and form. Upon each stood three faces, the appearance of the Ash Warrior upon all three, the embodiment of death to those whom followed the Raulynate's new beliefs. These would serve a purpose beyond, one that arose for an ancient weapon not seen since the Dark Ages of the Republic.
Death Spirals, a weapon first concocted by the ancient Sith Lord Chagras to unleash his forces upon his enemies. He, as the text read, constructed one, while his nephew constructed few. Any whom stood upon the same precipice could clearly see that this was much more ambitious. This was not merely one, nor was it a few, this was enough to wage war. The pure number that lay upon their sides, and those few that had been erected to stand tall were weapons of war and invasion.
A small smirk crossed her lips as she kept her crimson hued eyes upon the spires. Her arms coming down for a moment as her slender fingers grasped at the shaft of the vibroblade beside her, freeing it from the tuft of grass. Standing quietly she brought the blade up slightly, motioning as another spire was slowly heaved up into place.
"The Death Spiral is reborn for a New Age. It's purpose shall be remembered once more."
Crimson hues watched as the spires were pulled from their place, brought up to stand tall and proud. A small smirk crossed her lips as she looked upon them. The visage of the Ash Warrior and its blank gaunt stare looked down upon all those that stood near. Those that were still being constructed revealed the inner workings of the spire, its shape pushing down into a single conical point, reinforced for its impact upon the worlds it was to be unleashed. The internal structure shown its true purpose, a vessel of war. Rooms upon rooms were constructed for the simple purpose of ferrying warriors to cleanse the worlds below. While they had engines, they would only be used once to pull the vessels from this world.
With her smirk growing she watched as they were constructed, these new Death Spirals. The weapons of the ancient Sith Lords becoming used for a new age of war that was to be unleashed upon the galaxy. These vessels of terror that would soon be falling upon the worlds below them. Ramps would drop and warriors would flow forth. Some would carry infantry, while others would bring down the devastating fire power of walkers and vehicles.
Stepping towards the towering cliff, her slender hands tightened their grip upon the shaft of the blade she carried. Her Crimson Red hues falling upon the wondrous work that was being undertaken. The massive fleet of vessels that would be the herald of the Raulynate. Taking a moment to close her eyes, they shot open once more as she turned away from the construction yards below, moving back towards the table that remain upon the cliff. Her hand ran along the plans slowly, looking over them as the soldiers stood around her, the Ancient of War that was to lead them upon a new conquest.

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