Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Day at the Races

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Gil watched from several systems away, a sector away, as the timer ticked down on the tactical display. He cocked a worried brow at the other Resistance officers in the situation room as the clock struck zero. Back in the Mandalore system the Resistance was initiating phase one of the plan. The small scale raid on Ayrie was meant to pull the Sith away from Mandalore, but he had a feeling all wouldn't go to plan...

Mandalore System - Entering Ayrie's airspace - Random Resistance smuggler

A smuggler, that's what he was. At least now he was. The Sith had taken everything from his family, and while his father was content with stamping serial numbers on the rear ends of battle droids for the war machine, Jack wanted to fly. It was all he'd ever wanted to do, and all his father had ever done. When the Sith shut down their shipping company and conscripted himself and his father to work at the factory...Well it didn't take long or much convincing for Jack to start smuggling instead.

Now he was flying Resistance colors and essentially being given a trip to a top tier racing platform. But he knew what he was really here for. He needed to keep his jets in line if he wanted to get the job done....

OOC: Thank you for joining our second Resistance thread!

Objective A: A Day at the Races - Infiltrate Ayrie and cause mayhem. The main objective is to assault a Sith Imperial fuel platform, but keep the fuel in-tact and steal it if possible. Explosions will probably kill civilians and by standers and we aren't terrorists!

Objective B: Secure the package - While the distraction is going on we need people to hit MandalMotors tower and rescue [member="Zeke Farthen"]. Get to him, get him to his ship, and get the kark outta there!
Resistance smuggler ship Lil' Darling, on board with the Resistance strike team.
Planet Shakut atmosphere, descending towards Ayrie.


The metallic floor shuddered slightly as the Darling's retrograde thrusters fired up, arresting their downward plunge towards the surface. Kirie, who minutes earlier had unstrapped herself from her seat to ready her gear, swayed dangerously as she hung on to the straps hanging from the ceiling, bracing herself against the sudden deceleration.

Soon, they were dropping smoothly once more, and once her feet had settled Kirie checked she had everything she needed: Concealed beneath her usual overalls were several sewn pockets, into which were tucked a small communicator, a handful of credits, and the bronze cylinder of her bondar saber, sitting flush against her toolkit, within which a small snubble pistol had been stowed for emergencies. Around her neck, concealed beneath her tan shirt, hung her Tartarine pendant, a talisman and a reminder of times gone by. On the outside, she looked like typical spacer, her only outstanding feature being the miniature protocol droid whose spidery limbs clung to her shoulder.

Having made sure everything was in place and properly secured, Kirie's gaze drifted to the porthole opposite her, outside which the frenzied winds of Shakut's upper atmosphere whipped furiously past, the tumultuous maelstrom of gases occasionally buffeting the Darling with great jolts of turbulence.

She'd visited gas giants before, but the sight of Ayrie as the ship banked in its spiral descent still amazed her. The wheel and spokes stretched out defiantly into the wild planet, a testament to the ingenuity of the Mandalorian peoples.

Soon, they would be down there too, walking among the gas tycoons, wannabee racers, and melting pot of people who spent their days in this strange Galactic corner. They wouldn't be alone. The Sith too walked below, their soldiers patrolling, rooting out dissent and looking for troublemakers. Ayrie looked peaceful from above, but they'd have to be on their toes once they were in the city.

[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
Objective: Secure the Safe House, Objective B
Location: Abandoned UTC Warehouse, New Keldabe
Equipment: Stolen Phase 3 Armor, RX-329, Tidefall, and VT-RAM Disruptor along with a MAT

-- The mission at hand was mainly to assist the Rebel Cell with their extraction of their HVT. The reason he had this safe house was to stash some of their weaponry in their attempt to destroy the Hyperdrive Factory in New Kaldabe. Rebel Leaders were against the idea, as destroying goods they could use was counterproductive to their mission. Joining this mission was a mistake, so as such he only brought a small espionage squad with him, six soldiers in stolen armor and forged documents. Under the name of Vali Saxon, and an active member of Death Watch Imperial Loyalist and loyal to the New Mand'alor. His Manda was a little rusty, but House Vizsla was not well known for their conversational abilities. He was safe there.

-- He and his squad members were getting the gear available for the mission at hand. The Explosives, slicing equipment, and a stolen vehicle or two with randomizes VIN Numbers as well as forged. He knew that the mission would be difficult, but he and his men were ready for the mission at hand.

-- "Ready up men, the others should be here soon and we need to be set up before they arrive." Drox opened a container of grenades and other explosives. Man was picky about the goods he shared, but when he shared it was only the best he had on hand.

-- "Boss, thats enough Boom Boom to blow up the tower," One of his troopers asked, "We going to need that much?"

-- Drox left the container behind and moved on to his weapons, "Mission leader said to be prepared, well I prepared for the other team to fail, we get no signal from the other team and we blow the Sith Garrison in South City, it aint clean but it will get the job done."

-- Another soldier carrying another case walked by, "Commander, you said the mandos gonna be pissed if we blow of their stuff." He set the container down and opened it, and turning on the Astromech within, "Morning CC, Boss wants you on patrol, you know the deal." The droid beeped and whirled and moved on with mission, "Ya, Ya, ill clean your joints after mission rust bucket."

-- The troopers laughed under their helmets, Drox just nodded, "Mandos will be pissed, but better then us dead and mission failed, we can try and prevent civilian death but we got a job," He took off his helmet and sat down, picked up his rifle and started to clean it, "Get ready gents, missions a tough one."

Jak Skirata

He'd only ever been to Ayrie once, when he was a child. His parents had taken him to see a race since his father was so into racing and the planet was in system...He remembered the crowds of Mandalorians cheering and drinking as the racers flew through the pink clouds.

Now he looked from the viewport of the ship he'd come in on. The Darling was just entering the planet's atmosphere and shuddered from turbulence slightly. He wished he could have come in his own ship but it was part of playing with a team. You couldn't always one man army your way through things, especially not with the Sith involved. He sighed and rolled his helmet between his hands before slipping it over his head and taking a step to look out the porthole alongside one of the others.

"This place used to be beautiful. Now look at it. Imperial crests and banners everywhere..."

[member="Kirie Ito"]

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