Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Dark Meeting

Instructed to head to his home planet Correlia, Gancorth headed to its capital Coronet. There he made is way to his childhood home. Upon entering the dilapidated home, waves of emotions washed over him. Sitting in the floor of his old bedroom he meditated focusing on his hate. His hate for his father and this house but most of all hate for this whole planet. He only came back for the advantage of him knowing this place well.
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[SIZE=10.5pt]I'm going to burn down this city one day. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Gancorth thought himself. He couldn't [/SIZE]concentrate[SIZE=10.5pt] even if he wanted to in this place. So many memories flashed past his eyes as he looked at his old bedroom. He could feel his rage churning inside with each one that passed. Gancorth started to bang the back of his head on the wall to end these little displays. He was just about to get up and leave but he suddenly sensed a strong dark presence. Then he knew for sure the Sith Lord had finally came.[/SIZE]

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