Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Dangerous Accident

Beth propped her feet up on the console command. She was careful to make sure she hit no accidental buttons or the like, but she made herself comfortable as she watched hyperspace fly by. They were… Nearing Hapes, but the computer systems were carefully guiding them to ensure there would be no issues with the nebulae. Last thing they needed was to get smashed by that…

Luckily, the computer program should take them mostly at autopilot to Hapes. A visit to one of the arguably most beautiful planets in the galaxy. It was a top priority for their little trips, her having been to Hapes once prior back before their admittance to the Clans.

A cup of strawberry ice cream in one hand, spoon in her mouth as she licked the deliciousness off. Really, breakfast probably shouldn’t be ice cream, but she just couldn’t resist. [member="Cleru"] was perhaps asleep, where she left him a little while ago as she took a quick shower and checked on where they were at in the galactic neighborhood. Her hair was down, while she wore a fnore casual, flowered designed dress, leather shoes, and a coat. She was chilly, for some reason. Maybe… The ice cream, eh.

She perked a brow as a few sensors began to go off. She pulled her feet back to the ground as she began to touch some of the controls on the panel, a worried look forming on her cheeks.

Mandalorian Prophet

Clery eventually woke up from his slumber. It was surprisingly easy for the Chiss to sleep with [member="Beth Cadera"] around. They had quite the eventful days together, especially now that they had their chance to finally go on their trip. They had been talking about it for months, so when the day came he was incredibly overjoyed. And why he ended up sleeping so long. He let out a large yawn as he pulled himself from the sheets, dressed in only a pare of slacks.

He made his way to the cockpit, rubbing the back of his head sleepily before he wrapped his arms casually around Beth's waist, a faint smile on his lips. "Mmm.. Good morning Beth. You sleep well?"
What was causing the sensors to trip so much? Beth bit her lip as she leaned forward in her seat as she tried to run some diagnostics. Something was causing interference in the systems. It was making Beth nervous. She stopped touching the console, flipping a switch as she watched the sensors becoming worse and worse.

Beth nearly jumped as [member="Cleru"] wrapped his arms around her waist. Finally, they were able to spend some real, long quality time with each other. Well… Beth had to still do her coursework, but she would be able to do it outside of classroom and particularly it was mostly book study anyway. “Good morning,” she said with a smile and a little nod. “I always sleep well with you,” she said quietly as she looked up to him.

But… I don’t know what’s going on,” she muttered after a few moments as she set her ice cream down, motioning to the console. Clearly, it was beginning to bug Beth. If it was a simple sensor malfunction, the diagnostic droids should have been able to repair it by now.

Mandalorian Prophet

Cleru smiled warmly to [member="Beth Cadera"] when she turned to him, and he took the opportunity to set a hand on her cheek to gently place a kiss on her lips. The Chiss felt oddly calm with her around, but as soon as she motioned to the console about her worries his red eyes seemed to light up with a bit more focus. He leaned past her, idly fumbling through the systems as his red eyes scanned as he, too, tried to make sense of it.

"I'm not sure what's going on. Can you drop from hyperspace? I don't want to chance anything."
Beth returned the gentle kiss as she enjoyed the touch of his lips and of his hand on her cheek. She’d never get over how he made her feel. But… Her mind was much more worried about the current situation than anything else. She really hoped it wasn’t a serious issue, but a sense of dread was filling her instincts. This was only confirmed as [member="Cleru"] couldn’t figure it out either, despite looking at the console.

I can try, buckle up,” she said quietly as she motioned to the seat beside her. At least there wasn’t really a crew on the ship. Mostly droids to keep the parts moving smoothly. She hadn’t even seen another living sentient besides Cleru since they began their trip. With that, she took control of the steering as they dropped out of hyperspace.

The rest happened fast. It felt like something had lunged into the ship, throwing the ship as it spinned through space. The map disappeared, blinking ‘unknown’ as red sirens blasted all throughout the ship.


Karking hell,” she muttered as she tried to regain control of the ship – and to not vomit at the spinning. She briefly saw a blue-green planet, at least they were going towards something that had a chance of life. Maybe one of the Hapans controlled it. “Cleru?” She looked over to him, panicked, as she tried to get control of the ship. “The controls… I can’t get it under control. I-It's like it's just... Not connected anymore...” The console flashed, power going on and off.

Various warnings sounded as the shields collapsed, and the hull of the ship had some form of fracturing as a variety of fires broke out in the middle portion of the ship.

Mandalorian Prophet

Panic quickly filled Cleru's expression as he nodded to [member="Beth Cadera"] and strapped into the seat beside her. He had learned pretty quick to trust her instincts, especially when danger was involved. He began flipping through his own controls, trying to help her handle the emergency as it arose. At least, until the ship began to suddenly spin. The urge to pass out suddenly struck as they spun again and again and again, but he fought through that, trying to help her get back in control.

And then the ship began breaking apart.

"Beth.. Brace yourself. We're going to crash." There was a grim tone to his voice as he saw, through all the spinning, the green and blue planet rapidly approach.
bBeth tried to calm herself down. She had been in a wrecked spacecraft. But it wasn’t one that was falling apart. Or going through an atmosphere, then hitting the ground and… Okay, she wasn’t calming down as she gripped the controls uselessly. The loud sirens continued blaring in their ears, the red lights flashing about the danger.

In the console, it showed the areas of the ships that had fractures and fires… It was just expanding from the middle. The ring began to collapse in on the middle of the ship, Beth’s agape mouth as she saw the model image flicker as it brushed through. The planet was right in front of them as the ship began to enter the atmosphere. Maybe… Maybe they could make it through this if the ship could just hold together in their parts. They seemed to have jumped near it, at least, despite it not being on the map. Or maybe it was and the systems were just funked up. Beth wasn't sure.

Beth whispered a prayer to all the Goddesses that she, or at least [member="Cleru"] but preferably both of them made it through this alive. She glanced to him, whispering "I love you" in the middle of the chaos. The ship continued to spin, but the spinning slowed as the ship entered the atmosphere – more pieces continued to fly off, or catch fire. Smoke began to seep into the cockpit. Straight below them was what looked like a city and a forest – combined together. Gods, please.

Mandalorian Prophet

Cleru reached out, taking [member="Beth Cadera"] 's hand in his own in a tight grip. He forced a smile as best he could without passing out, nodding. "I love you too." Could she hear him over the sirens? He really wasn't sure. But instead of watching their inevitable crash he kept his eyes locked on hers, squeezing her hand so she'd do the same. If this was the end, it would be better that the last thing they see is each other.

And then, they crashed.

The dull throb of the alarm was the first thing Cleru heard. Slowly his red eyes opened in a daze, the world around him unfocused. The cockpit was shattered, the red blaring alarm being the only source of light he could focus on. "..Beth?" The Chiss voice croaked out barely over a whisper as he tried to stand up. There was a tug against his chest as he tried. "Wha.." Right. Seatbelt. He unclicked it, sliding from his chair. Damn, his head hurt. So did his chest. Did he break something?

"Beth.. Speak up.."
Beth closed her eyes as she watched the ground come up, closer and closer. Her hand squeezed [member="Cleru"] in return and held tightly. Perhaps a little too tight but she couldn't let go. If this was how she would die… At least her last thoughts, her lasts memories, were of someone so amazing. Beth heard him, although it was quite. Her eyes teared up as she stared into his red eyes.

She heard Cleru. Telling her to speak. She tried to say something, although a groan mostly escaped her lips from the pain. Oh man, the pain. Her head hurt, a small trickle of blood running down her forehead. She glanced towards her hands, which had some broken glass lodged into them. Scrapes and bruises all over, her dress torn in a variety of places. Her body ached, painfully, including each breath. She knew what pain that meant… Fractured ribs. Her poor ribs were never going to catch a break…

C-Cleru,” she croaked out as her vision tried to stabilize. Her hands reached to undue her seatbelt, finally unlocking it. She likely would have a strong of bruises over her chest and sides from the seatbelt. Ugh… “Are, are you okay,” she tried to say, although her vision couldn’t yet focus enough to find him.

Mandalorian Prophet

Panic had set in as he didn't hear a response. Frantically with one hand he reached for where [member="Beth Cadera"] was, fear taking place of the panic of what he might find. But, she answered. Cleru let out a sigh of relief as he heard her voice, weak as it might be. His vision cleared enough to see her, and he smiled. As terrible of a crash as it was, at least she was okay enough to move.

He lifted one of her arms over his shoulder, glancing around the cockpit. Fires were burning here and there, but at least the suppression system kicked in enough to keep them from being engulfed in an inferno. The Chiss began leading them from the ship, his red gaze glancing around. "Lets get out of the ship, first. Okay? Then we'll figure out what to do next." A half formed plan, but it was important to get them into the clear air.
Beth tried to stand but her legs didn’t really feel like cooperating. Once last look at the console that showed the health of the ship only showed it the cockpit that had really survived the ground hit. Beth coughed, she couldn’t help it. The pain that triggered through her chest at it was… Terrible. Excellent, safety cautious design of the cockpit was the only thing that saved them from more serious injuries.

Beth felt [member="Cleru"] use a hand to pull one of her arms around his shoulder as she somehow had gotten to her feet. The smoke was filling the room, quickly. Likely that even the suppression system couldn’t keep up with the entire wreck, considering the entire ship was practically torn apart. There would be no way to save it…

Beth took a moment as she paused, “Wait, wait…” There was an emergency medical kit in the cockpit as a safety precaution. She leaned them towards one of the wall, which had a medical symbol on it as she touched it and it fell apart. She threw the large backpack over her shoulder, wincing in pain as they began to make their way out of the ship.

Electricity, fire, and smoke made it dangerous to maneuver. Her fist hit the exit as the door finally bulged, the emergency exit slide deploying. She hadn’t quite noticed what awaited them yet but…


Mandalorian Prophet

Cleru glanced to [member="Beth Cadera"] as she reached for the pack. Medical supplies? Good. They'd need, especially with how painfully she was breathing. He didn't need to be a doctor to realize she had broken a rib or two. The Chiss winced and coughed as he made his way through the ship to get them outside. The couldn't stay in here now that the smoke was picking up. once they were finally outside he took a deep breath.

It was clean air at least.

"Come on, lets find a place to patch up." He mumbled. They were in a ruined city. Who ever had lived here seemed to be long gone. He kicked open one of the doors to a smaller building, leading her to the room in the back where a table was before he gently lifted her to set her atop it. He hissed in pain as he did so. Cleru might not of broken a rib, but he definitely bruised something important. "What do we have in the pack?"
It had to be her ribs. Never could be any other bone she broke, just… Ribs. In a way that was a good thing, though. No legs or arms, which she would no doubt be needing. Just needed some bacta and she’d be fine in a few hours… Hopefully, anyway. It took them a few moments to reach the outside world.

Her eyes blinked as they adjusted to the light and... The ruins. “What happened…” She muttered, wincing as they made it to one of the smaller buildings. Explosions, metal, and other crackling noises could be heard as the ship outside made its final noises. Hopefully, the emergency beacon went off.

An old work room kitchen? Beth blinked and let out a gasp as [member="Cleru"] lifted her. She saw his own pain then, too. Kark, she couldn’t just heal him through the Force. “W-wait, please,” she muttered as she tried to regain her breath and to give him a moment to breath. She just needed a second, to process. Her eyes were teary from pain & shock, as she winced and placed the medical bag in her lap. “Should be… Two bacta shots, several packages, splint materials, and some other stuff,” she muttered as she tried to open it.

As the medic, she took her fingers to find the exact ribs that were broken as a few tears dripped down her face. She knew where her shot needed to go to maximize the healing already. "Can you tell if you broke anything? I can check." He couldn't be standing in front of her, though. Or he could, but she couldn't when sitting this high up.

Mandalorian Prophet

Cleru did his best to help Beth with the bag, setting the materials and supplies beside her as she passed them. There was an unending concern in his gaze, especially as [member="Beth Cadera"] started tearing up from the pain. But, as a trained soldier, he knew that it had to be done. He just rested a hand on her thigh, letting her know that he was there. The Chiss shook his head at her question though, glancing down at himself.

"Nothing broken, but I've definitely bruised a couple of my ribs on the right side. But let's focus on you first, okay? Broken ribs are far more serious." He tried giving her an encouraging smile, though it broke as another wave of pain washed through him. Definitely bruising. Though, as he glanced down, that was when he noticed a large shard of glass sticking out of his abdomen. He gritted his teeth before bringing his gaze back to Beth. No, he wouldn't say anything. Not until she was okay.

"Lay back. Lets get you treated."
Beth seriously was going to have some major fears of falling at this rate. After the previous incident that resulted in broken ribs, and now this… The piercing pain near her lungs was excruciatingly painful but it wasn’t something she hadn’t been through before. She gave a nod as he mentioned bruised ribs. There would be another shot of bacta which could fix that much quicker than her fractured ribs.

Her ears were nearly flat and she gave a small nod, although something screamed at her that something worse than bruised ribs at the face [member="Cleru"] made. Or maybe she had imagined it. Her vision was fairly blurry, especially with the tears. Lay back…

She gave another nod and slowly leaned back, gasping at some of the pain. At least she didn’t have to worry about infection, most likely, with her heightened immune system abilities. “You’ll,” she said quietly, “Want to do a shot here.” She pointed to a middle space between both ribs. It’d spread to both and begin healing them.

And a bacta patch on my head,” she muttered as she tried to reach for it herself. She needed to get back into action so she could help him. She was the medic, after all.

Mandalorian Prophet

Good. Cleru thought. [member="Beth Cadera"] was focusing on herself first. If the medic went down, the whole squad would follow. Better she get fixed before he passed out. Which, at this rate, wouldn't be much longer. With her directions the Chiss easily lined the shot where she needed and pressed it in. No counting or anything, that only built anticipation. Once that was done he reached for the patch.

He reached wrong. Pain shot through his form, causing him to drop immediately to his knees. He finally noticed how much he was actually bleeding as he stared at the ground below him. A pained laugh. "Focus on you. You have to get better first." He groaned the words out, barely able to hear them himself. The world was muted, and he closed his eyes to keep the spinning sensation from overtaking him. "I'm okay. I'm okay."
She winced as she felt the needle press into her chest. She hated needles, at least when they entered her. And the pulling out made her let out a small groan of pain. But that part was over and now… They could only wait for her ribs to heal. She tried herself to get to the bacta patch but…

She gasped as [member="Cleru"] fell. She knew something worse was wrong with him. Her instincts kicked in and despite the immense pain she still felt, Beth quickly pushed herself up with a small scream of pain. That’s when she saw the piece of glass, and the puddle of blood that he was laying in. Gods, she could have waited!

Beth jumped down next to him as she pulled a bunch of tools down with her in a panic, half of them dropping on the floor that nature was taking back. She couldn’t lose him, no. She absolutely couldn’t. She examined the glass, trying to sense if it hit anything major. Didn’t seem like it, at least. “Stay with me, Cleru,” she said quietly as she used a laser cauterizer to try to stop some of the bleeding, while packing cloth around the wound to soak the blood up. This was going to hurt…

She used clamps to hold open the wound slightly, carefully cauterizing the skin around it to prevent blood from spilling and hopefully any infections at bay. Then, she slowly pulled the piece of glass out, carefully using the cauterizer as she lifted the glass piece out. “Missed everything major,” she muttered as she looked through the hole in that pierced [member="Cleru"]'s body. She removed the clamps, and used the cauterizer to seal the wound before grabbing a couple of the bacta patches and placing them on the wound, then taping cloth over the patches to hold them into place.

She stared at her what she considered sloppy, emergency work, her head pounding and her ribs screaming still. Her hands covered in blood, with streams of it on her knees and spots all over her tattered, ripped dress. “Cleru?”

Mandalorian Prophet

"I said.. Fine.." His words drifted in and out as the dizzy sensation overtook him. Chit. Too much blood. Must of been deep. Even near fainting he kept trying to keep [member="Beth Cadera"] on her back. If she got fixed then he'd be fine. There was no reason for her to worry. He had worse, right? No, something was wrong. He turned his head, glancing to Beth as she started packing the wound. When did she end up beside him?

He hissed lightly at the cauterizer, but it was a dull ache. He hardly felt the burn. It wasn't until she dislodged the glass that he felt any sort of major pain. He groaned, his body trembling some from the sharp burning sensation that wracked his body. Needless to say the trousers he was wearing were drenched in blood. As the pain finally died down he nodded his head. "I'm okay.." He barely whispered. The bacta certainly helped with the pain. "You gotta.. Stay still."
Fine my arse, she thought as she did her work on @Cleru. It would have been easier if he wasn’t Force Dead. She could transfer some of the pain to her, to give his body a moment’s respite. Regrettably, she couldn’t touch him with it. She was stuck doing it the ole’ fashion way. And sadly, painkillers were not part of the kit. Although, there should have been some in there…

Either way, the wound was packaged and safely put together. Hopefully, there wouldn’t be any infection. That would be the worst part. She’d have to keep an eye on it. She hadn’t realized it, but the smoke and black dust that gotten on her face had clean tear streaks on it. He was okay. He was going to make it. She fell back slightly as she tried to wipe some of the blood off her hands.

She looked towards his face as she realized how much pain she was. She groaned as she laid down next to him, in too much pain to really care about the blood. Her hand grabbed his and held tightly. “We’re gunna be okay,” she whispered to him. “You’re going to be okay.

Mandalorian Prophet

Cleru tried to keep himself awake and alert. He had to. They were still in unknown territory and needed to be prepared for what ever was there. But try as he might, even he couldn't push past the pain. His vision went dark, his mind just numb. He didn't even hear [member="Beth Cadera"] speak before he ended up flat on the ground beside her. "..Safe.." Only the ending of his sentence made it out of him before he passed out cold.

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