Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Crossing of Paths (Krest)


Cities were never Valora's favourite place, especially when the city in question was so close to her the camp where her parents were killed long ago. Sobrik was one of many factory cities on Balmorra, but she was not there to mourn for the lost. No, she was here simply to stock up on supplies. A thin, brown cloth hung over her head and draped her shoulders, keeping her vibrant coloured feathers hidden from obvious site. She didn't want to attract too much attention. After a few minutes walk she reached the outskirts where the shop she needed was located. It was quiet here, empty she thought, until she bumped into someone. With a sudden jolt she stepped back, her eyes flicking up to look at the stranger. It seemed to be a Zabrak, and she could feel something odd about him... "My apologies, I was not watching my path." She said, still feeling something strange concerning this man...
[member="Valora"] would find the Zabrak rather stoic after ye was bumped into. Dark eyes glanced to her as a frown settled on his lips. But this was rather odd for Krest. He would not take offence to someone slapping him in the face. So what had him so bothered? His cup of tea, the small ceramic cup that it was, had been spilled all over him. His voice growled out low, his gaze ever darkening.

"Do you know what you have done?" In reality, she had spilt his medicine, something that stopped him from getting the migraines he did without it. Already he could feel the pulsing, and while he wasn't angry at the bird, it certainly looked it.
Valora had no idea what was in the tea, and merely cocked her head at the cup. "I could buy you another one, if you'd like?" The Fosh peered back up from under her hood, clearly misinterpreting the situation yet hoping to resolve it. Nothing could escape the fact that this Zabrak looked angry, and so as a precaution she moved the cloth aside from her body slightly, revealing a sword holstered by her waist. If this man was to retaliate to the incident with violence, she would be more ready to react.

Krest's angry stare would fade after a moment. Letting out a deep sigh, the red man would bring a hand up to his head. Yeah, it was getting worse already. "D.. Don't. I.. Just don't worry about it, aye? I jus.. I needsh to sits.." His speech slurred as he would end up leaning against the wall beside him. His head was pulsing something terrible, and already it was hard for him to concentrate on talking. Sliding down to the ground, his gaze would go upwards, blank.

His head was hurting.
Valora dropped to her knees beside him, allowing the piece of cloth wrapped over her to fall to the floor and reveal her appearance. Already the feathers on her head had changed to green, displaying an inquisitive mindset to those who could recognize what such colours meant. "You do not look well, is there anything I can get you?" The Fosh looked at the Zabrak, thinking of what she could do. Her talon-like hand came to her face, stroking underneath her eye in sudden realization of what she could do. She was a Female Fosh afterall, and he seemed to be ill. "Be silent, I know what to do." Closing her eyes, Valora willed her self to cry, producing tears within a matter of seconds. Through her training both with the Jedi and around the galaxy, the chemicals in the tears altered slightly, only as much as she could manage for the limited power she had. One of her tears rolled down to her beak, from which she dabbed it with her finger, then pressed it against the Zabrak's forehead. After a few moments she pulled back her hand, staring at the man and waiting to see whether her idea had worked...

The red man more or less zoned out, not even paying attention to [member="Valora"] and her magics. In honesty, the world was too much of a blurr to him to even remember that she was there. Until he felt her hand on her forehead. And the pain suddenly begin to go away. He would get up slowly, his eyes blinking as the world came back into focus. A surprised look would form over his gaze as he glanced to the Fosh.

Valora would smile at the confusion of the Zabrak, with a look of relief upon her face aswell. "The chemicals of my tears healed your pains. It is something common upon the females of my species." Her head lowered, giving a sigh as she now relaxed. "With a little help from the Force." As she looked down, she noticed that this man also carried a sword with him, something not that common in her experience of traveling. "My name is Valora," The Fosh spoke out of politeness, standing up and stretching out her hand to help Krest up. "I have a feeling we were meant to meet." She was not lying, as something odd lingered around the moment, as if this single incident meant more than anything she had done in the last few years. Only time would tell though, and so she awaited the Zabrak's reply.

"We were meant to meet.." Krest studied what he assumed was a female of.. A species he didn't know. With a blank stare he would watch [member="Valora"] , trying to get a read on her, until something stood out. "Did.. Your hair just change color? I.. What?" He sat up quickly, his head tilting far to the right. Changing colors? What in the world did he just meet?
Valora gave a small laugh, with which her feathers became a much brighter green, a symbol of amusement. "I am a Fosh. It is no wonder you have not seen one of my kind, for we are few and reclusive mostly. Our feathers change colour to reflect our mood, green is a good sign. Only when you see grey should you be worried." Another laugh came from the beak of the creature, sounding slightly like the croaking of a bird, but not too much as to seem too strange. "Are you a Jedi? Sith? or None? I rarely get to talk to others in my travels... Not in a nice way atleast... But there seems to be alot of Jedi and Sith around lately." The Fosh cocked her head, almost resembling what a bird would do, and seemed to have opened up now. It was clear to her that she could trust this stranger, and hopefully she was right.

"I suppose you could say I'm nothing. Just a traveler searching around. But.. If we're going to ask questions.. Where did you get that blade?" Krest motioned his red hand to the sword, a frown plain on his face. He wasn't the fondest of the alchemic swords, knowing full well the metal was alchemised. While it could of been made by someone like himself, the Zabrak doubted it. He'd stare at [member="Valora"] , waiting impatiently for the answer.
Valora looked down at her own blade, holstered by her waist. "I... acquired it from a man who was not as kind as you or me... A character of malice and hatred. I can't say for sure whether he was Sith, but he acted like one. He did not deserve such a weapon, and so I placed it in better hands." The Fosh raised her head slightly, mainly to show she did not regret stealing obtaining the blade. Her feathers had now returned to their natural colour of purple, as her emotions had subsided and evened out. "I see you too have a blade... Am I right in thinking we are same? Travellers, Sword-Users, Followers of the Force." She paused for a moment. "With no allegiances?" The last point was a question, as she wanted to know if this man was part of any group she should be wary of.
Or maybe a group she could become part of...

Ah, so she did steal it. But, from a darksider at least. With a slight nod, he would wave her closer. "How do you use that blade?" It was a simple question, but probably the one that had the highest of importance. Blue eyes would once more scan her face. Well. Her hair. With it changing color to her mood, it may say something she won't.
"Ataru is my main form... Well, my only form." Valora admitted. Her training hadn't been very progressive since she left the Jedi, only learning bits here and there from rogue masters or from experience. It was far from impressive, but she had fared well in the past fights with only one form, aswell as the few force powers she knew. "Why do you ask?" The Fosh cocked her head again, a slightly green tint coming to her feathers as she became curious.

"Curious. Tell me, does the idea of working with several other people fighting with solid blades sound interesting? You'd be traveling the world, and more or less join a brotherhood." Interesting. Ataru was a form used by a close friend of his own, but [member="Valora"] had something she didn't. A lack of experience. Krest didn't want to be his friends boss after all. But this one. This could work.
The green tint to Valora's feathers became brighter, as her curiosity peaked. "Well, I already travel the world... But traveling with others sounds better." She gave a quick nod. "Count me in. Although, I may need some training along the way. I assume you can provide that?" Her talon-like hand now rested on her chin, as she thought through everything that may come in the future. Her path had changed significantly, and hopefully for the best.


Valora gave a quick look around, before shaking her head. "No. I'll be perfectly fine with what I've got. Besides, I'm looking forward to meeting the others." She gave a smile, and her feathers turned orange with happiness. The Fosh extended her arm sideways, gesturing for Krest to lead the way.

"Good! It won't be long until we end up meeting them. So.. Lets go!" Krest pushed himself up and forward, already beginning to walk to the spaceport. Of course, he didn't have a ship, but he had his ways of getting offw world. "Just stick with me alright?"

Valora gave a quick nod, following the Zabrak closely. Along the way she pulled the cloth over her head once again, draping it down over her shoulders to avoid attracting attention to her bright feathers. With her head low and eyes scanning, she made her way to the spaceport.

"Ah, actually, while we walk, I suppose we can begin your training." Krest looked up to the sides of the buildings as they neared the spaceport. With a grin he would point up to them. "Jump across those. Train yourself to be quick to leap, and always find yourself a landing. Until we get to the spaceport, you cannot touch the ground, aye? So, begin!"

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