Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Credit Saved, is a Credit Earned

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
Jed flipped a credit chip as he walked down the vast hallways of the Headquarters of the Banking Federation on Antar IV. He had big ol' grin on his face, Jed had finally landed a deposit of good proportion into the federation. Jed had scammed and blackmailed his way to get this company and it was starting to go belly up. But now was not the time to be dwelling on past actions, no it was time to start preparations for the transfer of [member="Lady Kay"]'s deposit into the bank.

Once he reached his office he turned on a built in intercom on next to the door way,

"Get me the board of directors in my office, we are adding a new member and a good amount of credits as well. So get the gladius-class freighter ready for transport. I want everything to go as planned."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

Lady Kay packed up her satchel for a little business trip, glad that she had the utmost freedom to go and do what she pleased in this new position. She could do wonderful things for the Galaxy as she did back in the old days when she was involved in politics. Only now she had more credits at her disposal to accomplish those tasks. But she required a safe place for some of those credits, a place for them to grow. And what better place than a bank? A new company was starting out and for a small fee, she could become one of the Board of Directors and help shape it. If she was going to place some of her salary there, she might as well have control over what happens to it.

With her satchel packed, as well as a case containing her deposit, Lady Kay waited patiently for the transport to arrive. She was dressed as she would be for a negotiation, elegant and pleasant for the eyes, although she would rather dress as a simple merchant. It just wasn't the right situation to do so. She had to play her part.

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
Jed's Luxury 5000 arrived as close as to [member="Lady Kay"] as it could. Accompanied by a Gladius-class freighter. Jed Kerkov walked off the boarding ramp to meet Lady Kay waiting for him dressed quite neatly,

"Ah Miss Kay, so lovely to see you. Would you care to join me on my ship?"

Jed gestured toward the yacht.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

She watched the luxury yacht on it's approach and glanced over her shoulder to one of her escorts, a soldier dressed in one of their finer suits of armour, the Olympian. Kay then studied Jed as he walked down the ramp, watching his poise, his gestures, all indications of what kind of a man he was, or was pretending to be. It was too early to tell at the moment.

As he greeted her, she bowed her head and gave him a small smile. "A pleasure to finally see you in person. I would love to join you on your impressive vessel and I hope that you don't mind if I bring along one of my escorts? It's company policy, after all."

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
Jed kept up his grin even as the soldier entered the scene,

"Of course I would not mind, but the credits I must recommend go in the freighter, not only is the freighter more safe than my own yacht but it can outrun almost any ship, less it has a fleet to back it up. You should let my security team handle it."

Two droids emerged from the freighter's hold. Both were V2 class Commando droids, ready for combat. Once they reached the small group, one of the droids held out it's arm, gesturing for [member="Lady Kay"] to give it the case.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

Lady Kay raised a brow at his suggestion. It made no real sense at all. At least it had no common sense. She looked to the two Commando droids, yet made no move to hand over anything to them. Did Jed think that she was born yesterday? It seemed that he liked to play chess and was lining up his board.

"I take it that your yacht is prone to robberies? Regardless, I don't believe that I shall go on a different ship than my credits. Why else do you think that I have an escort? Thank you though for the kind offer, but I insist that your freighters and your droids escort us on your yacht instead."

She glanced over her shoulder to her escort, giving him a nod along with a look that indicated that he should be ready for anything. In the meantime Kay gave Jed a polite smile.

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
Jed was not surprised at her decision, it was a long shot anyways. The freighter didn't attract attention making it very safe from robberies, but it was her choice. Jed gestured for her and her escort to board his ship,

"You are right, luxury liners are quiet prone to privateering, but should you prefer to carry it along with you I would not be offended in the slightest. Would you care to join me [member="Lady Kay"]?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

She nodded in agreement, though still she felt a little uneasy. Kay walked up the ramp, holding the strap of her satchel as it hung over her shoulder with one hand, while holding her case in the other. Her escort followed a few steps behind. "Thank you very much. How long is our journey?" There were numerous questions that she had to ask. But all in good time.

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
As the three walked aboard the Luxury 5000 the two V2's followed them. As the ramp closed behind them Jed led them through a corridor, which had two more V2 Commandos guarding it. Finally it led to a wide room meant for luxurious parties,

"Welcome [member="Lady Kay"] to my Luxury 5000, I hope you enjoy you stay."

Eventually a droid came to take any luggage. Then 3 more waiter droids came in with carts filled with almost every drink or type of liquid someone could imagine. As all the new droids entered the room the V2's receded into a different room. Jed picked up two of the glasses and let one of the droids pour one of the more finer aclohols into them. He handed one to Lady Kay,

"You can give your luggage to the droid and your escort can follow it to his room, if he would like."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

Lady Kay had never been in such a vessel before. It reminded her of a lot of palaces, only this one flew. Well they don't call it a Luxury 5000 for nothing. And there was no shortage of droids either.

As one of them arrived to take her things, she politely shook her head. "I have no luggage. Just my satchel and case." And she didn't plan on either of them leaving her side, especially her satchel. Not only did it contain a spare set of clothes,but it also contained food and water rations, her tea kettle and cup, a supply of Sapir tea leaves, and more importantly, her lightsaber and small blaster.

Jed had missed her question about how long their journey was to be, but it might be longer than anticipated if her escort was to have his own room. She took the offered glass. "Oh, you know how escorts are. They like to keep an eye on their charges. It lessens their anxiety and I'd rather have a happy escort than a grumpy one, if you know what I mean." As she gave Jed a wink, her escort moved to the door and stood watch. He could see of course, but if they spoke in a normal tone, he wouldn't be able to hear. Alcohol wasn't really her drink of choice. She preferred and was pretty much addicted to her tea. "So tell me Jed, how did you acquire such a remarkable vessel?"

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
"Well [member="Lady Kay"], after I graduated business school I entered the Banking Business. Over time I found myself having to go many places at once that taking shuttles began to be... tiring. So I began to look for a starship when I find this one abandoned on a uninhabitable moon, obviously it was in a state of disrepair, but I had it redone with what earnings I had at the time."

Jed set down one of the glasses and began to nurse the one he had kept. So far nothing had gone wrong, and without either of the two newcomers noticing so far, they had already taken off.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

She nodded as he told his story, and she glanced around in the grand room that they were in, taking in all of the details that he had put into it. "Well I must say that you did a great job. Though I wonder who owned it before and why they would abandon it."

Kay knew what it was like going from place to place to place without a ship of your own. She had done that for the past five years or so. But no more. With exception for this trip, however. Speaking of the trip, she took a tiny sip of the drink just to give it a taste before putting it down and repeating one of her questions from earlier. "How long is our journey going to take?"

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
"Oh, maybe around 18 hours until we reach Antar IV. So not too long of course."

Jed decided he was done with his drink and gave it too one of the droids. He also whispered something to another and it began to zoom off in another direction. Jed returned to his conversation with [member="Lady Kay"],

"So Lady Kay, what is your life story? We have a good bit of time before the droids come with the supper feast."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

18 hours. That was quite a bit of time for polite banter. She set the glass down. One sip of it was more than enough for her. Kay shifted her weight on her feet a little, half wondering what the feast would be and half wondering what parts of her life story could she tell him.

"My life story? It's nothing special. I was born....I grew up. I delved into politics for a little while, got married, then widowed, then left public life for a time. Only recently did I go back into it." The incident on Bakura made sure of that. She was getting into the thick of things again and couldn't go about it alone without any allies. The number of people becoming loyal to her was growing by the day and that is never a bad thing.

"So did you always want to be a banker? Or did you have other jobs in mind?"

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
Jed understood why [member="Lady Kay"] didn't favor to tell him something more detailed, no one did. But without a second thought he answered,

"Oh, I met a banker, went to business school, and the rest is history. Mainly I didn't want any kind of occupation in space, because of a predecessor in my bloodline."

Jed finished the last sentence with a small bit of malice, for his disdain for his father could not be matched by any man woman or child in the galaxy.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

Kay nodded as he spoke of his story. No doubt he was speaking of his father. She's come to learn that young men either really hate their fathers, or really love them. She had no family, didn't know who her parents were, so he was lucky to have someone to either love or hate.

"But here you space, having restored your own vessel and manning your own crews. If you had wanted to really stay away from space, you could've been....a farmer."

Kay smiled as that last little bit was said in jest, even though it was true.

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
"Ah yes, well I guess farming just wasn't my way of life."

Jed chuckled. Eventually some more waiter droids came in with different carts filled with different delicacies of many worlds.

"Finally the feast has been prepared."

Jed led [member="Lady Kay"] to the dining cabin, with the droids in pursuit. As they came across a table Jed pulled out a seat for Lady Kay,

"Please, sit."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jed Kerkov"]

Kay tried to picture Jed as a farmer, but it just didn't seem to work. But no matter. She followed him to the dining car and sat in the seat he offered. "Thank you very much." Her bodyguard had joined them as well, though he stood guard by the entranceway.

Her eyes then moved to the plethora of trays nearby them. There were so many delicacies that she could't even name half of them, let alone figure out what they could taste like. "Well I don't even know where to begin....." That comment was just her thinking out loud. But then she followed it with "What would you suggest?" The sight of the waiter droids as opposed to the Commando droids put her in a better state of ease.

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
"Oh well I prefer the Rylothian Nerf Steak, it reminds me of simpler times when I was young."

Jed sat down at the table and repeated what he said to the waiter droid, when he remembered something in the back of his mind,

"And a cold glass of blue milk."

Jed smiled, so far the trip to Antar IV had gone without a bump, and he hoped it would stay that way.

[member="Lady Kay"]
It started with a shimmer then two Crusader Class Corvette's burst from hyperspace, followed by a few smallers light freighters. Cadan, was piloting one of the corvette's. He nodded and his corvette began to hail Jed's. "Good evening my friends, this is Captain Cadan of The Jackals. Now we have but one request, hand over all of your credits."

With that said, the corvette's would raise their shields, but wouldn't fire upon the other ships.

[member="Jed Kerkov"] [member="Lady Kay"]

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