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A Corellian State of Mind

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
For a man who hadn’t really had a job in a while, Marek was finding himself in cantina’s far too much. Sure, he made his few trips along the Corellian Run, but that wasn’t really much, working with a small shipping company as security. There weren’t many people that would mess with a convoy that had TIE model, even a modified on, along for the ride. He probably should invest in something a bit more Corellian, but he wasn’t exactly raised on the homeworld, just by people from there.

Still, it was where he called home. And he was trying to establish a pseudo-base of operations for himself. Maybe a condo, if money ever rolled in. That wouldn’t be so bad, and it’d cut down on his use of hotels. Not that it was bad to be using a hotel, plus, some of them were really impressive, when he had money rolling in. And a condo would be able to hide his weapons.

It’d be a safe house, for sure.

Taking a seat at the end of the bar, and turning with his back to the wall, he ordered a Corellian whiskey, and took a deep breath. Hunting jobs was always the trickiest part of all this. The living thing. Still, he never missed an opportunity for live music and a few drinks, even if it didn’t result in a job. It just made life a little more evened out. His eyes watching the door, out of habit.
The Corellian Rose (retired)
@[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Eliza was in a great mood due to some astral news she'd just received about her impounded ship so the dark-eyed brunette was going to celebrate Corellian style. Dressed to have a little fun in a black leather jacket with a lavender halter top underneath paired with black jeans and high-heeled boots rather than her usual practical spacer attire, the petite smuggler made her way into the cantina and swaggered up to the bar.

The spirited Corellisi flashed a passing smile at the patron sitting at the end of the bar, a rather good-looking dark blonde, then turned to the bartender and ordered a Twistler for herself and a whiskey to be served to the man seeing as that was what he was drinking. The freighter captain wasn't trying to pick him up per say, but she did want to have a good time tonight. He just seemed have that look about him that said I'm game for most anything. Lizzy would take her chances the guy was decent enough. If not, she could handle herself well-enough to get out of any trouble that may come to pass.

Spotting an open pool table in the rec area, Steele moseyed on over and secured a tall table for two, placing her fruity alcoholic beverage favored by Corellians down after taking a hearty slp, then slipped off her jacket, putting it on the back of one of the chairs. After doing so, she chose carefully a cue stick from the assortment hanging on the wall, then racked up the balls. Billiards was one of her favorite pastimes.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
It was almost funny how things changed on a dime on any of the worlds spinning. Sure, there wasn’t all that much potential in the bar, they hardly ever did, for a night out, especially the dives. Of course, though, Marek wasn’t one to miss any thing good, as he was watching the door. Smirking to himself, as he made to spin the stool and face the bar, and not to keep checking out the woman who just walked in. Or something. Probably not nearly as well practiced as he should be, but he’d spent the greater part of the past few weeks tucked inside his shuttle, flying back to the homeworld.

Raising his glass when he did catch her smile, he nodded, a grin creeping at the corner of his motuh. And hey, a drink was coming his way? Now that was something. Good to know that not every woman was afraid to make the first move. Draining his first drink, and picking up the second, he turned to give her a long look as she made he way to the billiards tables.

Getting to his feet, and picking up his leather jacket and holding it in his left hand over his shoulder, wearing a dark tee-shirt, black belt, blue jeans and surplus combat boots. Sure, darts and sabacc were his bar skills, but he couldn’t depend on just those two. Sometimes he was just good at sabacc because he could feel things. Not much beyond that. Approaching the cue sticks on the wall, he tossed a look over his shoulder. “Winner gets the next round, eh?”
The Corellian Rose (retired)
OCC: Click on my @mention and add it to your post next time so I'll be notified of your tag. :)
@[member="Marek Starchaser"]

As Steele was removing the plastoid triangle from the set billiard balls, the dark blonde from the bar walked over seemingly answering her invitation with drink in hand. He sure had a smooth way about him. Had to be a Corellian with all the charisma showing. "Sure… Mind if I break?" the dark-eyed brunette grinned, but didn't wait for his answer, assuming a bent position over the table with cue stick in hand to break the balls.

With him standing at the other end, the man was sure to get an eyeful as her halter top was cut just low enough with ample bosom to fill it out nicely. Eliza chuckled to herself as sensually flirting with the opposite sex wasn't really her style. Rather, flirting with her favored DL-44 heavy blaster pistol pointed at a person was, especially when it came to thieves, scoundrels, and pirates alike.

With the sound of a loud crack, the pool balls scattered evenly across the table with the orange solid ball rolling to just the lip of the far left pocket, but not dropping in. "Dang it… Oh well, your turn," Lizzy smiled, then stepped over to the tall table to take a sip of her drink.

"Hi… I'm Eliza, by the way. You a homeboy or just passing through?" she queried, offering her hand in a friendly greeting.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
@[member="Eliza Steele"]
Yeah, billiards. About that… Marek wasn’t the best at the game, but he could hold his own. It was kind of part and parcel to the whole surviving on the Rim, thing, after all. Smiling at the brunette, he nodded and made a motion that all but spoke ‘ladies first.’ At least then that step would be down. Besides, it was best to get a feel for an opponent, in fighting, billiards, whatever.

Clearly, he was seeing what she was doing, and it was working. Her form, mixed with the shirt she had on, did grab his attention, and his gaze did linger, when he felt she was focused on the ball in the foreground of her vision and not on his wandering eyes. Still, he was a warm blooded male, and she was just begging to bring his attention there, it was only going to be a problem if she was working to distract him when it was his turn. “Almost got it, there.” He smirked at her as he paced the table towards the cue ball.

Looking from the ball, and making his focus on the orange ball just near the pocket, he figured it’d be an easy score, or he could break up the remaining group of balls. Taking a shot and hitting the last group of balls, just scattering them really, he nodded as he stood up. “Figure to clear the field a bit more.”

Approaching her, he nodded. “Marek.” Right, introductions were not his strong suit, but he still did take her hand, and managed to keep eye contact, mostly. “Born here, raised here, a bunch, but elsewhere as well. Still, this is where I call home. Yours too, yeah?" Now where was that drink?
The Corellian Rose (retired)
@[member="Marek Starchaser"]

The dark blonde's action on the billiard table amused Eliza because she'd left him an easy drop, but not as much as the action of his baby blues as he greeted her up close and personal.

"Nice to meet you, Marek. Sure do… I was breed and born in Tyrena, but mostly grew up space ward as my old man's job made it so," Lizzy smiled, then brushed by him on her way back to the table to set up her next shot.

Perusing the available shots, it was a no brainer. "Orange," the dark-eyed brunette said, flashing a lopsided grin before tapping it with a soft touch into the pocket it had graced the edge of on the break. The cue ball had rolled back a few inches directly from the side. The petite smuggler walked to the end of the table. "Blue, far left pocket," she called, then placed the tip of the cue stick in her fingers and grasp the other end of the stick firmly yet gently. After a couple of pumps, the chalked tip sent the white ball into the blue one. The balls sailed towards the other end; blue going in the called pocket though the striped-yellow caught the bounce back of the white sending it in too.

"Oopsie… Looks like I gave ya one," the dark-eyed brunette smirked with a shrug, then asked curiously. "So are you liven' here now or just visiting?"

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek did pride himself on being one that could surprise anyone. It probably came with his charisma, and ability to push situations to his desired outcome. That was the Force, he knew, but it didn’t mean he had any practice as such. And that was the real trick. Ah, a Corellian, and one with a life similar to him. He smiled at her.

“Yeah, we’re all products of our parent’s lives, aren’t we?” Hell, that was what he did. There was so much his parents dragged him around to do, so much he learned from them, that he was definitely a breed apart. As she made her way past him, she was definitely picking up more of his interest. He leaned back against the table, and picked up his rocks glass as he watched her.

Tucking the billiards cue under and arm, he gave her a very small clap that would be seen more to one of those gentlemen games they played on Naboo or something. “That one was a game changer.” He grinned as he kept his eyes on her, watching her form, just trying to, in case he needed to, find a weakness, but more readily, enjoying the view. And the next shot was called, he grinned, watching, and catching the stripe going in.

Moving from the table, he walked past her, brushing his arm against hers. “Best player on my team, there.” Leaning down to line up a shot, green stripe, side pocket, he looked up at her. “Just make a point to visit every so often, shoot in and out. Green stripe, left side.” Taking the shot, he stood up as he hit the bumper just wrong and sent the ball spinning. Figured. “Yourself?” If she had a place near by, a few more drinks might become a thing.
@[member="Eliza Steele"]

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