Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Concert of Horror

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


Nir didn't get a lot of free time in his padawan studies. Or, he didn't give himself a lot of free time. Between his own self training with his lack of a master, to his time spent off-temple practicing with the band, he tried to keep himself busy.

So when he did, he tried to spend it with friends. Aris Noble Aris Noble had become one, a roommate within the dorms of the temple. His love of history seemed to intrigue the young rock star, even if a lot of it went in one ear, and out the next. A lot of it was just facts and trivia, it seemed, and yet he could probably listen to Aris talk about it for days.

So, he figured it was time to share his own passions.

An idle invite to a show was the least he could do, after all. The 4th level down of the Coruscant metropolis was still a bit dingy compared to the shining upper layer that made the planet famous. And yet, in the back of a dingy club, Nir found his home. The stage.

In this case...backstage.

"Come on, the band is just around the corner in the dressing room!" he called, leading the boy with him through the winding halls of the backstage area.



A band.

Aris followed along, looking around curiously as he did. He hadn't seen a place like this before. It seemed.. Really run down. He frowned a little, but didn't make a comment on it. This was Nirr's seemingly favorite place. So long as he wasn't in danger, did it really matter what the place was like?

Hopefully not.

"So.. What is it you play again?"

Nir Si Nir Si
Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


"Oh, I'm the singer and rhythm guitar." He smiled as he led them to the backstage room. "I can give you one of my holotapes if you wanna listen to some of our stuff!"

Inside the room, it looked a little better. Red leather couches sat, a small dressing room for the band. Off to the side, a gungan in what looked to be strange robes covered in flower decorum seemed to be sitting behind a drum set that had no markings on it, but he seemed happy with it. Nir waved, the slightly older gungan smiling. "Hey Avalanche."

"Hey dude~ Who's yer friend?" The gungan spoke, his natural accent coming out. "Messa Avalanche, bro."

"Don't let us intimidate you." A female voice came from the back of the room, a girl around the same age as Nir smiling, prepping her make up. "We're all harmless, mostly. Sarah McStar, by the way." She seemed to be in the middle of putting on some mascara, even as she spoke, looking at the two boys through the mirror station she had set up.

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble



"I might listen."

Music wasn't something Aris had put much thought into, but it wouldn't hurt to listen, right? He gave a brief wave to the others, though he did tilt his head as the girl spoke up. "I'm not intimidated by any of you, you needn't be worried about that."

Nir Si Nir Si
Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


A sound rang through the room behind them as a massive wookie, streaks of red hair wearing a bomber jacket over his thick fur, spoke.

"Hey kiddos." The wookie spoke, Aris's ability Comprehend Speech giving him the ability to understand. "Show starts in 15. You gonna be sticking around for that, friend of Nir?"

"We should be fine. Already did a sound check earlier with Sarah."

"Everything's good to go." Sarah nodded, finally having gotten her make up the way she wanted. "So, you a padawan too, or something else? Nir doesn't share all the dirty little secrets about the order to us."

"Look, being a jedi means you have to keep a lot of secrets, okay?"

"But from your band, dude? That's lame."

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Aris had no comprehend speech.

He just tilted his head and glanced to the others. He'd been learning a lot, but Shyriiwook was one he hadn't fully learned. He titled his head though as he glanced to the others and listened to them bicker. Secrets?

"We have secrets?"

Nir Si Nir Si

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