Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Change of Ownership

Dear Jaccer Ramirez,
If you are reading this something awful has happened to me on one of my recent missions. I have either been killed or captured by hostile One Sith forces. It is likely that you wouldn’t have heard this information yet as the mission was of the highest secrecy and priority. The mission was so secretive in fact that this hologram message is a direct breach of Galactic Republic Military security. After reading this message I urge you to destroy all evidence of it to preserve my reputation and avoid yourself from being court-martialled and charged with espionage.

In case you have not been informed yet by my senior executives, I am leaving my company in your capable hands. The Orion Corporation is all yours. It is necessary for CEO of the Orion Corporation to have experience in warfare and to also have a strong hatred for the Galactic Republic’s enemies that the weapon systems will be used against. I hope you drive to expand my company and aim to have the highest market share in this industry, as I did during my limited time as owner. I expect you, with aid from the Orion Corporation, to strive to produce the finest innovations in military hardware as you know what advanced armour and weapon systems are capable of on the battlefield.

I have already arranged a team of my best senior executives to support you in this new position as CEO. They will be fully capable of manging the financial aspects of the company and any contracts that may come up. Your input would be greatly appreciated in the development of any new products or concepts, doing this will hopefully allow the Orion Corporation to maintain its position as one of the most reliable and capable arms manufacturers of the Galaxy and a trusted contributor to the Galactic Republic.

Please take care of my company, employees and customers.
Slate Estrada

P.s. Dr Bal Noldin will need extra care. Don’t let him hurt or damage anything.
Jaccer read over the message repeatedly. It was crazy, he had barely known Slate Estrada and now, upon his death, he left his entire company in this name? Had this man gone mad towards the end of his life? Who knew, no one in the military had seen him in the 2 months before his death. This was most likely because of his “mission of highest secrecy”. There had been talk amongst the darkest corners of the Republic Military and apparently none of the 30 soldier who were assigned on the mission returned home. “A disaster in the organisation” is what some were calling it, but most people didn't know what had happened or the fact the mission had even taken place.

Here he now was. In a speeder heading towards the Orion Corporation’s HQ, his first visit to the company. It was strange owning a company and not even knowing what products they produced. It couldn't have been any different to other weaponry manufacturers. They produce weapons for credits, simply enough. Still, Jaccer would prefer an official tour around the company and its services.
Jaccer had never really got to know Slate. This was the reason why he was confused that he was picked as the predecessor to the man's company; the Orion Corporation. Even though he felt like he didn't deserve what he was being given, he was not one to turn down a dying man's wish.

So here he was. The Orion Corporation’s HQ, ready to get familiar with the company and his employees. With the recent events and the territory change within the Galaxy, the business had suffered greatly but was still, undoubtedly running strong. The new facility was an eye sore compared to the previous one on Anaxes, instead of the regular sharp and new structures the Orion Corporation often used on their buildings, this one was squared and old. Slate would've hated it. However, even if the architecture of the building was incorrect and didn’t fit the regular style it was sufficient for the operations that would be performed there.
Walking through the automatic double doors of the building, Jaccer was met with a glamorous and white lobby. The secretary who remained behind the desk instantly recognised the new CEO. “Good evening Mister Ramirez. We are happy you are visiting today; we will have someone down shortly to escort you around the facility. After only minutes of waiting, Jaccer was greeted by an ageing man in white lab coat. “Pleasure to meet you Mister Ramirez, I'm Doctor Bal Noldin, head of sciences.” The man then gestured to the door, which assumably would lead to the rest of the building. “Please, follow me. I will be showing you our facilities.” Without another word, the two men were off down a brightly lit corridor.
“This is our development and testing area.” The doctor said before he swung open the doors to a the room. As soon as there was a crack in the door gunshots could be heard, forcing Jaccer to flinch slightly. Upon entering the room, the two saw the source of the noises. There were rows and rows of weapons of all sorts being fired at targets, various distances apart. “We do much of our final tests and preparations for our products here, before they are shipped off to distribution centres around the Galaxy. As Bal spoke, the new owner nodded, beginning to understand the systems used by The Orion Corporation.

“How many of these weapons will be approved and distributed?” Jaccer asked as he admired the amount of weapons on display. “Oh not many.” The doctor replied almost instantly, “we only manufacture the best of our weapons. This way we can guarantee profit as these will be our highest quality products.” “But from the weapons in this room, only about 20% will get beyond the development stage.” The two walked around the facility and inspected the weapons and armour being tested before they continued the tour around the building. Jaccer admired the range of weaponry. In this facility they had managed to weaponize seemingly harmless technologies.
“This is one of our temporary manufacturing facilities.” The doctor spoke as he opened a door to an even larger and louder room. Thousands upon thousands of robots worked to construct various pieces of equipment and what seemed to weaponry. “Temporary?” Jaccer asked the Bal as he looked at the sea of computer operated machines. It seemed completely automated, no life forms were in view. There was no reason for this to be temporary. “Well as the Orion Corporation grows, we hope to expand our manufacture facilities around the Galaxy. One of these operations should be happening shortly.”
“Excellent. Expansion is always a necessity.” The CEO replied, wondering the extent of what could be manufactured here. What were the limitation? What was the production rate? Hopefully these questions would be answered soon.

“Incase you hadn't noticed; we use a CAM system at this facility.” “That way we are able to produce over 650 weapons an hour, unfortunately we are limited by the size of this building at the moment. It was not made for industry like this.” Doctor Noldin explained, as if reading Jaccer’s thoughts. It seemed like the company desperately needed a change in HQ. Everything his tour guide said seemed to imply that this current facility was inadequate for the production rate the company needed. When Jaccer was in complete control, that task would be on the top of the agenda.
The tour was coming to an end. There was only one more facility that the doctor wished to show Jaccer. The military sciences research and development department. It was supposed to be similar to the ‘development and testing facility’ but this area was more focused around chemical weaponry and newly invented polymers than the already well known blaster and slugthrower concepts. But in all honesty, Jaccer didn't know what to expect.

Unsurprisingly, this room was quiet, very quiet. Instead of machines working automatically and weapons being fired at targets, all that was happening in this room was men and women in white lab coats making short journeys across the length of the room, carrying chemicals and materials of various colours. It was what you expected of a science department and Jaccer didn't really care for it. Doctor Bal, on the other hand seemed very keen on showing the obviously uninterested soldier around.

"We should move on; time is of the essence.” Jaccer said, walking back towards to door they had entered from. There wasn't really a time limit on his visit, but Jaccer did t want to stay in this area for long. Science was unknown to him and like many men, he feared the unknown. However, the science department was a key element of the company. Many of its inventions and successful innovations had become best sellers on the markets around the Galaxy. Even if he didn't like it, Jaccer would have to keep it running and funded.
After a brief and awkward elevator ride to the very top floor of the building, the two emerged in a pristine white room. The walls were covered in modern art and various sculptures sat on the floor. The only furniture was a white couch, which was almost camouflaged among the other similarly coloured floor and walls, and a desk which was accompanied by a expensive chair. The whiteness of the room was almost blinding for Jaccer.He'd never seen as much white before in his entire life. "And this is your office!" Doctor Bal informed Jaccer, seemingly unaffected by lack of colouring. "If this is going to be my office, we'll need a painting team here ASAP." Jaccer retorted. Being inside this room reminded him of the feeling after being hit by a flashbang. "Very well sir." Bal responded, "I rather like the white..." he muttered under his breath.
"​Well unfortunately for you, I am the one in charge." Jaccer would tell the doctor, as he walked towards his new desk. He would soon find a seat at the desk. This would likely be the location where he spent most of his days in the coming years, where he'd make business propositions, decide the future of the company. It would be no easy task to achieve the same level of success that the Orion Corporation previously had with Slate Estrada now dead. But with the experienced board of directors by his side, Jaccer felt that this goal was possible.

Realisation soon sunk into Jaccer's mind. This was the start of another chapter in his life, a potentially great chapter. He would now have a backup plan in case he was forced to retire from the military or if something dire occurred to the Galactic Republic. The soldiers dream of being capable of increasing the protection of every single soldier in the battlefield could now come true if he were to utilise the resources of the Orion Corporation.
It didn't take Jaccer long to get himself equated with the systems utilised by the Orion Corporation. Thousands upon thousands of files for weapons and armour designs could be found in this vast digital space. After flicking through several different armour systems one finally caught his eye. It was some sort of advanced powered armour. It was described as being years ahead of any other similar products on the market. Unique and advanced technologies were scattered throughout the system. Jaccer would flag this file, prioritising it over the ocean of other files. With it prioritised, hopefully the R&D of it would be pressured and a prototype could be produced as soon as possible.

Several hours after his initial arrival, Jaccer felt his usefulness to the Orion Corporation had expired for today and would allow his board of directors and workforce to takeover for now. He would return to his assigned military base until he was needed once again.

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