Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Bridge to cross.

Rana held her head down, eyes on the ground as she was sold to the next one in a long chain of slavers and masters, her eyes keeping to the floor as she was brought with a chain closed its icy grip on her hands and a collar's choking grasp on her neck. She would be lying if she said she wasn't used to it though, she had accepted her fate long ago and this was what she was brought down to, the level of just a item for the next person. She knew very little past how to serve people, sure she could read, and learned about the universe by listening to others. But the only thing she ever had to do was serve and that is what she has accepted as her fate.

[member="Rana Talrin"]

Circe, being generous as she usually was, had chosen this particular slave for purchase. Why? Maybe it was the green skin that reminded her of her previous body. Or maybe she just wanted to be generous. Either way, Circe had purchased the right to this woman, and as such now arrived to take her away. "Your name is Rana, I presume?"

She nodded and held her gaze at the floor, her body standing there and her breaths silent. Her hands remained chained together, a shock collar on her neck and her face empty of emotion or pain. She was broken and she expected nothing to come for her service, only for her to be sold once more as a slave and for the ever going cycle to continue.
[member="Rana Talrin"]

"Come here..." She motioned for the slave to come and stand in front of her. When she inevitably did so, Circe wrapped her arms around the young woman. "It's okay... you're not getting beaten or shocked. I promise. I know what that's like, and I swore many years ago to never do such a thing to someone who was a slave. Hug?"

"Yes Mistress..." She kept a straight and unchanging expression as she looked at the woman, inside though and hidden to even herself truly she was curious why this woman was being nice, though she assumed it was a trick and simply did her job, saying yes to her owner and being a good slave, after all, she has never been anything more, not for a long while.
[member="Rana Talrin"]

"Come on now... This hug isn't going to be a good one if you don't actually want it. Or have you been so abused that you're that sort of slave? The one who's mind, will, and soul have been utterly shattered, reformed in the mold of the perfect slave girl?" She eyed her green-skinned compatriot. "You're not that far gone. Not if I can help it."

"Sorry mistress..." She flinched at the words, unsure of how far 'gone' she was but she knew she had lost her individuality long ago. "I want a hug mistress." She was begging on the inside that the woman didn't get angry at Rana for not doing what her mistress had asked her to do. She didn't want to be sold again, it meant failure towards your master.
[member="Rana Talrin"]

"I think you're misunderstanding... I'm not asking if you want a hug because I'm telling you you want a hug. I'm asking you if you truly, sincerely, of your own volition, want a hug." She sighed. "Just give me some evidence you aren't some drone, whose individuality was broken a long time ago. Please..."
"I... im confused what you mean..." She blinked, completely forgetting to add mistress as she stared at the woman before her. Circe Savan, the woman infront of her, had her utterly and completely confused as she had asked if Rana wanted a hug... "Uh... why mistress,," She said that without moving an inch as she looked over those they had removed from the scene.

[member="Rana Talrin"]

"Do you want a hug?" She stated plainly. "I don't want to hear you answer yes simply because you feel I'm telling you to answer yes. I want to know deep down inside whether or not you need a hug. No influence by me at all."

At this rate, she probably would have to crack the woman's mind open to retrieve her personality.

"I... " Did She want one... was this a trick maybe. If she said yes and truly meant it what would happen... but what if she said no and she was punished for telling her no.... "No mistress, i don't want a hug, i am happy to serve you and there is no reason for me to be sad about being your slave."

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