Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Black Winter



The Eldorai was a curious fellow. He didn't particularly enjoy that there were those who would oppose the rule of the Sith, or the fact that the Sith was more of a Force with combined species rather than a single core species. Although, that species would most probably be considered as the 'human,' species. Even if they looked that similar he felt that they were weaker than him in some way, but he could never put his finger on it, which stemmed even more frustration at the existence of others like that within the Sith Order.

But it was tamed. It was tamed because the One Sith was a Brotherhood. They were One. They fought as one, but they were still Sith. There was no infighting because their leader, the one true Dark Lord of the Sith was the most powerful of all of the Sith Lords combined. If there was fighting, it was some to small degree.

Astraios guided the speeder through the Sah'c District of Coruscant, it was a wealthy district upon the planet, relatively untouched if you were more to the centre of it, but those who lived upon the edge of the district may have been affected by the attacks in the Senate District.

In the district he knew that somewhere was the hinted at location of the Supreme Chancellor's Bunker. So he had purchased multiple maps that had been downloaded to his datapad from multiple sources within Coruscan't Underworld.

As long as he was being trained by the Sith, he may as well figure out the location of several key locations upon the planet.

He landed the speeder upon one of the more wealthy apartments in the district, and started to descend from the roof to the bottom. He wanted to at least try and find some form of entertainment before he became frustrated and stopped his search in the evening.

[member="Fallon deWinter"]
Arrival of the One Sith did little to effect Fallon. Sure, it was a nice change not to get all those dirty looks from the Jedi who had enough knowledge to easily spot a Sith but didn't drive her away from the planet she was born and raised on. So any other changes wouldn't do that either. But somehow, despite all the problems she had, with the new order upon Coruscant suddenly brought an urge the deWinter female hadn't had in a very long time.

She wanted to go out. With such a rare treat for herself these days, Fallon had gotten ready and left the house. Admittedly, it wasn't the best scene to witness. Since she lived not too far from the edge, she got a good view of the damage brought on by the attack, probably only luck being involved that the Weaver residence didn't get damaged. The brunette took a good look behind the house and finally shrugged. It was just how things were done in this galaxy... and just the thought made her want to get a drink. She took a deep breath and continued walking away from the house.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


One he had gotten to the bottom of the building, he had exited - from the back. And from there, he walked along the pathway to the main street and continued to move along there until he felt something. He felt another presence that originated from the Dark Side of the Force, and although it wasn't odd, he still knew only a handful of actual Sith and the chance of meeting more Sith wasn't something that was exciting persay, but it was necessary to build alliances.

It had taken him a moment, but he soon located the person who he had been sensing. It was a woman, in a red dress, and she was passing by him. He frowned for a moment, and then he urged himself to take the first few steps to cut her off and stop right in front of her. He halted for a moment before turning around to face her and searching her face. "My apologies." He said soon after with what could be approximated as a genuine smile, "did you always walk around freely?"

[member="Fallon deWinter"]
Fallon made little attempt to reach into the Force. She just kept moving when a white haired man came into her path. She would have brushed it off and continued moving if he suddenly didn't speak.

Green-brown eyes took in the appearance of stranger, waiting to find out what the apology was for when he asked the very odd question. Did she always walk around freely? "Excuse me?" It was a weird one. Coruscant was home, the question made no sense.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


Did she truly not understand what he was asking? He was unsure as he questioned himself, and so his face brightened in a bit of a smile when he actually set his eyes upon her own. He was going to at least make himself seem a little friendly.

"I sense the Dark Side from you. Didn't the Jedi hinder your movements when you tried to travel?" He was curious, how come she was able to get away with such things?

[member="Fallon deWinter"]
Him suddenly smiling made the brunette deWinter frown for a moment before her face lightened, but did not share his choice of expression.

The man sensed the Dark side from her. Alright then, Fallon just thought before she heard the new question. Hinder her movements? "I'm a Coruscanti resident, born and raised here. My father happens to be a very successful businessman. Other than some small pestering here and there, I was mostly left alone as all residents," she answered, though with just a pitch of annoyance. Sure, she might have been a Darksider but Fallon was unaffiliated with any of the groups, she didn't do any trouble other than the occasional partying. There really was no reason for the man to think her movements were hindered.

As far as travel went? "I wouldn't know about the travel part though. I'd have to ask my cousin. But she seemed to have no problems getting in or out." Fallon left lots out of what she said but the man could assume her cousin was also a Darksider and thus did work for an answer as well.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


He nodded his head as if he was glad to hear what she was saying. He could only be so interested in what someone said, especially when they were a Non-Eldorai.

"I see." He said. He certainly did understand what she was implying in regards to her cousin. "My apologies again for interruption your evening. My name is Astraios, and yours?" He said with this time, a polite smile. Best to be courteous.

[member="Fallon deWinter"]
Of course, the stranger couldn't have known she had made up what she had said, about the said cousin. Sure, she had some cousins that weren't the most honorable of people but a Sith cousin was not something from this life. Still, she didn't appreciate the many questions and it was easier to answer like that then get a million more questions.

Another apology. Really, how many times could someone apology? Her glowing emerald eyes gazed at the man for a moment as he introduced himself. Astraios. "Anya," she merely said. Fallon knew, as she had known since her earliest memories that Anya was no the name that belonged to her but it was a name her mother from this life had given her and it was the only name she shared with people.

"So, what are you up to? Other than questioning people about their traveling privileges?" She asked in the end, offering a tiny smile as she finished.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


"A pretty name, Anya." He replied with his own small smile, and then he stepped out of her way. At this point he wouldn't seem so intimidating if he had somehow been able to instill that thought into her mind. Whether or not he did, he still raised an arm to indicate that she could continue to walk.

"I was simply curious." He felt disgusted with himself for having to apologize so many times, he was an Eldorai, and from that point on he was certain he was going to stop. "Right now, I am wondering if I may accompany you to whatever destination you are heading to."

[member="Fallon deWinter"]
Pretty name? Fallon blinked. She'd never considered it pretty. Wrong, odd, not hers. But never pretty. That didn't hold her long though she noted the man shifting from out of her way, yet continued to engage her in conversation further.

Curiosity. "Careful with that, you know what happens with curious cats." A smirk formed on her face, showing clearly that it was a joke and nothing more.

He wanted to accompany her? Her smirk lessened into a half-smile as she nodded, first silently agreeing but only to add: "If you like loud music and crowded place, sure." And her answer made it pretty obvious on what her destination was. Fallon had come out to party.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


He nodded his head and started to walk with her. I have no idea what happens with 'curios cats.' So odd. All he did was blink in response and smiled in a way that showed he understood what she was saying. In actual fact he had no idea, he had only seen a cat perhaps a handful of times, and that was the first time that he had heard that... Semblance of a saying. "Certainly."

He took a moment to think, and then he asked, "do you go out frequently? And do you do so alone?" He just wanted to make sure. Before Astraios smirked himself and said, "it's odd for a woman like yourself to go out alone, isn't it?"

[member="Fallon deWinter"]
Fallon walked along the man, saying nothing for a while before he asked more of his odd questions. Did she go out alone and did she go out alone? Was it odd for her to go out alone?

She paused her walking for a brief moment and then looked at [member="Astraios Blackhand"] and continued walking, having decided how to answer it. "Yes, I like going out, dancing and drinking."

Letting herself grow quiet for a bit, Fallon thought about the alone part.

"I go out alone. Don't always come back alone." It was no secret really, none of it. Grandfather wasn't all that thrilled, mother didn't care, step-father certainly didn't care about her and her daughter spent all her time in the boarding school. So why would it matter how she went home. "Why would it be odd?"


They continued to walk upon the platform towards the more... Colourful area of the District, where there were more clubs and casinos. The more... Entertainment area would be a better word.

"Interesting." He said while she only hinted at the carnal pleasures that she took occasionally. It was... Refreshing to speak to someone out of the Order who was so free-spirited. "I was curious as to what a beautiful woman did in her free time." Shrugging his shoulders he continued to walk.

[member="Fallon deWinter"]
The bright colorful lights of the area were already getting more and more noticeable by the number of placer providing entertainment, whether it was a night club, a bar or one of the many casinos there. There were other locations there but Fallon rarely went there.

Astraios had remarked it interesting. And then called her beautiful. "Yep. And that's just the night time," Fallon continued, brushing over the remark. Did she feel shy about the compliment? Not at all. If anything, Fallon knew she was and thus the statement was at best expected.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


He chuckled in response. She's a joker. She was amusing to listen to say the least. To be in her company at the moment was quite enjoyable, but he was still wary of what she truly was. She was still a Dark Sider, and she was most certainly quite dangerous. She just kept to herself, but she had said herself that she never returns home alone.

Do the others who entered with her get back home? We may find out yet.

"I take it that you're more lax during the day?" A simple question, but with an underlying tone of a joke. "While you are upon ventures, how..." What's the word? Helios would know. Fine then. He had already resigned from figuring out the word and continued with, "crazy do you get upon the dance floor?" It simply sounded odd coming from his mouth, but he was genuinely curious.

[member="Fallon deWinter"]
More lax during the day? She shrugged as she thought about it. Sometimes, she slept in, sometimes, she went shopping. Did she actually do anything productive during the days? There were the holidays, yes, since grandfather did insist on it and when her kid did show up on her doorstep for those times but generally no, she was the spoiled little rich girl she was in all lives. Perhaps the only thing she did miss was training. "Depends on my mood, I guess," she finally just said and kept moving.

There was an odd question though. How crazy did she get on the dance floor? The brunette arched a brow as she glanced at the man. "I don't know. I don't plan anything. Sometimes, I just enjoy the drinks and the music, sometimes I like to dance. I don't like plans." She was that kind of free spirit. Plans felt like someone was choking the life out of her. She needed to be free.

As they reached the entrance to one of the clubs, one of the bouncers there smirked at her and nodded to his colleague, who opened the doors. "That would be us, if you're interested in seeing the inside and asking more questions," Fallon pointed out and then walked through. He had an open invitation to follow her and since he came with her, the bouncers wouldn't really be asking any questions. As long as he made up his mind quickly enough.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


It took her a while to answer, but when she did he nodded his head in response. It was one of those answers that varied on the situation, and in this case her mood. That was good enough he supposed, and so he said, "and what is your mood like right now?" An innocent question, if he wasn't wanted he'd disappear. Maybe.

When she glanced over at him there was a cheeky smile on his face, but he didn't say anything for a few moments. "A free spirit is nice, sometimes." With a shrug of his shoulders he continued walking with her.

And now they had reached the club doors, the bouncers were large fellows, obviously they had to take out guys who were extremely large and to seem... Intimidating. It looked as if she was a regular and they let her in without a problem. Eyeing both of the men there as they opened the door he followed [member="Fallon deWinter"] inside the club. "I guess it'll all depend on if you're willing to spend more time with me."
What was her mood right now? Fallon glanced over her shoulder but didn't respond right away. Instead, she kept moving, hearing additional comments even after they walked inside the club. Before reaching the dance floor, she stopped and looked around, emerald green eyes scanning the bar. With a bit of help with the Force, she gently poked one of the cute bartenders working there who suddenly looked up and she waved at him with a smile.

He was still cute, she told herself as the young man nodded his head, understanding exactly what she wanted from him.

Fallon looked back on the white-haired one and him, speaking slightly above her usual spectrum so he could hear her over the music: "Come on!" And then led him to the side, and to one of the booths there. She was definitely in the mood for alcohol and just enjoying the night. Passing a few of the ones that were occupied the brunette just walked into the empty one and took a seat. She waited a bit until [member="Astraios Blackhand"] joined her before she focused back on everything he'd said before. "I'm in the mood for alcohol," she stated just before the bartender arrived carrying a bottle of Corellian whiskey and two glasses. He glanced at her company for a moment then left them.

Without so much as missing a beat, the female opened the bottle and poured them each a shot before putting the bottle back on the table and picking up her glass, looking at Astraios. She was waiting for him. Fallon knew better than to drink the first one just like that in company.


Yellow eyes tracking to where she waved, Astraios soon saw who it was and the response, but followed Fallon to one of the booth's along the wall. In a few moments they had found an empty place to seat, and 'Anya's friend had come by and given them their drinks. Eyes flickering upwards to her in question, he looked back down to the Corellian Whiskey that was presumably what some would dub 'the regular.'

It was clear to him at that point that she perhaps only visited this single club.

"Clearly." He said to her previous statement when she had poured his glass. Smirking at her when she waited for him, his hand descended upon the glass for what was clearly the first time and he practically threw it down his throat as he felt as if he were going to retch immediately after, and turned his head just as soon as it scrunched up.

[member="Fallon deWinter"]

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