Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Beast for the Darkness (Solo Thread)

Shadows engulfed the young woman as she sat, cross-legged in the dark meditation chamber. Covered in darkness, moonlight was the only source of illumination as they produced the heavy silhouettes that shrouded the Sith Apprentice. Allana had been isolated from the rest of the Sith Order for several days now, finding that she had no one to turn to in this time of chaos for the faction.

With her dark Master gone, the acolyte was left to bide her time, training alone, abandoning all hope that another would find her worthy and push her forward along the path of the Dark side. Allana had taken several weeks to ponder over the idea of the Sith Lord's defection. She had known of her Master's origins, having been taught as a Jedi before embracing the dark side, however when she thought of the Sith Lord's reversion back to the way of the Light, it left the Shi'ido wallowing in her confusion.

Allana had used her time alone to analyse her situation, hoping to discover a reasoning for the defection of Darth Azurea. Had the Sith discovered a flaw in the path of the dark side? Had the Light proven to powerful for this one follower of the dark? These were the questions that plagued her mind. However she had come to realise that as had been during her time studying the Light side of the Force, neither was she going to understand every aspect of the Dark side either, or at least not yet.

Shifting slightly in her seated position, Allana cringed as she felt her muscles ebb in pain, having laid idle for far to long without movement. Like fire, the pain spread throughout her whole body, with each muscle and bone creaking and screaming as they longed for some form of rejuvenation. Allana's face scrunched in reaction to the irritation before she took a deep breath and drew upon the pain and agony that plagued her body.

Just like her late Master had taught her, she used the anguish the fuel her strength in the Force, opening her body to its refreshing flow. Soothing ice-like waves enveloped her essence as the pain ebbed before vanishing from her system. However before the last fragment could escape, she latched onto the pain, building upon the fragment as it continued to fuel her body. Drawing upon her understanding of the dark side, Allana urged the pain to increase, however not to the point where she could no longer function. As Azurea had taught her, Allana flourished as the agony that now plagued her gave her focus and strength.

Her mind was a eternal inferno, fueling her darkest desires and offering immense power. Feeling an urge to destroy, Allana relinquished her hold, feeling her body grow calmer as her mind settled. While the sensation had been pleasant, the acolyte was still startled by the experience. Her connection to the Light side had been ingrained upon her very being, and it was not something that would easily vanish. This would be something that would have to be rectified.
While Allana's connection to the dark side was strong and always growing, she realised that it could never reach its peak while the Light side still clasped her aura. Years of the young woman's life had been spent studying the lighter aspects of the Force and it had taken years again to forget and rewrite all that she had learned from her time on Voss with her parents. The Light had been an integral part of her development and while she now felt a loathing hatred for the practice and those who followed it, she could be thankful for the fact that it drove her towards the path of darkness. For she knew that it was in the dark that dwelled her untapped potential; the power to become truly mighty.

However this future would never come to pass while fragments of her enlightened past still clung to her, and it was in the hope of a darker future that Allana would go about destroying the factors holding her back. Unlike the practice of the light side where one would peacefully accept and let go of a troubled past, Allana had embraced the dark and thus intended to utterly annihilate all memories of her past self. Like a phoenix reborn, she too would rise from the inferno and new being, one created from hate and darkness. However her entire life would not be easily forgotten and discarded, therefore preparations would need to be taken before she could truly be a harbinger of darkness.

Rising from her crouched position, Allana walked towards the chamber door, locking it before standing beside a burning urn. Light cast from the flames flickered across the woman's skin, casting dark shadows across her emerald flesh. Staring deep into the flames, Allana appeared entranced by the dance that had commenced within the pit, as the flickering of fire increased in intensity as the acolyte fed the flames with the darkside. As if acting upon someone else's will, Allana's hands extended towards the flame as blue tendrils of electricity began to dance along her finger tips. Without warning sparks of lightning flew from her fingers into the flames as the pit erupted in a flash of light. Frozen, Allana did not flinch as the flames transformed into a deep blue and seemed to hum with sheer power.

Allana's mouth stretched from ear to ear as it grew into a heavy grin. All was prepared, the ritual could begin.

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