Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kaile would expend just a little bit of energy to slid her hand up. It would wiggle its way up and over Kurt's face until the soft tips of her fingers came to rest against the line of his lips. It was a silent, 'shussh...', a light dribble to have him simply relax for a bit. Yes, they would have to get out eventually, but she just needed a little bit. Just a few more minutes to gather her bearings and come down from heaven.

"Mmhm." by all accounts, Kaile was an affectionate creature. Her Lorrdian ancestry meant that not only did she communicate with her body, but by touch. It was an important aspect for the social critter that Kaile was. Kurt seemed to indulge her from time to time, and she appreciated it. Taking a bit of his time was perhaps selfish, but... nice.

Slowly, the curtains of her eyes rose, a flutter of lashes. She breathed deep, of them and musk and everything in between. It didn't bother her none, she perhaps thrived on it. The entire experience had been primal rush of madness, a euphoric ecstasy. Is that what Kurt felt when he flew? Did he feel that every time?

If so, a ribbon of jealousy curled at how easy he had been able to do that. Already she wanted to experience it again. Wondered if she would feel the same elation in the cockpit of a starfighter, in a pod racer on her own.

"Is it like this every time?" she's ask, breathless, curious wonder much akin to that of one years younger than she.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt shook his head. "Not every time."

It was true.

Winning his first Boonta Eve had been a rush, the second, less so, the third? Well the third had been great. It had been months of ridicule, jokes, of half of Tatooine thinking he was too old to race and win, but everything had worked out. The win had felt great, but this? This was on a whole new level. He couldn't have described it if he had had an entire thesaurus in front of him, the experience, the push of it, the press of everything he had felt...Kurt couldn't put into words.

It was like he had raced the gods themselves, like had faced off against the Titans of the old stories and beaten them. It was like spitting in the face of the force and telling it that it simply wasn't good enough. There was a divine pleasure in that, like Kurt had ascended the steps and brought himself one step closer to a heaven he was never supposed to enter. He doubted that he would ever experience anything like it ever again, doubted that it could be replicated in anyway. It was a depressing thought, one that clung to him.

"Close though." He said quietly. "But never like that."

Kurt trailed off, his voice tired.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Maybe it was the quiet way he said it, but it caught Kaile's attention. That strawberry blonde head drawing up. She couldn't see him in the darkness of the cabin, but she could feel him.

"What's on your mind?" she would ask, her brown eyes staring up towards the shadowy visage of the man under her. Lightly, the pad of her finger would start to drift by his chin. There it was again. A contemplation. She didn't need to feel the Force to notice that.

She cared about Kurt. In the few months since that fight broke out at Yum Bunnies, they had grown closer. He was her roommate. Her friend. Most would consider their relationship to be a curious one, but it was one they were both happy with. Neither were at a point where they were looking for more. Kurt was enjoying simply living life. Kaile was happy to finally have some companionship. No promises. No demands.

If she could have just this little bit right now? She was happy.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

What was on his mind? Nothing. That was the solid truth. Kurt didn't really think about the past, in fact he made it a point not to. The thrill of out running the gods, the idea of beating nature itself, it was already in the rear view mirror for him. Sure the thrill had been there, the rush, but he knew that he couldn't look to the past, knew that he couldn't seek out things that had already happened. It was why he had stopped racing in the first place, why he had left Tatooine.

The past was the past.

The future was what mattered, the only thing that mattered. Kaile and he had beaten death, they had jumped ahead of nature and passed through it's fingers. That was enough, the experience was enough. There was a tinge of regret to it's passing, but Kurt knew that it was the future that mattered, not the past. He would look towards the future, as he always would, as he always did. "Nothing."

He admitted finally, telling her the honest truth.

There was nothing on his mind, nothing that mattered anymore. The past would slip away, to be forgotten and tucked away within his memories like it always was.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]


Sometimes she wondered if there was more to the story. Being in the dark meant that she couldn't read him as well, but Kurt wasn't the sort to keep secrets. No, the one who kept secrets between the two is me.

Pearly white teeth would nibble at her lower lip, worrying it. She had to tell him, explain to him what went on with all of that. On what she really did, but she wasn't sure when would be a good time. That was one thing that frightened her, that made her belly coil and clench with worry. What would he say? What would he do? It wasn't as if it was done maliciously as much as... well..

For his and her own protection.

The tips of her fingers gave another light dribble against his cheek, feeling the prickle of his beard. "I enjoyed it." she told him, expressing her gratitude along with a soft sigh. Her cheek went to sink against his chest again. Even if he wasn't one to talk much, she was.

"Felt as if I was soaring."

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt let out a chuckle. "You live in a spaceship that can cut through the galaxy in under a week, it took a pod racer to make you feel like you were flying?"

That seemed funny to him, but then again Kaile was a funny girl.

She had always been rather odd, not in a bad way of course, but an amusing one. Kurt couldn't have pegged her down if he tried, and he had tried before. She was just...Kaile. There wasn't really any explaining to that, wasn't really anything that he could say or do to change, nor did he really want to. He liked Kaile the way that she was, odd and perky. He smiled at her, scritching his beard against the side of her face before slowly sliding his hands onto her hips again.

There was still a thick musk in the air, though the windows and slowly started to defog now.

Briefly he thought about what tomorrow would bring, whether they would head to the expo or do something else. He mused for a moment, thinking before letting his fingers slowly spider up Kaile's hips until his index fingers rested just above them. Very gently he pushed them into her sides, tickling her and hopefully springing her into action.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Well I ain't the one flying the Messa, am I?" she'd drawl out with notable jauntiness.

The dribble of his fingers would prompt a shiver, only to jerk her into an upright sitting position with a light shriek. Kaile was dreadfully ticklish, all the more so when she was terribly excited. It made for a rather easy method of causing her to squirm to be swayed to a specific direction. The pilot's punishment was a quick smack to his shoulder, and the sudden attempt to grab at his wrists.

"Oh no you don't!" she gave a giggle, fighting with him for a moment. She gave a squirm and then his fingers would manage to find another spot. Another shudder of laughter and then, she got the hint.

"Alright, alright!" her time was done. There was only so much Kurt would do when it came to the aftereffects. Settling his hands down, she gave a small stretch.

"Let's get out of here then."

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

For the fourth time of that day he reached and flipped the small switch on the side of the pod. The same droning hiss seemed to ring out in the air, piercing the ears and catching Kurt slightly off guard. He had been used to the pleasant sighs and happy gasps from Kaile, not the harsh sound of oxygen pushing its way into the cockpit. Kurt winced slightly, though as the door slowly folded open and a rush of fresh air pushed into his face he couldn't help but relax slightly.

"Ladies first." Kurt said with a smirk. Kaile looked back at him, smiling and slipping away from his grasp to leave him alone within the pod. For half a moment he simply sat there, allowing Kaile to right herself and dust off the small particles of sand that had managed to weedle their way into the cockpit during their flight. He closed his eyes one more time, letting the rush completely drain away from him before he finally stood and followed Kaile out of the small door. Slowly the Courier began to stretch, his back arching and his arms reaching over his own head as though he were trying to grasp at something above him. A small noise escaped his throat, something between a grunt and a breath of relief.

After a second he snapped back, slumping slightly as his body entered his typical posture.

"I." Kurt began, looking over to Kaile. "Am starving."

It felt like they hadn't eaten in hours, days even. They would have to rectify that.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Despite the garage being an enclosed space, there were still bits of fine sand that floated about. It was Tatooine, it would get everywhere. He had been right about it being warm at least, she mused, going up on her tippy toes and arching her back in a stretch with her arms high over her head.

Ohhh, that felt good. Limbs were protesting a bit, but nothing she hasn't been used to for a while. The pod racer cockpit had been a tight squeeze, but stepping out managed to help out. Kaile uttered a half yawn, half groan mid stretch. A half grin frosted her lips, arms falling to her side as his exclamation for sustenance quickly took root.

"Food sounds amazing!" There was likely nothing else in the 'verse that could grab Kaile's attention as quickly as a meal would. Anything shiny and frilly were close seconds, but food was a distinct pleasure she could satisfy easily.

"I think you mentioned your pa cooking?" Her arms fell, and she began adjusting her clothing. Can't go back to Kurt's pa looking all rumpled and bedded. That was just rude!

She gave her hair a quick fingercomb, at least to tone down the wildness a bit.

"Or are you gonna try your hand at it?" She teased, her brown eyes dancing with mirth.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He had mentioned his father cooking? He didn't think he had, he hoped he hadn't anyway. Dad wasn't a very good cook, he could make Bantha steak and that was about it. His mother did most of the cooking at home and when she didn't Kurt and his father had generally gone hungry for the day. That trait of course had been passed on to Kurt quite readily, a display of which Kaile had seen when she had first come aboard his original ship.

Kurt didn't cook.

"Pff." He said quietly. "You better hope my father isn't cooking."

Maybe Mom had left some left overs, that would make a lot of sense given that she had left dad alone. He nodded slightly, opening the garage door and holding it that way for Kaile to pass through first. She moved with a slight saunter, stepping through the doorway and moving into the main part of the house. In the distance Kurt could hear a holo-screen playing, likely an old flick that his father had taken to watching while they were gone.

A smile pulled at his lips. "Let's go check out the kitchen."
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

With a flounce, Kaile would walk alongside the pilot.

She was of a far more perky disposition, and when he suggested they continue on to the kitchen, she gave a nod. Most of the homes on Tatooine, followed a circular layout. This was no different. It was humble in accommodations, but had everything that any family would need. There was a small family table, with four seats. On the right hand side curved a range, had plenty of drawer space and a few baskets.

Kaile would move in first, her expert eyes looking to see what they could find in the preserver box and refrigerator. As it was Tatooine, it was very expensive to have refrigeration of any significant size. The generators normally went to far more important items. However, with Kurt's winnings, they had done some upgrades.

He was right, his mother had left behind plenty of precooked meals for his father to tide him over. "Looks like she left some stew." Kaile would relay, going through the items.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Oh good.

They wouldn't starve.

"Well, lets get some bowls then." Kurt said pointing to one of the top cabinets in the corner of the room. The bowls where located and there and in the meantime Kurt rushed over towards one of the other cabinets. From it he pulled two placemats and two sets of silverware. He moved quickly arranging them on the table under the assumption that his father had already eaten. Just to make sure the Courier shifted slightly and looked into the living room.

He found his father sitting there on the sofa, his head tilted back and his mouth fluttering with a slight snore. Kurt grinned slightly, then ducked back into the kitchen.

"It'll be just us." Kurt told Kaile. "Dad already ate."
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

That made sense. Kurt's father was on his own schedule, one that revolved around the upkeep of the farm.

"Alright," she said, flashing a grin over at the pilot. For now, she busied herself with warming up the stew. Going to the drawers, she went in search for a pot.

"Do you want biscuits?" they wouldn't take long at all, and from the looks of things, his mother had left some premade batter with the rolls ready to go. Hands went up towards her hair, and after giving a quick fingercomb, the Lorrdian would secure it into a high ponytail that would bob with every one of her movements.

"They just need some baking."

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt looked at Kaile with big eyes, his stomach grumbling loudly. "But...But I'm hungry."

He could have probably waited for bread, should've waited for bread, but he hadn't realized just how much the race against nature had taken out of him, well that and everything in between. He wasn't quite sure how he had managed to have the energy for all of that, especially given that they had never had any of the cake and their breakfast hadn't been all that big to start with. Maybe it had been the adrenaline at the time, but now...well Kurt found himself quickly wasting away.

The courier heard the roar of his own stomach, looking down at it for a moment before shifting his gaze towards Kaile.

He took on the visage of a lost puppy, not quite sure what to do with himself. The stew began to warm, and with that warmth came a permeation of it's delicious scent. It was bantha stew with noodles, one of Kurt's favorites that his mother made. His eyes grew even wider, becoming nearly the size of saucers.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

No biscuits it was!

"Okay," said the Lorrdian, shaking her head in amusement at his expression. He did that from time to time; actually all the time. Kurt was a creature not unlike any she had met before. Her time at Yum Bunnies had given her the opportunity to meet many sapients. Many with different personalities, different outlooks, different goals.

Kaile enjoyed learning about what they were, what they were hoping to be, where they were going. Some of them were just drifting. Others had specific things they were trying to accomplish. It was either for themselves, family, or for some greater good. Thinking about it made Kaile smile, taking a large spoon to stir the stew.

"This smells amazin'" complimenting his mother's cooking. I wonder if she would mind sharing the recipe? Kaile enjoyed cooking, one of her favorite hobbies. She would from time to time help the short cook at the restaurant, which explained the small little oil burn scars she had in her arms. They were faded now, but they were badges of when she first began to cook.

He still had that expression on his face, and Kaile shook her head anew. Little boy smile, charming disposition. Trouble with a capital T. Just like the others. He was in it for a good time, and had that jovial nature about him. Not a single worry or concern in the 'verse, just looking to have fun and live for the future.

She often would wonder what he wanted to do with his future, but that normally settled on just simply... living. From what she gathered when he very briefly spoke about his time in the Republic, it wasn't something he was keen on going back to.

Moving around, she gave the stew a last stir. "Okay, ready." she said, turning over towards him. In little time, she would pour his fill on his bowl, moving over towards her right after. A waitress habits never die.

"Want something to drink?"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Food was good, food was always good. Kurt was almost in a constant state of hunger, mostly because he had a rather high metabolism and also the brain burned a lot of calories, Kurt did a lot of thinking. So it was that he generally found himself rather hungry. Before Kaile he had generally subsisted off of power bars, MRE's, and few less healthy options. When she had moved aboard his old ship Kaile had insisted that they do proper shopping and cooking, and of course when they had moved to The Messa Kaile had ensured that their galley was fully equipped and ready for a full fledged cook.

It wasn't much, but it was enough for the two of them.

He'd come to appreciate that more than anything else Kaile did for him. It wasn't that he didn't like sleeping with her, or her companionship, or her worry for him, but the reminded him of home, of where they were now. His mother had brought him up on home cooked meals, had shown him the galaxy through taste buds. That was something special, something that Kurt simply had never had the ability to do himself. It meant a lot to him whenever Kaile cooked, no matter what the meal.

He had never told her that.

The Courier frowned slightly, looking down at the stew. There was a debt that he still owed her, a big one. That was why he had a favor to ask his parents, thought he wouldn't be doing that until he and Kaile were ready to leave. A small smile pulled at his lips, his head shaking as he picked up the spoon and answered Kaile's question. "Nah, this is good enough. Sit down."

Kurt urged her, not wanting her to go hungry either. Kurt had strained himself, but Kaile had faced the same exertions, or perhaps even more vigorous ones.
"I will," Kaile sang, her eyes bright as she bustled back to set the pot down. She'll need to wash that later. A quick press of a button would ensure that the stove was now off. While she would cook and Kurt would clean, Kaile wanted to make sure that things were spic and spac for his mother. She didn't want anything to be out of place or anything.

With water being a precious commodity, one had to use sanisteams or sonic cleansers. The Meyer's actually had quite a nice soni cleanser, likely another appliance Kurt was responsible for.

"I like your pa," Kaile would tell him, smiling over her shoulder as she finished taking care of the last bits. Opening the sonic cleanser, she set the now empty pot and the bowl that it had been originally stored in. "You're his spittin' image." she'd laugh, closing the door to the sani-steamer.

"Makes it easy to see what you'll grow up into one day," there was a light wink at that, with just the slightest edge of earnestness to it. With a grin, she came back over to the table, sliding into her seat, that ponytail bobbing.

"So what did you get from your ma?"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He smirked. "Everything else good, of course."

His mother would have preened at that comment had she been here, though of course it held more than a bit of truth. His father had given him his looks and natural charm, as well as some of his knowledge in engineering and the like, his mother? His mother had made sure that he was raised well and his attitude remained the same. In short, his mother had kept him grounded, sure Kurt had an ego, but without his mother he likely would have been a narcissist of the highest order.

"Well." The Courier said taking a sip of the stew. "She taught me how to be myself."

He at least owed Kaile a bit better of an explanation that a cryptic joke.

It was clear from the way that she spoke about her that Kurt loved his mother, in fact it wouldn't have been wrong to call him a Mamas boy. Yet he was okay with that title, mostly cause it was true. Though the exact same thing could be said for his father. Kurt loved both of his parents dearly, and it showed with the way he acted around them and talked about them.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kaile's eyebrows rose in curiosity at that. "Oh?" the spoonful of stew was slipped into her mouth -- and immediately whatever else she was going to ask about Kurt's mother would pause as she gave a, "Oh wow."

Her face brightened, pony tail bobbing as she gestured to the stew with her spoon. "This is really good!" time to dig in! Being how she was, Kaile scooped up the bowl with one hand and held it close, while she would continue her conversation in between bites.

"To be yourself," she would chew, enjoying the meal with the pilot. "Must have been some lessons." she'd tease, lightly bantering with the courier as she took another spoonful into her mouth.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He smiled. There was a hint of truth to her words. His mother had been teaching him all of his life. How to look, how to act, what to say and when to say it. Not always directly of course, but everything she had said and done for him had stuck with Kurt, everything that she had hinted at and tried to get into his thick skull had stayed there. He was better off for it. He knew that, and his father knew it too. The smile on his lips pulled slightly wider, Kurt finishing his bowl of stew miles head of Kaile.

"It helped that I was a great student." He offered her a wink.

Kaile likely wouldn't believe that, but it was true.

Perhaps not necessarily the lessons that his mother had taught him, but Kurt had always been one to pay attention when he was being taught something. School had been easy for him, and the Naval Academy had been a breeze. Truth be told, Kurt rather liked learning. It was why he was so good at building models. Despite what many might have thought Kurt was an expert at following directions, taking cues from between the lines and adding his own adjustments to make them just right.

He knew when it was time to take charge, and when it was time to sit and listen to someone wiser.

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