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Approved Tech 25-17 "Ezek" Plasma Projector

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Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Stargo Defense Enterprises


Image Source:
Mass Effect 2

Base Information


To create a new weapon for the Ession Reformation

Development Thread:



25-17 Plasma Projector


Ession Reformation, Peacekeepers


Production Information






Bandorium Liquid Metal

Internal and external heat sinks






Handheld (two hands)


0.5 meters


Gun (empty) - 12 kg

Gun (full) - 16 kg

Gun + tank (empty) - 22kg

Gun + tank (full) - 30kg


Weapon Information

Ammunition Type:

Liquid Metal

Solar Powered energy cell

Ammunition Capacity:

Gun - 2 gallons

Tanks - 4 gallons

Total - 6 gallons

Effective Range:

40 meters meters (stream)

80 meters (fireball)

Rate of Fire:

quarter-gallon a second (stream)

Semi-auto/half-gallon per use (fireball)

Special Features:

The weapon system has the ability to function both as a traditional flamethrower by casting streams of fire, or it can be used to spit fireball at enemies at or positions at longer ranges.



Even though the idea was shunned by the Jedi of the Ession Reformation, military command demanded the creation of a weapon that was able to combat armored troops in the event of an invasion. With the new contract signed with Stargo Defense Enterprises, the opportunity for a high-tech flame-projection weapon was just a few credits away. So, despite Jedi reservations, an order was placed into SDE for the creation of a weapon that could effectively burn its way through armor, droids, vehicles and buildings.

The SDE engineers got to work immediately, deciding that for the desired burn effect they needed to create a weapon that's fuel had a strong, continuous burn. The answer came in the form of a weapon that utilized liquid metal to provide a searing liquid that would stick to its target and continue to cause damage.

The way that weapon works is by storing gallons of light, liquid metal in canisters built into the weapon as well as optional tanks that can be worn on the back. The liquid metal is pumped through a series of durasteel tubes where it is expelled through a repulsor field and out of a nozzle in the front of the weapon. However, in this state the metal is not heated and thus would not be dangerous or effective on its own. Thus, the metal is propelled in between the two battery-like ends at the end of the weapon. These ends create a light magnetic field in which a high-energy plasma is being transferred back and forth in the field. When the metal passes through this plasma, it is instantly super-heated to molten state.

This stream then sticks to the desired target, burning at over three thousand thousand degrees at the point of impact. This can cause severe burns and can melt through most metallic objects, though the metal can cool very quickly depending on the environment. The weapon itself is very effective, but is not without its downfalls. First, the weapon is extremely heavy and requires a fit individual to even pick it up and use it effectively. Due to its weight, soldiers using this weapon system would be lucky to carry more than a sidearm with a single load.

Atop of this, the weapon has a low margin for error and can cause painful damage to those who use it. Due to the heat that comes from the weapon, anyone who uses the weapon must be wearing some form of heat protection. Without it, the user would get severe burns just from being within close proximity of the radiating heat. Even so, splashes of molten metal make their way onto the hands of the user frequently and can cause severe, though not life threatening, burns to the user.

Further more, if the tanks of the weapon are not blaster proof. Though the metal won't explode on impact, the tanks can be punctured with a direct hit and the ammunition can leak out. Finally, a direct hit near the front of the weapon during its use can cause a chain reaction that can detonate the gun and caste the user in a veil of molten metal.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Considering that it seems all SW flame throwers have shorter range than the M2 could i haggle you up to 40 meters to match that?
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