Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public “The lost” - Episode One - End of the Line

“The lost” - Episode One - End of the Line



(scrambled message)...

.... “from the escape pod data we believe this is the last resting place of “The Candor”, a Supremacy-class star destroyer and her escorts believed to be a mix of an unnamed Marauder-class Medium Cruiser, and a few unnamed heavy frigates. We believe these were the last remaining vessels from”.... (scrambled message)...

… “Hopefully those reports were wrong but I’m sure a person of your skill can handle the”
…. (scrambled message)...

… “Coded location below, payment will be awarded when you supply us with the data cores here on Mijos.


As the image of the Lutrillian merchant faded you are left with a choice. Who was this message meant for? Is the job still active, and worth running? The salvage alone on one of those ships could set up a crew for years…

This is the job, jump in as close as you can, then fly blind at sub light through the soup of the Kiax Nebula Till ya find something. Fun right?

Now it seems like there might be danger but isn’t that your middle name?

OOC: Welcome to a free form “public” faction thread. (Anyone can join but OPA gets credit for the activity) Basically you all are welcome to join add to the existing story that will unfold or bring your own story and have fun. As long as you respect the other writers in it. This will be the first in a series of mystery missions based within and around the Kiax Nebula. The rediscovery of the Lutrillian Cross and The Loop trade routes and codex creation.

Location: Flying Blind in the Kiax Nebula
Aboard: The Lacuna Gaucho
Intent: Sweet, Sweet Salvage

Blind as a bat didn't do the situation justice, as the young judge studied the old freighters civilian scanner readings. After dropping out of hyperspace as close to the Nebula as they dared it had been nearly a day since they had entered the nebula. They were getting close to the coordinates encoded in the message they had procured from a very unreputable source but Mako had a crew to feed and ship to maintain, and one can't do that on a Deputy's salary. These odd job paid the bill, or at least he hoped they would.

As they pressed on he began to get large metallic readings, or ghosts of them that would appear then disappear. Each time the readings would get a little cleaner, and closer before the mess that was the nebula would take it away.

"Fething pieces of poodoo. Damn what I wouldn't give for some basic military grade scanners" He swore under his breath.

Well if all goes well he might get his wish. They just needed to find one of these ships.
The Reaper of Won Shasot

[ D A X...F Y R E ]

............When it came down to figuring out how to get his ass out there, Dax really had two options. Sparrow or Azalea. They were both fast, quiet, and built for stealth. But, at the end of the day, the Azalea had more firepower, and more space to stuff salvage into. And that's all that really mattered, wasn't it?

............Well, yes the getting home alive part also mattered. A lot. But the salvage was the point of being here. Besides, dying wasn't really an option for him anymore...he'd just wake up in a new body anyways. But still, Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou would have his testicles if he 'died' for a second time. Dax shuddered at the thought.

"Ey, Cap'n," a voice said from behind Dax. The Ex-Judge turned around to see a Ugnaught, with his arms crossed staring at him as if he had done something wrong. "We're about to drop out of hyperspace." The Ugnaught was one of Dax's newest engineers who happened to double as a navigator. The Ugnaught waddled off and left Dax wondering if he had ever done anything to piss the older alien off. But then again, the old timer was always like that.

"Hey, Brill," Dax said as he stepped onto the bridge, "Remind me to buy Torpa some...I dunno, whatever alcohol Ugnaught's like."

The violet haired woman snickered and gave Dax an amused wrong, "Trying to buy your way into his good graces, Captain?"

"Brill...shut up."
"Yes sir." the woman answered with another snicker.

The stars realigned themselves as the Azalea dropped outta hyperspace. "Alright. Start scanning. I wanna know what's out there."

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