Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. wayfarer


  2. Scherezade deWinter

    Here Come the Honey Boos of the Confederacy

    Scherezade was going to kill Daisy. She was going to murder her. She was going to stuff that girl up with all the Glitter Bullets that had ever existed. This was... This was... WRONG! She was standing there, outside of Daisy's ship, with something that dared call itself a dress. It was so tight...
  3. Kami Meran


    Name: Planet: (Please link the SW Wiki article or the Codex approved planet submission here) Nexus Alignment: (Light, Dark, Neutral, Other) Nexus Effects: (In tandem with the chosen alignment above, please describe the nature of the nexus and the effects it may render on local visitors or...
  4. Darth Ferus

    Krest Novar

    || THE BASICS ||Full name: Krest Novar Preferred Name: Krest Alias: Darth Ferus (Former) Titles: The Red Assassin (Former) , Shadow of the Dark Lord (Former), Hand of the Dark Lord (Former) Species: Near Human Race: Zabrak Birthworld: Space Station Homeworld: Iridonia Faction(s): Templar...
  5. Gray Raxis

    Heading WESTAR (solo dev thread)

    Gray was being pulled apart in every direction between his two businesses. He had moved WESTAR once before after he first obtained it in the auction. There was tension between the United Clans and the Mandalorian Empire at the time, which still was not completely gone, so he had the company...
  6. Grrwunhoooll Agaburry

    Third times a charm

    I am back, with a new style too. New body, clearer mind but same spirit. I'll be rejoining the One Sith ranks an "ally" Dont you love that term. Anyway Hi all!
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