Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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sargus novis

  1. Anepithymitos of Idridri

    Private  Song of Souls - ii - Mercy in Fourths

    “I worry for you. The plan cares for me, but for you there is no such security.” - Corsae Palenquin I am but Androcles reborn. His foot didn’t hurt. His right foot. Everything else did. Everything else hurt so much that Pithy was unsure if he hadn’t somehow looped back around to no longer...
  2. Anepithymitos of Idridri

    Character  Anepithymitos of Idridri, Unwanted of One

  3. Gaiatrie of Idridri

    Character  Gaiatrie of Idridri, Cure to Barren Soil

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