Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Ophidia

    Approved Location  The Maena Institute

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a secret stronghold for the Sith Assassins and Darth Ophidia. ​Image Credit: How to properly source your images Canon: [N/A.] Links: [N/A] SETTING INFORMATION Military Base Name: The Maena Institute. Classification: Stronghold. Location: Maena, The...
  2. Jacob Crawford

    The Final Chain

    Maena The Unit In the wake of finally finishing his ‘rebirth’, Jacob had remained on Maena for a time. Matsu had given him a tour of sorts, showing him various notable vistas. The Wastelands, The New City, The Slums, but most importantly The Unit and The Tower. It all culminated in Jacob...
  3. Aver Brand

    Fated, Faithful, Fatal In a striking resemblance to a similar excursion, so many years ago, a woman sat on a ship. There was no hot tub, admittedly – but at least there was a cigarra, and the plumes of blue smoke that coiled from its tip. A lazy veil that recalled the...
  4. Reverance

    The New Sin City

    Coruscant...Nar Shaddaa...Maena... He wondered if they were all the same. The Underworld...The Slag Pit...The New City. Towers of alabaster and burnt mahogony, steel and stone, stretched upwards towards the edges of space with sparkling tops and great glass columns. It was the purity of hiding...
  5. Reverance

    The Spider and the Butterfly

    A solemn thing stood quietly in upward gaze, lonesome sight filled with the longevity of hate and rapture of blood. What once felt so burdened by armor and exoskeleton felt the slight breeze, making passing glance through the internal workings of a dying volcano. Purpose exuded from him like...
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