Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jaron lesan

  1. D

    New Home. New Teeth. New Life.

    The trip home from Miranda had been the longest one of Dianah's life. The majority of it had been spent trying to get the demon child to not bite everything in eyesight. Either way they had made it to the other end without her chewing through the life support line or doing some serious damage to...
  2. Alwine Daye


    It had been a week since she’d received word from [member="Caid Centurion"], and Alwine was extremely dissatisfied. While it was true that the two had not agreed on any specific set of relationship and she was not in a place from which she could make demands, she had come to see Caid as a mentor...
  3. Jaron Lesan

    May Your Blade Chip and Shatter

    The campaign had proven interesting. Jaron had not known much about the Jen'ari other than Metus wanted him there, and Dianah was part of them as well. They had met only twice now, the first being on Arbra and the second during the assault on the Jedi Temple on Cordialis. It had been a flare...
  4. Jaron Lesan

    Deep in Solomon’s Mine

    The lightsaber, it was supposed to be the extension of its user, the most important possession a Jedi had. To lose one’s lightsaber was to lose their life. Everything Jaron had ever been told about protecting and keeping his lightsaber flooded through his mind. What Jaron had never told Dianah...
  5. Kaalia Pavanos

    Different Perspectives & Reintroductions

    Tracking down [member="Jaron Lesan"], a face from the past Undisclosed base, Arbra [hr] The jungle world of Arbra, in a way, was similar to Virgilia, the planet Kaalia once called home. The lush green that was all around her as she trekked through them summoned the memories she had only...
  6. Jairdain

    In the Shadow of the Ash

    In an endless quest to clear away her past, Jairdain now travelled new territory. Her path had lead her to journey to Arbra and seek something here. It was a heavily forested world that held a great many wonders. If she could see on the visual spectrum, she would have been awe of the beauty...
  7. Jaron Lesan

    Shadows Since Remembered

    Stone steps led to a door Jaron had uncovered sometime ago with one he had considered an equal, a friend, and perhaps in certain circumstances more. They had dueled deep within the center of the cliff, and Jaron had made the hidden temple his new refuge. An old rock structure had served him on...
  8. Jaron Lesan

    First Star I See Tonight

    Tyhton was a world which had rich history. The ancient Jedi had established their first temple there. In recent history the One Sith had captured it and taken its secrets as their own. Jaron did not care about any of the history or the secrets save one. There was rumor going about that a...
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