Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Alex Stern

    Approved Starship  Devit Royal Fighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A Fighter for Devit Royal Image Source: Coilewertz Design Canon Link: N/A Permissions: FAE Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Outer Rim Resources Affiliation: Kingdom Of Devit Market Status: Closed-Market Model: Devit Royal Fighter...
  2. I

    Approved Starship  The Monan I Star fighter

    STANDARD FEATURES Standard life support 4 - Incom 4L4 fusial thrust engines 1 - K-88 "event Horizon" engine"Event_Horizon"_sublight_engine Standard sensors Upgraded deflector shield array Standard...
  3. Credius Nargath

    Approved Starship  Gala Fighter Mk III

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: HPI:[X], FAE:[X] STANDARD FEATURES Meassurements: Length: 5m, Width: 9m, Height: 3.5m Squadron size: High Armaments: High NZ LC-2A Laser Canon 2x turrets, fixed forward position, 2x Gyroscopic turret. AFT-14.4000B FLAK Turret 2x single gyroscopic turret NZ DSI...
  4. Liram Angellus

    Approved Starship  JT-412 "Sovereignty" Heavy Assault Fighter Mk II

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a next-gen maneuverable heavy/attack fighter. Image Source: Canon Link: Maybe the X-wing? Permissions: Gir Quee Primary Source: Lucerne Labs...
  5. Liram Angellus

    LRI - 202 "Seraphim" Long Range Interceptor/Heavy Fighter

    STANDARD FEATURES (Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links...
  6. Liram Angellus

    Approved Starship  Carcharodon 5th Generation Strike Fighter

    Squadron Count: Low: 8 Durasteel Hull , Trimantium , Argentum Matrix Armor, Transparisteel 3 Concealed forward firing Chin and Fuselage mounted ROF Rotary Cannons 3 Concealed Belt fed missile launchers carrying four...
  7. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  NovaSword Advanced Space Superiority Fighter

    |:| NovaSword Advanced Space Superiority Fighter |:| Gat Tambor Permissions STANDARD FEATURES Shields: Medium D22-02 Shield Generator Unit Galaxy Guard Shield Booster Reinforced Shield Generator [Full Power] Power: Medium Hypermatter Annihilator Life Support: Military Grade Life Support...
  8. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    A fighter for pirates and outlaws

    So, I found some of my old art work and I decided to put it to use. This is an Ugly fighter that I did, like, 2 decades ago, but I always wished I could do something with it. I put an awful lot of work into fleshing it out and finally get it out of my head, and now I don’t have a lot of uses for...
  9. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Approved Starship  BZ-Ceptor

    [SLIDE title=.] BZ-Cepter Composite Fighter ("Busy Ugly") "You can have a job done FAST, CHEAP, or WELL DONE, but you can only pick TWO options." ~Every "Ugly" technician that has ever lived~ CLICK TO PROCEED [/SLIDE] [SLIDE title=.] INDEX IMAGE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION PRODUCTION...
  10. Ari Naldax

    Approved Starship  T-65-XN2-S "Nightshrike"

    Image Source: Eliot Davis Primary Sources: T-65XN-S Blackwolf, Project Nightshrike TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classification: Stealth Starfighter Length: 12.8m Width: 5.6m Height: 3m Armament: Very High 4x Starfighter-Grade Heavy Phased Pulse Cannons (capable of stutter-fire, dual fire, quad...
  11. Onrai

    Approved Starship  Eightgun-class Assault Fighter (Revised)

    Image Source: - Imperial colors STANDARD FEATURES Deflector Shields Class 0.5 hyperdrive Class 4 primary backup hyperdrive Class 12 secondary backup hyperdrive ADVANCED SYSTEMS Power distribution system (allows power to be distributed...
  12. Lady Pawla Arsec of Grindera

    Approved Starship  Oboulette Shipyards Murena class stealth fighter Mark I

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Providing a stealth starfighter for the Mecetti Faction Image Source: by Burntstrobe Canon Link: Based on old top secret designs of the Prowler-class reconnaissance...
  13. Cubanwriter

    Approved Starship  E-1 Nubian Electronic Warfare Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a starfighter designed for electronic warfare as opposed to traditional combat Image Source: Canon Link: NA Permissions: NA Primary Source: NA PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Nubian Star Drives, Inc...
  14. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Starship  Breshig War Forge Consolidated LES-02 Tra Oya'karur-class Light Enforcement Ship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a advanced fighter with a prisoner transport pod to function as a Light Enforcement vessel for discerning professionals to be sold by Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Image Source: The is gif cut from this video, the other three are from here...
  15. Orion_Knight

    Approved Starship  Preybird Strike-class Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Starfighter that isn't another TIE for the Empire of the Lost Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost Manufacturing Plant Zeta Affiliation: Empire of the...
  16. Orion_Knight

    Ready For Judge  Preybird Strike-class Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Starfighter that isn't another TIE for the Empire of the Lost Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Bastion Holding Manufacturing Plant Zeta Affiliation: Empire of the Lost...
  17. Commodore Helix

    Approved Starship  HSS "Condor" Space Superiority Fighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mainline fighter craft for Helix Solutions Image Source: Mickael Boitte Canon Link: Vulture Droid Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Wookiepedia, Vulture Droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Helix Solutions Affiliation: Helix Solutions...
  18. Argale Thaste

    Approved Starship  ARC-20 "Avril" Space Superiority Fighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Space Superiority Fighter for the GADF based on the venerable ARC-170 Line Image Source: Angelo Karderinis Canon Link:N/A Permissions: Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Incom-Freitek-Koensayr Incorporated Affiliation: Galactic...
  19. Ali Kare

    Starblade Fighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a stealth fighter for the Lilaste Order Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)...
  20. Tragic Writer

    Vertailas-Class Snub fighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: I like Creating things, so Here is an Open market Fighter Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: 'DragonStar Affiliation: Draconian Navy (First Commissioned) Dragonstar and Buyers (Once...
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