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The Order of the Sith Lords

At the cusp of a great victory for the Jedi, in the shadow of the Ruusan Reformation, the Sith Order was reorganized into following the ways of the Rule of Two. Now, all this time later, a new linage of Sith Lords have taken up the creed.

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Alicia Drey
Launch of the Order of the Sith Lords, 24/02/2024.

Hello everyone, and welcome to the OSL.

Since my return to the website earlier this month I have been excited to once again write Darth Ayra. As I have returned to writing I find myself once again returning also to the Rule of Two. It is my attempt, with the launch of the OSL, to create a story here on Star Wars: Chaos from the perspective of two Sith who walk the same path as Darth Bane. In this news post I seek to give clarification on what I hope to accomplish with the OSL and how other writers can participate in the project.

Naturally, the OSL will revolve around the ideology of Darth Bane and his Rule of Two. Therefore a question will come to mind: how can there be a faction when it follows a philosophy based only around two people?

In order to tell such a story the OSL cannot be reliant on merely two writers. It will take a small but dedicated team of them in order to build plots, storylines and devices to tell the overall narrative of the story to the community. Whereas there will, of course, be two Sith who will be important to telling the story itself we can incorporate other characters from a wide array of different backgrounds, expertise and ideology.

As a big fan of the Darth Bane story, and having read other novels in the same vein, such as the story of Darth Plagueis, it is apparent that while those who follow the ways of the Rule of Two only believe that there should only be two Sith followers go on to build large networks, corporations or other assets to meet and suit their agenda. A wide array of individuals from all different types of backgrounds can be incorporated into the story, and therefore the faction itself, under multiple disguises.

Perhaps your character doesn't know that they have been recruited by the Sith? In both the Bane and Plagueis' stories it is often told that both Sith Lords use disguises, aliases and outright fake identities to hide their true nature. From this avenue of storytelling your character can be brought into the fold leading to a complex, deeply rich story that we can tell together that can lead to a wide array of places.

There are multiple ways that we can tell stories and bring you on board if you want to participate in the OSL. Examples of how you can join were described in the About section of this faction page, and you can also read the roleplay/lore that the OSL has already told in this Codex submission. Please keep in mind that at the time of this news letter the submission is waiting for approval.

Over the next coming weeks and months I hope to bring together a wide array of writers to help tell the story of the OSL. I am looking to co-operate with people in other factions to bring into the fold, and I have already begun doing this with the Empire of the Lost. If you are an admin of a major faction, or simply a writer in other factions looking to set-up roleplay please get in contact with me and we will try to make something work.

Naturally, the OSL was not made to become a major faction. In time it is possible that this group could become full up as I look to build a team of writers to join me in the telling of this story. I write this in advance for those who are interested in joining because while I would like to accommodate everyone who wishes to join in it might not be always be the case that it is possible too. That being said please do not be dissuaded into getting in touch about joining the OSL or writing with us. As the old saying goes, you don't get if you don't ask.

I am going to end this post here. I am very excited to tell the story of the OSL to the community. Thank you for ready, and I look forward to writing a thread with you soon.

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