Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Enclave

Vode An.

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The Quartermaster


W E E K L Y - U P D A T E
3.14.2021 - 3.20.21

We're getting the Gang back Together!
It's been a long, bug-filled weekend but the Enclave is slowly getting back to parity in its pre-update status! All of our old forums will be added back (my recent injury permitting) and we'll be starting with a lot of fresh new things with Season of Vengeance! Unfortunately a lot of people have gotten booted with the Faction forum wipe but as time goes on people'll be trickling back in.

Threads & Season of Vengeance
Our months-long campaign that started on December 1st, 2020 is finally drawing to a close as the Battle of Tor Valum nears its close. It's been a wild ride and there has been some really strong writing (daresay some of the best I've seen) and I'm eager to see how it wraps up! As Season of the Worthy closes we'll be having some rewards for everyone who participated and a nice celebration full of drinking and inevitable brawls that come when you mix Mandalorians and drinks on Kestri. Revel in your well-earned spoils!

Looking forward, we have started Season of Vengeance. This will be our next narrative arc where we avenge our fallen brothers and sisters by serving the Sith steel-cold justice. With this comes the introduction of the Crimson Hunt, our in-house bounty board targeting Sith player-characters. Successful captures & kills will reward you Crimson Tokens that can be redeemed for commissioned items, while unsuccessful hunts will reward normal tokens that can be spent at the Enclave marketplace.

NOTE: All Sith characters on the Crimson Hunt mission board volunteered to do so completely out of their own volition, so please as always be very respectful and courteous when collaborating and interacting OOC'ly.

Here's to a fun week of writing and Vode An!

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