Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Lost Sith

Learn to use the dark side of the Force free of chains and become more powerful than you have dreamed of.

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Empires.. Orders.. they promise to "break your chains," when in reality they forge them.

The dark side resists being cornered, and being contained. To discover the true nature of the darkness you must become lost to it.. letting go of dogmas used to hide its secrets from you.

Are you ready to become lost? To truly “break your chains” and know the power of the dark side?

There are no masters.. no lords.. no training. These are things to mold you in the image of someone else rather than discover your dark destiny…

If we are to be different from The Jedi, we must shed even the Master & Apprentice lie.

The Dark Side is the Master.

We are equals.. all searching the mysteries of the Shadow together.

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